Started my journey. Thank you.

Thanks for the replies, everyone. Apologies for not updating this thread on week 4, very busy at work.

Week 4-5 Update:

TL;DR: Feeling very good (when I sleep OK), best I've felt since starting treatment. Libido great. Starting to notice body composition changes in response to diet/exercise. Best weeks yet!

The Good:

When I do get decent sleep the positive effects of TRT are really starting to show.

I've been an anxious person all my life. Also dealt with depression and general malaise for many years. This started to change with TRT, as documented above, but I'm really feeling it this past week. I'm often caught off-guard by my positive mood and lack of diffuse anxiousness, and find myself wondering if I'm just being stupid and gullible for feeling this good because it's unfamiliar.

I also feel like I'm going through a 2nd "honeymoon period" with my fiancée. I don't know who is happiest with my decision to go on TRT, me or her.

Gained a bit more weight (+5lbs since treatment start) but some of it is definitely muscle mass. Gym has felt good. Recovery is so fast!

All that said, I feel like there's still room for improvement and I'm looking forward to the days to come. I'm really curious to see how I'll feel when I get my sleep under control.

The Bad:

Week 4 insomnia was rough, Week 5 has also been rocky, but better. I am continuing to make tweaks to try and improve things with mixed success. I'll leave it at that.

I felt "moody" this weekend, sort of emotional, but not really sad or euphoric, like a good and intense impatience. I'll keep monitoring as I'm aware it could be linked with high E2 (not taking an AI right now).

Shallow IM injections cause really bad soreness. Last thigh shot was so sore I was almost walking with a limp. I've given up on it and doing SubQ only from now on.


I still want to transition into a daily injection schedule (see above). Is it too soon?

Make no changes at all, none, until six weeks have passed and lab work has been completed. You need to have an idea of where things stand before you start adjusting elements of your protocol. It's a marathon you signed up for, not a sprint.
Make no changes at all, none, until six weeks have passed and lab work has been completed. You need to have an idea of where things stand before you start adjusting elements of your protocol. It's a marathon you signed up for, not a sprint.

Defy does not request follow-up labs until 3 months into treatment. Should I get my own after 6 weeks (in a week or so)?
Defy does not request follow-up labs until 3 months into treatment. Should I get my own after 6 weeks (in a week or so)?

I can not speak for Defy, as I'm not a patient, but I suspect that's a cost measure they have adopted so as not to stress patients who are watching their finances - who, these days, isn't? I do know you can request a lab order from Defy at any time, or go directly to, and test as appropriate. Yes, I would want to self-test at the six week mark and see where things stood. I do emphasize that you should discuss a protocol change with Defy before implementing it so as all of you are in sync with one another.
Week 6 Update:

No major changes to report: mood/energy/libido still good. Doing really well even with lots of work-related stress.

Sleep is a bit better, but not great.

I'm injecting SubQ exclusively. Injection sites with shallow IM get VERY sore for a couple days.

I've come to really dislike the MWF schedule. I almost forgot a shot last week. I'm having to inject at work on Wednesdays and the Friday night injection time is not good to say the least.

I've ordered follow-up labs for the 6-week mark, and once I get those back and, if there are no major issues, I'm calling Defy and requesting a change to my regimen to get in a daily injection schedule. Thanks for the help, CoastWatcher.
Week 6 Update:

No major changes to report: mood/energy/libido still good. Doing really well even with lots of work-related stress.

Sleep is a bit better, but not great.

I'm injecting SubQ exclusively. Injection sites with shallow IM get VERY sore for a couple days.

I've come to really dislike the MWF schedule. I almost forgot a shot last week. I'm having to inject at work on Wednesdays and the Friday night injection time is not good to say the least.

I've ordered follow-up labs for the 6-week mark, and once I get those back and, if there are no major issues, I'm calling Defy and requesting a change to my regimen to get in a daily injection schedule. Thanks for the help, CoastWatcher.

You're more than welcome. Don't give up hope.
~4th Month Update

Currently feeling very good. Sky high libido, great energy/focus/etc., great performance at the gym, positive body composition changes. When I get a good night's sleep, I feel AMAZING.

After finding out my E2 was VERY high, I started taking Anastrozole .125mg 2x week. I'm feeling a lot better now and the high E2 symptoms have subsided.

Switched to daily injections and like it a lot better.

Got labs today:
T (1100) and specially FT (34) are high
E2 a bit high too: 38pg/ml
PSA up to 1.4ng/ml (started at .7 I believe)
Hematocrit stabilized at 48%
Thyroid levels (TSH, FT3/FT4) either at or near optimal

Sleep is still a constant battle. Same issue (waking up in the middle of the night, too hot, nightmares) that did improve a bit after starting an AI.

I suppose I need to lower my T dose a bit and see how I feel. I'll discuss in my next consult.
Don't forget that if you had healthy androgen levels, naturally, there would be times you'd not be at the very top of your game. All too often, a patient on TRT expects that his injection/topical application will lock him into a state of sky-high perfection. It's possible to analyze every waking (and non-waking) moment to see how testosterone replacement is working. You're making great progress...congratulations. Enjoy the ride and the life you're living.
Don't forget that if you had healthy androgen levels, naturally, there would be times you'd not be at the very top of your game. All too often, a patient on TRT expects that his injection/topical application will lock him into a state of sky-high perfection. It's possible to analyze every waking (and non-waking) moment to see how testosterone replacement is working. You're making great progress...congratulations. Enjoy the ride and the life you're living.

CW - spoken like the seasoned veteran you are!

Reason- happy to hear your success!

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