Hi CZS, I'll take a stab and what I see in your bloods.
I'm a cyclist myself not road but mtn. There are not many of us here. Most here are Gym rats(not a cut) and I have found it hard to talk long term endurance. When I talk about Hammer Gels, Ritz crackers, peanutbutter and honey you should see them flip out haha its all in good fun.
You are healths as a horse, no blood sugar issues.
When my HCT goes over 51 my doc will ask for a blood donation. 49 is my non TRT HCT I am sure it is from the bike and living in Denver.
Your SHBG of 24 means you are burning thru T like crazy. My SHGB is also 24.2 (19.3-76.4) I have to inject 3 times a week.
I will guess by only taking 1 shot a week your T lvl is swinging wildy you have pissed it all out by the time you take your trough blood draw on Monday before your shot.
Since you do not have an AI at the ready. I would not go over 120/wk and I would do .20 (40mg) M/W/F then take bloods in 5-6 weeks.
If the doc won't do the bloods that soon go to Nelsons
https://www.discountedlabs.com/hormones and order just the tests you need nothing more.
Many of us here use this service it is fantastic for getting dialed in quick.
If your E2 sen and prolactin are in range then up your dose.
FYI with my SHGB at 24.2 (19-76) when I took .20(40mg) 3 times a week it gave me a 1175 trough(264-916) and FT was 33 (6.6-18.1) I take .375/Wk AI E2 sens 28.8 (8-35)