Erectile Function After Starting TRT


New Member
Hi everyone, I am about 3 months into TRT and am finally seeing some benefits. The improvements are very very subtle but noticeable, I feel overall a little better. Pre trt I felt like I was dying, the weight feels like its lifting but its happening very slowly. Do the benefits continue or can I fall back down?
Due to low-t my erection quality has been very poor, it's like I had barely any control of my penis. When I first started TRT, it actually got a little worse and it shriveled up. Now, a few weeks later, its no longer as shriveled and erections are a bit firmer than before but still not the same as it was before. Does erection quality improve over time with TRT? This is assuming I am a young man under 30, have no vascular issues, normal prolactin and normal E2?
Morning wood has always been there and is actually getting better. Just want to know peoples experience with TRT and ED, if it resolves.
Hi everyone, I am about 3 months into TRT and am finally seeing some benefits. The improvements are very very subtle but noticeable, I feel overall a little better. Pre trt I felt like I was dying, the weight feels like its lifting but its happening very slowly. Do the benefits continue or can I fall back down?
Due to low-t my erection quality has been very poor, it's like I had barely any control of my penis. When I first started TRT, it actually got a little worse and it shriveled up. Now, a few weeks later, its no longer as shriveled and erections are a bit firmer than before but still not the same as it was before. Does erection quality improve over time with TRT? This is assuming I am a young man under 30, have no vascular issues, normal prolactin and normal E2?
Morning wood has always been there and is actually getting better. Just want to know peoples experience with TRT and ED, if it resolves.
How long until maximum benefits are archived on TRT will depend on your genetics and other medical problems, some require 1 year until libido and erections return fully, but most recover faster.
Hi everyone, I am about 3 months into TRT and am finally seeing some benefits. The improvements are very very subtle but noticeable, I feel overall a little better. Pre trt I felt like I was dying, the weight feels like its lifting but its happening very slowly. Do the benefits continue or can I fall back down?
Due to low-t my erection quality has been very poor, it's like I had barely any control of my penis. When I first started TRT, it actually got a little worse and it shriveled up. Now, a few weeks later, its no longer as shriveled and erections are a bit firmer than before but still not the same as it was before. Does erection quality improve over time with TRT? This is assuming I am a young man under 30, have no vascular issues, normal prolactin and normal E2?
Morning wood has always been there and is actually getting better. Just want to know peoples experience with TRT and ED, if it resolves.

Restoring healthy testosterone levels will in many cases improve libido/erectile function but to what degree depends on many factors as libido/ED is much more complex than simply testosterone let alone estradiol/DHT/prolactin.

Some men on trt struggle with libido/ED even when having healthy T levels.

No one can say for sure how your body will react as some see a great improvement whereas others notice minor changes and then there are those that will continue to struggle.

Healthy T levels are only one piece of the puzzle when it comes to such.

Screenshot (1724).webp

Do not want to hijack your thread but I must ask regarding "how long does TRT take to show effects? ". Is this the time it takes AFTER you are dialed in (stable levels)?

I am on Nebido and starting to get dialed in. It might take 1-2 months before the values are completely stable. I do take 40iu (1000mg per 4ml) every Sunday. Aiming for 30-35 nmol/l this first time trying to getting "dialed" in. Not certain if this is the correct level for ME, but I try.

My hormones is starting to look great, but I still have one big problem. LIBIDO.. Penis feeling numbed and I have a difficult time getting excited.

Do not want to hijack your thread but I must ask regarding "how long does TRT take to show effects? ". Is this the time it takes AFTER you are dialed in (stable levels)?

I am on Nebido and starting to get dialed in. It might take 1-2 months before the values are completely stable. I do take 40iu (1000mg per 4ml) every Sunday. Aiming for 30-35 nmol/l this first time trying to getting "dialed" in. Not certain if this is the correct level for ME, but I try.

My hormones is starting to look great, but I still have one big problem. LIBIDO.. Penis feeling numbed and I have a difficult time getting excited.
Same lol. Why use Nebido, if you don’t mind me asking?

Do not want to hijack your thread but I must ask regarding "how long does TRT take to show effects? ". Is this the time it takes AFTER you are dialed in (stable levels)?

