SC injection in hip/glute?


New Member
I recently increased my dosage from 100mg to 150mg weekly and considering going to E3.5D to try and head off potential side effects as the dose increases. Instead of injecting IM twice a week (seems a bit excessive), I'm contemplating using an insulin syringe to deliver the dose SC, but in the same general location as I've been injecting IM (ie in the ventrogluteal or dorsogluteal region). Is anyone doing this? Any reason I shouldn't give it a go? Seems I've heard several men with issues with irritation when injecting SC around the belly/navel.

By the way, thanks for the phenomenal resource here, I've learned a lot just by lurking!
I like injecting with a easy touch 29g 1/2" syringe for a shallow IM in my shoulders and
ventrogluteal, for me it works great. I did try SubQ for a short time but had too many bad reactions.
I like injecting with a easy touch 29g 1/2" syringe for a shallow IM in my shoulders and
ventrogluteal, for me it works great. I did try SubQ for a short time but had too many bad reactions.

Good to know! How often are you injecting?
I recently increased my dosage from 100mg to 150mg weekly and considering going to E3.5D to try and head off potential side effects as the dose increases. Instead of injecting IM twice a week (seems a bit excessive), I'm contemplating using an insulin syringe to deliver the dose SC, but in the same general location as I've been injecting IM (ie in the ventrogluteal or dorsogluteal region). Is anyone doing this? Any reason I shouldn't give it a go? Seems I've heard several men with issues with irritation when injecting SC around the belly/navel.

By the way, thanks for the phenomenal resource here, I've learned a lot just by lurking!

That is a very significant jump going from 100--->150 mg/week and when splitting weekly dose and injecting every 3.5 days less testosterone injected more frequently will usually allow one to attain higher testosterone levels using an overall lower weekly dose.

What are your total/free t (trough) levels on your current protocol of 100 mg/week and where does your shbg sit?

If you are going to increase your weekly dose and split into injecting every 3.5 days 120mg/week (60 mg every 3.5 days) would be a more sensible increase as it is much better to increase levels slowly as you run the chances of ending up with testosterone levels too high and excess e2 conversion.
That is a vrey significant jump gong from 100--->150 mg/week and when splitting weekly dose and injecting every 3.5 days a lower doses injected more frequently will usually allow one to attain higher testosterone levels using an overall lower weekly dose.

What are your total/free t (trough) levels on your current protocol of 100 mg/week and where does your shbg sit?

If you are going to increase your weekly dose and split into injecting every 3.5 days 120mg/week (60 mg every 3.5 days) would be a more sensible increase as it is much better to increase levels slowly as you run the chances of ending up with testosterone levels too high and excess e2 conversion.

Day before my weekly injection, my trough TT was 487 and SHBG was 24 on 100mg/wk. I'll try to post full labs when I get a chance to scan/photo them in.

I'm completely with you on the gradual increase. I've just started seeing this Dr because my previous Dr. wasn't comfortable going over 100mg/wk. New Doc actually wanted me to go 150 the first week then straight to 200. I've since put the brakes on that a bit and decided we'd get some labs after 4-5 weeks on the 150.
Day before my weekly injection, my trough TT was 487 and SHBG was 24 on 100mg/wk. I'll try to post full labs when I get a chance to scan/photo them in.

I'm completely with you on the gradual increase. I've just started seeing this Dr because my previous Dr. wasn't comfortable going over 100mg/wk. New Doc actually wanted me to go 150 the first week then straight to 200. I've since put the brakes on that a bit and decided we'd get some labs after 4-5 weeks on the 150.
Your testosterone is very low, if it was me I wouldn't hesitate to increase to 150mg.
Your testosterone is very low, if it was me I wouldn't hesitate to increase to 150mg.

Yes its still low for a Total T trough but no where near VERY low its almost 500 ng/dl and even than we do not even know his free t which is what really matters and seeing as his shbg is near the low end his free t levels may be descent or not until than we are only guessing.

