Will Brink
Polycythemia Vera is a blood disorder with a increase in all components. Most importantly platelets. Erythrocytosis is a increase in H/H not platelets. Platelets clot not H/H. I have to repeat. In over 50 years of TRT there has been no increase in heart attacks, strokes, orDVTs. We can't ignore these decades of studies. Recent flawed studies (we can discuss) dont undo 50 years of research with TRT being safe. The reason you believe H/H causes issues is because of the false interchangeable wording. In these studies where there was a increase in cardiac events with high H/H they actually had polycythemia Vera but use the words erythrocytosis and polycythemia Vera as if they are the same which does nothing but confuse us. instead of disecting the words and missing the bigger point such as with the sherpas (although if we are making it point that high H/H causes heart attacks, strokes, or DVT then adaptation has nothing to do with it. A sherpas H/H is elevated and if that caused heart attacks then that would be occurring "thick blood is thick blood" right?) the mechanism that causes a increase in H/H at altitude is the same as with TRT. I guess I could just have easily said measure all the people living in Denver and compare their H/H to the people living in Panama City Florida. Also, look at patients with COPD. They have significantly elevated H/H and we don't bleed them. Why, because it is a physiologic erythrocytosis not polycythemia Vera. I will say over and over again the confusion lies in physicians using these words interchangeably
I made no such claims nor statements, I simply pointed out some of the comments RE regarding cyclists, etc are factually incorrect and it might strengthen your position to modify those examples, or not use them. Simply trying to help you clarify your message.
In terms of the larger picture, I have not done enough research on high H/H vs polycythemia Vera to comment, but per comments by Nelson about Dr C et al, it seems some other docs agree with your assessment.
I have no opinion at this time.