My surprising blood test results on Test E


Active Member
Shortly after getting my blood results from test propionate last July, I switched up my protocol to Test enanthate towards come August 1. This time, I increased the my dosage to 12mg/day (IM) of test E, along with 75iu/day (SQ) of HCG. I did 2 blood test in 25 hours. First test was 8 hours after injection and second test was 25 hours after injection. I got my blood test done on November 6 and 7. I have to say, I was surprised with the results considering my total test and estradiol dropped significantly between hours 8 and 25. I got my test done through Lifelabs. Test were done by method of vermeulen and I converted the numbers to the american metric system for simplicity. I used the free testosterone calculator to determine my free testosterone level. Here are my results below. Any reason why my total test and estradiol would of dropped by such a large amount?:)

The test below was taken 8 hours after injection.

Total testosterone ---- 1194 ng/dL
Free testosterone ---- 34.1 ng/dL
Estradiol ---- 66.5 pg/mL
SHBG ---- 22.2 nmol/L
Albumin ---- 4.6 g/dL

The test below was taken 25 hours later after injection

Total testosterone ---- 672 ng/dL
Free testosterone ---- 17.7 ng/dL
Estradiol ---- 35 pg/mL
SHBG ---- 21.1 nmol/L
Albumin ---- 4.6 g/dL
Prolactin ---- 9.1 ng/mL

These test below were taken near end of August

WBC ---- 5.1 (4 - 10)
RBC ---- 4.53 (4.20 - 5.40)
Hemoglobin ---- 148 g/L (135 - 170 g/L)
Hematocrit ---- 43% (40 - 50%)
Ferritin ---- 343 ug/L (24 - 444 ug/L)
A1C ---- 5.9% (4.5 - 5.9%)
A lab error is always possible, but I have encountered another individual whose test results also suggested unusually fast absorption of a longer ester—I believe it was cypionate in his case. If your results are accurate then it could be argued that IM administration and relatively small doses are contributing factors. In contrast, and probably more typical, EOD SC injections of enanthate result in minimal variation in my serum tesosterone levels.
Depends on how he feels this might even be beneficial. If it's no lab error then it represents an issue we discussed recently regarding SC vs IM wrt inter-individual variance.
A lab error is always possible, but I have encountered another individual whose test results also suggested unusually fast absorption of a longer ester—I believe it was cypionate in his case. If your results are accurate then it could be argued that IM administration and relatively small doses are contributing factors. In contrast, and probably more typical, EOD SC injections of enanthate result in minimal variation in my serum tesosterone levels.
Its funny because I was thinking a lab error too. But I do believe that I have read on this forum that people with low SHBG do metabilize long estered test faster too, right? Im not too sure if my low SHBG level would play a role in the rate of my Test E absorption.
I have to mention that the test E I have been using is in MCT oil, which could play a role in faster absorption
Its funny because I was thinking a lab error too. But I do believe that I have read on this forum that people with low SHBG do metabilize long estered test faster too, right? Im not too sure if my low SHBG level would play a role in the rate of my Test E absorption.
I have to mention that the test E I have been using is in MCT oil, which could play a role in faster absorption
This claim about SHBG is a misconception. The rate of absorption is what determines (free) serum testosterone — SHBG does not affect this rate. Rather, the absorption rate is determined by factors including the ester, the carrier oil, the excipients, the dose size, the type of tissue receiving the injection, the amount of blood flow and the amount of exercise.

SHBG actually influences total testosterone, but essentially in proportion. For example, if someone with normal SHBG sees his testosterone drop from 1,000 ng/dL to 500 ng/dL, then an individual who is identical except for having low SHBG might see his testosterone drop from 500 ng/dL to 250 ng/dL. The individuals would have the same free testosterone, which also drops in half. The difference is that low SHBG means there's less storage capacity for total testosterone, so total is proportionally smaller.

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