So understand that it is still a big jump!
Day before my weekly injection, my trough TT was 487 and SHBG was 24 on 100mg/wk. I'll try to post full labs when I get a chance to scan/photo them in.

I'm completely with you on the gradual increase. I've just started seeing this Dr because my previous Dr. wasn't comfortable going over 100mg/wk. New Doc actually wanted me to go 150 the first week then straight to 200. I've since put the brakes on that a bit and decided we'd get some labs after 4-5 weeks on the 150.

Most importantly what is your free t as total is only part of the overall picture as free t is what is active?
Day before my weekly injection, my trough TT was 487 and SHBG was 24 on 100mg/wk. I'll try to post full labs when I get a chance to scan/photo them in.

I'm completely with you on the gradual increase. I've just started seeing this Dr because my previous Dr. wasn't comfortable going over 100mg/wk. New Doc actually wanted me to go 150 the first week then straight to 200. I've since put the brakes on that a bit and decided we'd get some labs after 4-5 weeks on the 150.

200 mg/week what a joke I would be looking into being treated by someone else!
When one has low/lowish shbg it is much easier to increase free t using lower doses injected more frequently as in (M/W/F,EOD, daily), mind you there are some that even do well with twice weekly (every 3.5 days).

Seeing as your shbg is on the lower end your protocol of injecting once weekly is working against you!
SC I always had bad reactions when injecting anywhere in my belly. Injecting SC anywhere else no reaction (i liked to inject on my legs when I was injecting SC - and I am very lean)
200 mg/week what a joke I would be looking into being treated by someone else!

As long as CZS is giving himself the injections(120/150/wk) let the doc write the script for 200/wk he just won't have to buy his T cyp as often.

CZS, Are you only taking T cyp? NO Ai or HCG? If that is the case your first doc might of not wanted to increase your 100mg/ wk because over that many, meaning most, have issues with high E2 and prolactin. Which require an AI to bring down. Many doc's will not write a script for an AI.
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As long as CZS is giving himself the injections(120/150/wk) let the doc write the script for 200/wk he just won't have to buy his T cyp as often.

CZS, Are you only taking T cyp? NO Ai or HCG? If that is the case you first doc might of not wanted to increase your 100mg/ wk because over that many, meaning most, have issues with high E2 and prolactin. Which require an AI to bring down. Many doc's will not write a script for an AI.

Good point if he is paying out of pocket but his new doctor is an idiot for wanting to prescribe 200 mg/week.....CZS was using 100mg/week before he decided on the increase to 150mg/week and new doctor wanted him to go to 150mg for one week and than jump right up to 200mg/week.

200mg/week would put most individuals well over the top end of the physiological range, sure a small percentage may need that but it is not common.
Good point if he is paying out of pocket but his new doctor is an idiot for wanting to prescribe 200 mg/week.....CZS was using 100mg/week before he decided on the increase to 150mg/week and new doctor wanted him to go to 150mg for one week and than jump right up to 200mg/week.

200mg/week would put most individuals well over the top end of the physiological range, sure a small percentage may need that but it is not common.
I could not agree with you more.
If he can get this new doc to write a script for anastrozole plus 200mg/wk of T cyp.
With the help of Nelsons blood testing service we on this forum can get him dialed in in no time.

No AI and he is in for a world of hurt. Heck do we even know what his SHGB is?
Most importantly what is your free t as total is only part of the overall picture as free t is what is active?

Free T was 82.2 pg/ml

200 mg/week what a joke I would be looking into being treated by someone else!

The first doctor I saw (TT was 195 when originally diagnosed) was a "my way or the highway" type. We butted heads several times immediately when he was unwilling to do anything other than 100mg/wk even though my symptoms were unresolved and my TT had only gone up to 500ish. Enter this new Dr... His reputation is actually fairly good and he seems a lot more open to at least working with me on things. That said, I saw the immediate rush to 200mg/wk as a huge warning sign and will certainly keep my ears open for other local options.

