RESULTS of my full blood test.

Rupert Bird

New Member
Hi (50yr male) full bloods done plus Testosterone on the NHS. The results have arrrived and the Doc has set up an appointment with the Endo. I will post the results below i am new to all this, my Q is is my T level at a point where i need to start TRT as the way i feel i need something. From my research on my symptons seem to be pointing towards TRT. Thanks


Tour T seems to be normal, though there is no free T test. Your blood pressure is high, your resting pulse is high, your hematocrit is already over 50%, and you have two liver markers out of whack, including your c reactive protein. I don't think T is your best option right now. I think you need to get your general health in order first.
Welcome to Excelmale. Frankly, your total testosterone is above the threshold that many doctors in North America would institute treatment. As maxadvance noted, you present with some other lab values that call for further investigation. But, as importantly, you haven't given us any information about why you went to the doctor in the first place how are you feeling?
Welcome to Excelmale. Frankly, your total testosterone is above the threshold that many doctors in North America would institute treatment. As maxadvance noted, you present with some other lab values that call for further investigation. But, as importantly, you haven't given us any information about why you went to the doctor in the first place how are you feeling?


1. Do you have a decrease in libido (sex drive)? Yes
2. Do you have a lack of energy? Yes
3. Do you have a decrease in strength and/or endurance? Yes
4. Have you lost height? No
5. Have you noticed a decreased "enjoyment of life" Yes
6. Are you sad and/or grumpy? Yes
7. Are your erections less strong? Yes
8. Have you noticed a recent deterioration in your ability to play sports? No
9. Are you falling asleep after dinner? No
10. Has there been a recent deterioration in your work performance? No

Short history, ended up embroiled in a 4yr battle with the bank due to their fraudulent behaviour.

Court case after court case, ended up at the Court of Appeal. While this was going on we where made homeless, took property back massive battle. So after all this I can only guess what the pounding my body took. Yes I have gone without food (to feed the kids) and exercise went from fit to unfit (out the window). 16 - 30 super fit Martial Arts, Rugby, Cross Country running. 30 - 45 fit.

Writing this FUBAR :) comes to mind as me before and now. Lost much of my muscle tone too.

The reason I am here is to try and get my health back to where it was or better.

Thanks for any help.
I'm sorry you've had to deal with such challenges - I hope that resolution is in sight. You realize your markers for inflammation, CRP and ESR, are significantly elevated. While not diagnostic of any specific condition, they certainly need attention. Lack of exercise, which you describe, could certainly contribute to this increase. Your hematocrit is elevated and you have liver issues. No tests pertaining to blood sugar or lipid levels?
No I had no idea that my CRP and ESR levels are significantly elevated, Doc said there are a few markers that are slightly raised, but nothing to worry about. If you mean cholesterol lipids then yes my total was 6.6 ldl 4.0 hdl 0.9. I do not drink vegetarian/vegan diet have done for some yrs. No blood sugar done as yet, this is why I am confused, my diet is good I don't add sugar to anything infact I gave up sugar in 1996 during a very long chess game... lol The house that with live in for now has some black mold in the bathroom, would that shed light on the CPR and ESR levels? Thanks Coastwatcher day by day:-)

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