I couldn’t agree with u more. One of my biggest pet peeves is guys on TRT enjoying life because of its benefits telling other guys to only go on HRT as an absolute last resort, and if the person is too young they tell them they shouldn’t even consider it. I was 27 when I went on HRT, and it completely gave me my life back. It was hands down the best decision I’ve ever made. I lost my gf of 2 years because of low T, but luckily I was able to salvage everything else, including my job and my nursing license. Without HRT, I would of 100% eventually had to quit nursing and find another job that was pretty much all physical and didn’t require much mental energy. I was in a similar boat as u. Total T was around 600-700, but SHBG was mid 50’s, and free T was bottom of the barrel on one test, and the other it was actually slightly below the bottom of the range. I felt horrible. Had basically every symptom other than sexual issues, and some symptoms were pretty severe. Just felt like a shell of myself. No motivation, no energy, didn’t care about anything, slightly depressed (mostly just because of how I felt). Just felt like a lump on a log. Felt like the simplest things were like climbing mt Everest.
Anyways, ur only 6 years younger than me when I went on HRT, and like I said, going on HRT was hands down one of the best decisions of my life. Not one regret. It’s completely given me my life back. I even had a baby on accident 7 months ago. Wasn’t even trying. Was on HRT for over 6 years at that point. Being on HRT is easy. I inject EOD. It’s nothing. Doesn’t hinder my life even a little bit. Everyone will try to talk u out of going on HRT at ur age because of shutting down ur HPTA, and/ or risking conceiving a child, but what would u be shutting down, an already dysfunctional HPTA? Most likely if u don’t like being on HRT, u come off and ur HPTA will function just as it does currently. I tried to “restart” my natural levels with clomid. So after using Clomid, I stopped everything for a month, retested my levels, and they were identical to what they were prior to HRT. This was a bout a year after starting HRT. And as far as fertility, as long as ur fertile now, u should have no issues conceiving, even while on HRT. Like I said, I had a baby 7 months ago completely by accident, wasn’t even trying. Was on testosterone only at the time. Had been on HCG and test, but stopped the HCG completely 2 months prior to knocking up my ex gf. If u can’t conceive on test and HCG, there’s plenty of other options to improve fertility. More expensive options than HCG, but options nonetheless. Either way, what’s the point of having a somewhat functional HPTA, and being fertile, if u can’t enjoy life and can’t even get a girl to impregnate?
But I totally get what ur saying with ur anxiety causing sleep issues. I never really have sleep issues, but when my libido is high, I fall asleep insanely fast. All I think about is sex while I’m trying to go to sleep, and I pass out instantly. When my libido is low, or even moderate, I tend not to think about sex as much while I’m trying to go to sleep, and then I end up thinking about things I need to get done, or problems that need to be solved, or goals I want to accomplish, and I tend to have a more difficult time falling asleep. I don’t suffer from anxiety, but I’m sure if I had anxiety on top of that, falling asleep would be much more difficult.
Overall, I see nothing wrong with trying HRT. I would highly recommend freezing ur sperm tho, just to cover ur bases. I 100% foresee men having hormonal issues at younger and younger ages as time goes on. I’m not surprised one bit seeing men in their late teens/ early 20’s having hormone imbalances, that may or may not be able to be fixed through lifestyle modifications. I was just like u, I was the health freak out of my friends and family. Always ate healthy, always worked out, always was learning about health and longevity, and I still ended up with extremely low free T at 27. And I tried legit everything to avoid going on HRT. When I say everything, I mean everything. And I’m sure there was probably something out there that I could of done to fix my issue naturally, but I wasn’t able to ever figure it out, and I don’t think there’s anyone out there that currently knows either, unfortunately. High SHBG is a real conundrum. It goes up the more insulin sensitive u are. Which basically means that to lower it, u have to eat worse, and try to make urself insulin resistant. So it’s not like u can just eat healthier and fix the issue. Eating healthier can possibly make the issue worse, which is a real mind f*ck lol.
So again, if ur under the care of
dr saya, ur in good hands. That’s my doctor as well. I see nothing wrong with at least trialing HRT. Even if u go on, ur symptoms mostly resolve, u can still come off and try to fix ur issue through lifestyle modifications. What trialing HRT would do, if it resolved ur symptoms that is, is it would at least let u know that low T was the cause of ur issues, so that ur not out trying to fix things that don’t need to be fixed. U at least will know the cause of ur symptoms. But obv if u go on HRT, and get symptom resolution, I’d probably just recommend staying on HRT. Even if u go on HRT, and get zero symptom resolution, that could also tell u that ur issues may not be related to low T. But with ur numbers, I’d be very shocked if going on HRT didn’t improve most of ur symptoms. Overall, if I were u I would trial HRT. That’s just me tho. Definitely do as much research as u can, and make ur owner informed decision. I just personally know that going on HRT and potentially getting ur life back, and being able to enjoy life again, is worth any risks associated with HRT, regardless of age. Again, imo.