Good point if he is paying out of pocket but his new doctor is an idiot for wanting to prescribe 200 mg/week.....CZS was using 100mg/week before he decided on the increase to 150mg/week and new doctor wanted him to go to 150mg for one week and than jump right up to 200mg/week.

200mg/week would put most individuals well over the top end of the physiological range, sure a small percentage may need that but it is not common.

I am paying out of pocket and don't mind adjusting my dose as need regardless of what's written on the Rx. This Doc swears that "most" of his patients settle around 180-200wk. Sure seems excessive to me...
Free T was 82.2 pg/ml

The first doctor I saw (TT was 195 when originally diagnosed) was a "my way or the highway" type. We butted heads several times immediately when he was unwilling to do anything other than 100mg/wk even though my symptoms were unresolved and my TT had only gone up to 500ish. Enter this new Dr... His reputation is actually fairly good and he seems a lot more open to at least working with me on things. That said, I saw the immediate rush to 200mg/wk as a huge warning sign and will certainly keep my ears open for other local options.

I am paying out of pocket and don't mind adjusting my dose as need regardless of what's written on the Rx. This Doc swears that "most" of his patients settle around 180-200wk. Sure seems excessive to me...

What is the range for free t?
As long as CZS is giving himself the injections(120/150/wk) let the doc write the script for 200/wk he just won't have to buy his T cyp as often.

CZS, Are you only taking T cyp? NO Ai or HCG? If that is the case you first doc might of not wanted to increase your 100mg/ wk because over that many, meaning most, have issues with high E2 and prolactin. Which require an AI to bring down. Many doc's will not write a script for an AI.

This was kind of my thought as well, hell write the rx for whatever you want and I'll adjust as I feel necessary...

Only on the Test currently, no HCG or AI. Took 100mg/wk for going on a year now with little/no resolution in symptoms and TT hovering around 400-500 trough. There was no way in hell the original Dr was going to prescribe an AI, however the new guy has mentioned it as an option going forward. What AI he would prescribe and at what kind of protocol, I have no idea, didn't want to get into hypotheticals with him on the first visit, lol.
Sorry for the delay in getting these posted fellas, been a Monday all day long I'm afraid. I've attached my most recent labs below, but I wanted to give a brief history too.

I believe I've been low T all my adult life. At 30, I was tested at 350ish but Doctor at the time refused to treat it. Had a low libido as long as I can remember, but erections had always been okay so I just thought it was "me". Throughout my 30's I've been very physically active in endurance sports and began noticing I was getting injured very easily and it took a LONG time to recover from injury. In my late 30s fatigue and sleep issues began to be an issue. A little over a year ago at 38, I went to my PCP and requested to have the T tested again... 195. She sets me up with a colleague who supposedly manages a lot of TRT patients. He starts me on 100mg/wk and sets a follow up appointment for 6 months later. At the 6 month appointment my labs come back 274. I expressed a desire to increase my dosage, but the only way he would do it was if I agreed to do pellets. I politely declined and began looking for a new physician.

Enter the most recent Dr.... I had my first appt with him approx two weeks ago at which time he took new labs (attached below) and asked that I inject 150mg the following week and 200mg/wk after that. I have a follow up with him in approx 3 weeks to retest labs and adjust protocol. AND, now I'm here talking with you fine folks :D

One note on the attached labs. I know my hematocrit is getting high. This is in large part caused by the large volume of cycling I do (10-15 hrs week). Off the T, during marathon training, it ran around 48. The lowest I've seen it when I wasn't training was around 44-45. From reading this forum it sounds like 53 is kind of the tipping point at which blood donation is suggested, does that sound about right? Given that RBCs are an endurance athlete's best friend, I'd like to stay as high as is SAFE. BTW, before anyone jumps down my throat, I do NOT compete in any kind of organized cycling events where TRT would be considered doping.

Sorry for the long winded post, hope you guys are still with me!


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