Some Frequently Asked hCG Questions

Nelson Vergel

Frequently Asked hCG Questions:

1. Do I still take hCG in conjunction with the Anastrozole?

Yes. It is completely appropriate to be treated with hCG and Anastrozole at the same time. They perform very different and important functions and can work well together in a comprehensive testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) program.

hCG mimics luteinizing hormone (LH) produced by the anterior pituitary. It is often used to maintain the natural pathways that stimulate the LH receptors on Leydig cells and maintain testicular production of testosterone. Thus, hCG can preserve testicular size and fertility in men on TRT.

Anecdotally, hCG also seems to also increase sex drive in men on testosterone.
Tags: hCG, LH, Leydig, testosterone, estradiol, testicles, fertility, sex drive, libido

2. I’m on hCG but my testicles are still smaller and softer than before. Is there anything I can do about that?

Increase dose to 500 IU of hCG twice a week. If after two weeks your testicles are still not back to baseline (before TRT), then increase dose to 500 IU every other day. If that does not work, hCG will not work for you for this purpose.
Tags: hCG, testicles

3. I’ve had intermittent aching in my testicles since starting TRT. Sometimes I don’t notice it and sometimes it’s a little painful. Will hCG help?

Anecdotally, hCG may help patients who have temporary testicular discomfort during the first month of therapy. This is a very rare event.
Tags: hCG, testicles, discomfort, pain, ache

4. My testicles have been hurting but only at night. I think hCG would help but why are they only hurting at night?

Testicular pain is typically not normal. It can have many causes: infection, trauma (injury), referred pain from another irritation (prostate infection, hernia), swelling by fluids (hydrocele). The most worrisome is testicular torsion, when the blood supply to the testicle is twisted closed. Testicular torsion is a very painful emergency. If testicular pain is moderate to severe, or even if it is mild but persistent, you should consider a medical evaluation by your primary care physician or referral to a urologist.
Tags: hCG, testicles, discomfort, pain, ache, emergency, torsion, testicular

5. Can hCG only be injected subcutaneously, or can I inject it anywhere?

hCG can be injected intramuscularly (IM) or under subcutaneous fat. It’s equally effective when injected by both methods.
Tags: hCG, IM, SubQ, subcutaneous, intramuscular

6. Can I mix my hCG into the same syringe with my testosterone?

There is nothing that prevents you from doing so. hCG is water based and will not mix with oil based testosterone cypionate or enanthate.
Tags: hCG, testosterone, estradiol, DHT, injection

7. I have asked my doctor to increase my hCG dose but he/she is unwilling to do so. My last doctor had me on twice as much as hCG and it worked very well. I’m getting very frustrated.

High dose hCG can be costly and cause a higher rise in estradiol and DHT than TRT or TRT+ low dose HCG.

Recent research has shown that hCG doses over 500 IU 2-3 times per week produce diminishing returns with regard to testosterone production. In fact, there is evidence that suggests that Leydig cell receptor saturation occurs someplace between 250 IU and 500 IU of hCG. Therefore, more hCG is unlikely to have any significant effect on testosterone production.

Furthermore, doses over 500 IU of hCG 2-3 time per week can cause more androgenic side effects like higher estradiol and DHT (acne, gynecomastia, premature balding and water retention). If your testicles feel “full”, there is no need to increase dose of hCG.
Tags: hCG, testicles, dosing, protocol, estradiol, DHT

8. I’ve been researching online about hCG expirations and everywhere says it goes bad in 30 days. The pharmacy says otherwise but I don’t know who to believe.

We have consulted 3 compounding pharmacy experts who tell us that hCG lasts for at least 90 (12 weeks) days after reconstitution if kept refrigerated. A vial of 11,000 IU should last you 11 weeks at a dose of 500 IU twice per week.
Tags: hCG

9. (Applies to a man whose blood work shows high LH values)
Why didn’t my doctor prescribe me hCG? I thought hCG was essential to TRT?

hCG is not a mandatory or essential part of any testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) program. It has specific purposes and functions, such as maintaining testicular size, volume, and function in men that are responsive to its effects. However, there are many reasons why hCG would not be effective, and thus would not be prescribed by your physician. For example, elevations of LH and FSH are signs of primary hypogonadism, in which the primary problem is inherent to the testicles. Primary hypogonadism is often resistant to hCG.
Tags: hCG, testosterone, primary hypogonadism, LH, FSH, testicles
Thanks for the Q&A on HCG!

I've been on TRT for the past 3 years (without HCG), feeling great and everything but... I feel the testicular shrinkage causes a constant discomfort, which at times borderlines on being painful. Did STD tests, nothing was found, so I'm wondering if other men experience similar discomfort caused by testicular shrinkage.

If indeed the pain can be caused by the shrinkage, I'd appreciate any medical reference that I can bring to my MD to get an HCG prescription.

Thanks! -Dan
Thanks for the Q&A on HCG!

I've been on TRT for the past 3 years (without HCG), feeling great and everything but... I feel the testicular shrinkage causes a constant discomfort, which at times borderlines on being painful. Did STD tests, nothing was found, so I'm wondering if other men experience similar discomfort caused by testicular shrinkage.

Thanks! -Dan

A yr into T injections I noticed marked testicular shrinkage, no discomfort, just small, very soft boys. At the time I had Dr. who was very explicit about what and why I was experiencing, miss him.

Through this forum I educated myself about HCG, I have regained " my reg/normal " size. I understand I may never actually regain the full firmness, but at least I no longer resemble an 11 y/o boy.
Thanks for the Q&A on HCG!

I've been on TRT for the past 3 years (without HCG), feeling great and everything but... I feel the testicular shrinkage causes a constant discomfort, which at times borderlines on being painful. Did STD tests, nothing was found, so I'm wondering if other men experience similar discomfort caused by testicular shrinkage.

If indeed the pain can be caused by the shrinkage, I'd appreciate any medical reference that I can bring to my MD to get an HCG prescription.

Thanks! -Dan

Ask your Dr when your Lawyer can talk to him about medically induced organ failure.
Thanks for your reply Vince!

I'm rather new here and didn't yet read all the important/sticky posts about TRT, so please pardon my ignorance. Can you be more specific on the medically induced organ failure you're referring to? I'm not sure if that's a joke or... real? -Dan
Thanks for your reply Vince!

I'm rather new here and didn't yet read all the important/sticky posts about TRT, so please pardon my ignorance. Can you be more specific on the medically induced organ failure you're referring to? I'm not sure if that's a joke or... real? -Dan

Exogenous testosterone, topical or injectable, leads to HPTA suppression and testicular failure if HCG is not included in your protocol. Points 2, 3, and 4 (in Nelson's original post) make reference to this.

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