Sorry for the delay in getting these posted fellas, been a Monday all day long I'm afraid. I've attached my most recent labs below, but I wanted to give a brief history too.
I believe I've been low T all my adult life. At 30, I was tested at 350ish but Doctor at the time refused to treat it. Had a low libido as long as I can remember, but erections had always been okay so I just thought it was "me". Throughout my 30's I've been very physically active in endurance sports and began noticing I was getting injured very easily and it took a LONG time to recover from injury. In my late 30s fatigue and sleep issues began to be an issue. A little over a year ago at 38, I went to my PCP and requested to have the T tested again... 195. She sets me up with a colleague who supposedly manages a lot of TRT patients. He starts me on 100mg/wk and sets a follow up appointment for 6 months later. At the 6 month appointment my labs come back 274. I expressed a desire to increase my dosage, but the only way he would do it was if I agreed to do pellets. I politely declined and began looking for a new physician.
Enter the most recent Dr.... I had my first appt with him approx two weeks ago at which time he took new labs (attached below) and asked that I inject 150mg the following week and 200mg/wk after that. I have a follow up with him in approx 3 weeks to retest labs and adjust protocol. AND, now I'm here talking with you fine folks
One note on the attached labs. I know my hematocrit is getting high. This is in large part caused by the large volume of cycling I do (10-15 hrs week). Off the T, during marathon training, it ran around 48. The lowest I've seen it when I wasn't training was around 44-45. From reading this forum it sounds like 53 is kind of the tipping point at which blood donation is suggested, does that sound about right? Given that RBCs are an endurance athlete's best friend, I'd like to stay as high as is SAFE. BTW, before anyone jumps down my throat, I do NOT compete in any kind of organized cycling events where TRT would be considered doping.
Sorry for the long winded post, hope you guys are still with me!