My natural T before TRT was around 350 (great libido, but low energy for the past few month before starting it).
Now I want to try a restart and see how I feel. I was using HCG alongside T all the time (250-500IU 2-3x week)
I am familiar with this "standard" pct protocol
but, I would like to try restart with low dose of Tamoxifen and Clomid and see how it goes. I will not use HCG. I think I do not need it, because I was using it all the time (Am I correct ? )
So, I was thinking about:
1. 10mg of tamoxifen and 12.5mg clomid ED before sleep (10 days after last T shot of 100mg)
2. Check the labs after two weeks on this protocol (T, free T, LH)
3. Continue with this protocol if LH is not in the upper range or above it.
What are your thoughts ?
I'm 25. My T was 350 when I first check it when I was 20. Never had libido problems, until starting TRT, which is killing me right now, and can't stand mood, ED, swings, and very difficult to manage it for me. So, this is a reason I want to try restart. The most easy thing is to go back on TRT again.
Now I want to try a restart and see how I feel. I was using HCG alongside T all the time (250-500IU 2-3x week)
I am familiar with this "standard" pct protocol
but, I would like to try restart with low dose of Tamoxifen and Clomid and see how it goes. I will not use HCG. I think I do not need it, because I was using it all the time (Am I correct ? )
So, I was thinking about:
1. 10mg of tamoxifen and 12.5mg clomid ED before sleep (10 days after last T shot of 100mg)
2. Check the labs after two weeks on this protocol (T, free T, LH)
3. Continue with this protocol if LH is not in the upper range or above it.
What are your thoughts ?
I'm 25. My T was 350 when I first check it when I was 20. Never had libido problems, until starting TRT, which is killing me right now, and can't stand mood, ED, swings, and very difficult to manage it for me. So, this is a reason I want to try restart. The most easy thing is to go back on TRT again.
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