Hi people
Finally I took a plunge got the Testosterone undecanoate as Reandron 1000 4ml Injected in glute from a nurse it was hurtful all went well for 6 hrs then I got flu like symptoms as well as fever and rigors chills.
Its been 2 days now chills has subsided but slight fever and body ache still there.. omg only if I knew this can happen I would have opted for gel or something... I feel like crap just body aches and slight fever now.
Maybe a reaction as 4ml is lot of volume as opposed to US counterpart nebido.
Hopefully this goes away soon I was 2 mins away from calling Ambulance last night. I keep monitoring and see how it goes. .
Cheers people
PS the whole left glute is tender not just upper left where nurse injected.
Finally I took a plunge got the Testosterone undecanoate as Reandron 1000 4ml Injected in glute from a nurse it was hurtful all went well for 6 hrs then I got flu like symptoms as well as fever and rigors chills.
Its been 2 days now chills has subsided but slight fever and body ache still there.. omg only if I knew this can happen I would have opted for gel or something... I feel like crap just body aches and slight fever now.
Maybe a reaction as 4ml is lot of volume as opposed to US counterpart nebido.
Hopefully this goes away soon I was 2 mins away from calling Ambulance last night. I keep monitoring and see how it goes. .
Cheers people

PS the whole left glute is tender not just upper left where nurse injected.
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