Most of you EM regulars' know my story.
64 years old mtn biker not a body builder. New to TRT(11 months not dialed in TT low) trying to lose some weight cleaning up my diet and increasing my daily exersize from general fitness/core to building a little muscle. Recovering from Sarcopenia (muscle loss do to age).
I go to the gym every other day.
My first hours is a general workout to warmup everything.
My second hour is usually spent on cable machines to target specific muscle groups. I usually do 4 set of 10-6 reps.
The 6 reps are to failure with enough weight I can't do 7.
This cable machine work is all new exersizes to try and build some muscle.
I typically do all upper body one day then take a day off then do abs, lower back and legs then take a day off. Rince and repeat.
I do ride a mtn bike every day I don't go to the gym. I'll ride 14-20 easy miles mostly flat paved bike paths.
I would call this type of bike riding as close to some kind of cardio work.
Now for my problem: Shoulder sock dull pain/ache even at rest. It goes away completely if I take 3 or more days off.
My muscles seem to recover within 24 hour with very little pain slightly sore if you squeeze them.
What I think is happening is every exersize lats, traps, shoulders, chest, upper back, triceps, all seem to require shoulder socket movements and stress. So my traps for example would see 3 seperate machines and my shoulders are needed then chest 3 machines and shoulds get hit again and then ...you get the idea my shoulder are being destroyed. They don't see 4 set of 10 reps they have to endure 24 sets and 600 reps. Ouch!
Any suggestions on how I can not use my shoulders so much? Any other tips welcome to help me recover from Sarcopenia.
64 years old mtn biker not a body builder. New to TRT(11 months not dialed in TT low) trying to lose some weight cleaning up my diet and increasing my daily exersize from general fitness/core to building a little muscle. Recovering from Sarcopenia (muscle loss do to age).
I go to the gym every other day.
My first hours is a general workout to warmup everything.
My second hour is usually spent on cable machines to target specific muscle groups. I usually do 4 set of 10-6 reps.
The 6 reps are to failure with enough weight I can't do 7.
This cable machine work is all new exersizes to try and build some muscle.
I typically do all upper body one day then take a day off then do abs, lower back and legs then take a day off. Rince and repeat.
I do ride a mtn bike every day I don't go to the gym. I'll ride 14-20 easy miles mostly flat paved bike paths.
I would call this type of bike riding as close to some kind of cardio work.
Now for my problem: Shoulder sock dull pain/ache even at rest. It goes away completely if I take 3 or more days off.
My muscles seem to recover within 24 hour with very little pain slightly sore if you squeeze them.
What I think is happening is every exersize lats, traps, shoulders, chest, upper back, triceps, all seem to require shoulder socket movements and stress. So my traps for example would see 3 seperate machines and my shoulders are needed then chest 3 machines and shoulds get hit again and then ...you get the idea my shoulder are being destroyed. They don't see 4 set of 10 reps they have to endure 24 sets and 600 reps. Ouch!
Any suggestions on how I can not use my shoulders so much? Any other tips welcome to help me recover from Sarcopenia.

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