HCG, Test, Restart

I’ve taken 475 ius of hcg 2x per week along with my 60 mg twice a week protocol For a year and a half. I feel pretty good but I’ve had sexual side effects and some other issues with it since I’ve been on no matter what my dosage and range. Long story short and without getting into it too much I’m 31 and want to try a restart since im still young. I’ve cycled on and off hcg for the whole time to prevent desensitation of Leydig cells.

My plan is:
Take hcg 475 ius twice a week for week 0 to 2
Take clomid 25 mg a day from week 2 to week 6,
Possibly anastrozole .25 once every 2 weeks (I am extrmely sensitive to ais and have shutdown my e2 To 0 on an anastrozole dosage of .125mg before on 160 mg of test so I’m very cautious with them)

I’ll then test, lh, FSh, Shbg, e2 sensitive, etc to see where I’m at and continue or see if I can continue

MY MAIN QUESTION IS: since I’ve been taking hcg the entire duration, wont that hypothetically make the transition easier? And also has anyone also taken hcg with testosterone and tried a restart and how terrible was the recovery?

My hcg for restart I was planning on keeping low just because it is something I have already been taking.

Before goin on, My t test ranged between 270 to 400 ng/dL my free test was something slightly low maybe a 7 on a 9 to 20 scale and my e2 has always naturally been low even without trt and between 20 and 30 ng/dL no matter how much test I take…

Thanks for the advice …
Does Taking HCG actually expedite the process of getting the HPTA going. I know LH and FSH have to get going through clomid, I've read that the hardest part is getting the testes back in action. If I never stopped HCG other than cycling off a few times to prevent leydig cell desensitization, (even though its unlilkely), won't my natural test come back a bit quicker?
Does Taking HCG actually expedite the process of getting the HPTA going. I know LH and FSH have to get going through clomid, I've read that the hardest part is getting the testes back in action. If I never stopped HCG other than cycling off a few times to prevent leydig cell desensitization, (even though its unlilkely), won't my natural test come back a bit quicker?
Taking HCG will keep your LH suppressed. Once you stop taking it, the real ‘restart’ begins. Clomid & Tamoxifen are what get your body to start making its own LH again, and that’s what you want.
Does Taking HCG actually expedite the process of getting the HPTA going. I know LH and FSH have to get going through clomid, I've read that the hardest part is getting the testes back in action. If I never stopped HCG other than cycling off a few times to prevent leydig cell desensitization, (even though its unlilkely), won't my natural test come back a bit quicker?

In general recovery of the hpta will come down to dosage of testosterone/AAS used, duration of use, type of AAS used whether T only or T+AAS or T + multiple AAS), age of the individual.

Older men would tend to have a more difficult time recovering than younger men.

Higher doses and longer duration of use will have a greater negative impact on recovery of the hpta.

Use of nandrolone or trenbolone will have a greater negative effect on the recovery of the hpta.

On average most men on trt are injecting 100-200 mg/week of testosterone only and duration of use can be anywhere from months to years depending on whether the individual continues trt indefinitely or decides to come off such as in your case.

Use of pct will in no way prevent the crash following hpta recovery it will just speed up the recovery process and minimized the length of being in a hypogonadal state.

The main goal of pct is to not only increase LH production which will stimulate the leydig cells in the testes to produce endogenous testosterone (ITT) but most importantly making sure the testes are responsive to the LH stimulation as in many cases when on trt or steroids if no hCG was used during this time than the leydig cells become dormant and the seminiferous tubules shrink which results in testicular atrophy due to shutdown of the hpta and LH/FSH production. This results in the leydig cells no longer producing endogenous testosterone and the sertoli/germ cells no longer producing sperm.

Use of hCG when on trt or steroids should aid in the recovery process when coming off as it mimics LH and will keep the leydig cells active (producing some degree of ITT).

Even without use of a pct the natural production of LH will kick in fairly quickly but natural endogenous production of testosterone can take much longer as the critical aspect of the recovery process is the responsiveness of the leydig cells in the testes to the LH.

No one can say exactly how long it will take you to recover let alone how you will feel during the transition.

Some men on trt choose to stop cold turkey (no pct) and recover okay with some bumps along the way whereas others may struggle before things get better.

Others choose to implement a pct which may make the transition much quicker/smoother but again everyone is different as again there are numerous factors involved.
I’ve been taking hcg while on trt cycled on and off....the last month I took hcg as well. Should I take it for awhile without the t? Or just go onto clomid right away?

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