I am on Nebido and starting to get dialed in. It might take 1-2 months before the values are completely stable. I do take 40iu (1000mg per 4ml) every Sunday. Aiming for 30-35 nmol/l this first time trying to getting "dialed" in. Not certain if this is the correct level for ME, but I try.

My hormones is starting to look great, but I still have one big problem. LIBIDO.. Penis feeling numbed and I have a difficult time getting excited.

I have done exactly like you do with 40iu/100mg a week, and didnt work well for me. So i injected the whole botle at once on top of the weekly injections and i got libido after the peak i got.

After this test i think i need that peak to got it to work, and with nebido you dont have much peak. Nebido peaks One week after the injection then yuo have to wait for next injection to got a new peak.

This is not written in stone just my experience.
I have done exactly like you do with 40iu/100mg a week, and didnt work well for me. So i injected the whole botle at once on top of the weekly injections and i got libido after the peak i got.

After this test i think i need that peak to got it to work, and with nebido you dont have much peak. Nebido peaks One week after the injection then yuo have to wait for next injection to got a new peak.

This is not written in stone just my experience.

Thanks for your reply. You say peaks is needed for such to happen (better libido). The tops I get when using Nebido every Sunday will be small. Hmm. I really whant to figur this out.
Thanks for your reply. You say peaks is needed for such to happen (better libido). The tops I get when using Nebido every Sunday will be small. Hmm. I really whant to figur this out.

Me to!
I tried t-enantathe 100mg each week and i could feel the peak on day three every time. But i have to stop that because my Dr want me to try 500mg/2ml nebido ewery six week. Been on nebido five yers now and not dialed in yet.

In My country, nebido and gel is the only testosterone you could get. So i had to buy t-enantathe on the black market sadly.
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Me to!
I tried t-enantathe 100mg each week and i could feel the peak on day three every time. But i have to stop that because my Dr want me to try 500mg/2ml nebido ewery six week. Been on nebido five yers now and not dialed in yet.

In My country, nebido and gel is the only testosterone you could get. So i had to buy t-enantathe on the black market sadly.

You may have read my thread? Help me dial in my protocol Nebido

I think my hormones is starting to get stabilised, but will wait one month more before new sample. Libido is my only concern at the moment. My life is on "hold" when it comes to dating ++. Not fun at all, but I will give this a real try and wait until hormones is stabel at one level before changing tings AGAIN. You from Sweden?

Do you have a better experience regarding libido on enantathe? Its my preferable drug of choice. Much easier to get dialed in faster on new dosages.
Hi Chrander!
Yes i have read your thread. The thing with libido and nebido is weird because it seems to work for someone and not for someone else. Some guys i read about who self medicate with ug t-e and then got nebido from a Dr complain that libido was gone with nebido.

I only used 250mg t-e because my Dr changed My protocol. But i had a different feeling in my body, more calm down. Now i stay with the new protocol and tell My Dr that everything is fine and then go over to t-e because it feels that i can do it better my self after five yers.

Yes i am from Sweden.
Hi everyone, I am about 3 months into TRT and am finally seeing some benefits. The improvements are very very subtle but noticeable, I feel overall a little better. Pre trt I felt like I was dying, the weight feels like its lifting but its happening very slowly. Do the benefits continue or can I fall back down?
Due to low-t my erection quality has been very poor, it's like I had barely any control of my penis. When I first started TRT, it actually got a little worse and it shriveled up. Now, a few weeks later, its no longer as shriveled and erections are a bit firmer than before but still not the same as it was before. Does erection quality improve over time with TRT? This is assuming I am a young man under 30, have no vascular issues, normal prolactin and normal E2?
Morning wood has always been there and is actually getting better. Just want to know peoples experience with TRT and ED, if it resolves.
I don't think you could be taking a slower Testosterone is made by Bayer in Germany and it's slower than the second coming of Christ. After 2 years of Cypionate I changed to Gel three wks ago. Your junk will be hard 3 hrs after you apply the gel. Really it may take a little longer but you will see the difference soon. I do add Viagra for a longer erection but I'm over 75. I've had Testosterone lever above 850 and as high as 1250-1300. !300 is to much. But I started with "17". Talk about LowT !!!!
So bottom line, elections do return on TRT (Testosterone cypionate). That is assuming I have no vascular issues and balanced hormones? Currently 4 weeks in and it still feels disconnected down there

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