Quitting TRT after 1,5 years. There is hope


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Posting my story here, for the off chance someone can learn something from it.

Male 34 years old.

Made a bad desicion 6 years ago, and did an oral only cycle for 6 weeks.
Only 40mg turinabol ed. Didnt read anything about this stuff until after I was done.
Went off after 6 weeks, and felt horrible.
Crazy anxiety, zero libido, insomnia, depression etc etc.

Fast forward 4 years after trying on and off with some clomid to get my test levels up, I take the plunge to start TRT on my own after reading and researching for a couple years.
I did a couple of blood tests in this period, and they both came back at about 420 ng/dl total test, e2 on the high side, but it was the non sensitive assay. Thyroid fine, as was blood, liver and kidneys. free T calculated low/mid range.

I live in Norway, so it`s impossible to get a good trt doctor or a script for anything else than gels or Nebido here, and you would have to be literally at "neutered" levels to get it.
Also getting stuff sent in the mail from other countries almost always fails.
I therefore made a postbox in London, as I like to go there every now and then.. and got some Test C, clomid, hcg, nolva and arimidex sent there.. smuggling it back home.

Was on several different protocols for the next 1,5 years.. and had alot of problems controlling e2.
Sometimes I felt good, most of the time I was unstable in some way or another.
Last 6 months, I used 80-100mg test C with about 600 iu hcg spread through the week. adex as needed. With this protocol I felt ok, but would get too low or too high e2 symptoms even with 4 injections a week.

Decided to go off and try a restart in August 2018.
I had tried once earlier.. and it was hell.
Decided to get some test Prop and get off the Cyp first, so I wouldnt have to go through the slowly declining levels of the Cyp ester.
Also had a theory that it`s better to have the test cleared when you run hcg.

After being on daily 10mg of prop for almost a month, I started hcg 3 days after last shot.
I ran hcg for 17 days at 200 iu every day and 1 drop of adex (about 1,25mg).
I am very sensitive to AI`s..
on the last day, i had a blood test.
Total test - 662 ng/dl
Estradiol - 0,04 nmol/L non sensitive ( 0,00-0,20 )
SHBG - 50 nmol/L (14-74)

So this atleast told me my balls were somewhat functioning. shbg high though.
Expecting this to rise even higher on the serms.
After this i used every day for 2 weeks 20mg nolvadex and 12,5mg clomid and 1 drop of adex.
After 2 weeks, i did the same but cut nolvadex to 10mg for 1 week.
Then 1 week of 12,5mg clomid.
Adex was continued with 1 drop a day for an additional 10 days after the serms.

Quit the serms about 3 weeks ago now.
Libido has been shit, but overall feeling of well being, strengt, apetite has been good.
I will do bloodwork in the end of November.
Assuming shbg is still elevated, I am doing what I can to decrease it.
Last 5 days I have supplemented with about 8mg Boron in the form of Borax.
This seems to really help, as well being has gone up quite a bit, and the last 2 days, I have awoken with a raging hardon ^^

Other supplements to control e2 without an AI
Calcium D-glucorate
Indole 3 - Carbinole
Also, forgot to mention.

I drove my bodyfat down to 10% during the restart.
Did this to hopefully aromatize less during and after pct.

Did it by a few 72hour fasts with water with salt and potassium in it.

Am also eating alot more saturated fat. Doing mostly fat and protein from morning to afternoon, and then a somewhat carb rich meal around 6pm.
I quit 12.5 eod Clomid one week ago. Was on injections for 2 years, Clomid for 5 months or so.

My SHBG is way high (labs below on my last few days on Clomid) and my tsh is high, e2 low..

I’m thinking about supplementing with some boron but others have told me to just let my body re adjust. I have completely lost all morning wood since I quit. Only one week and that happens, crazy considering the long half life of Clomid

Total T: 726 (264-916)
Free T: 11 (9.3-26.5) - **low**
E2 sensitive: 14.7 (8-35) - **low**
SHGB: 89.3 (16.5-55.9) - **high**
DHEA sulfate: 350 (138.5-475.2)
TSH: 2.86 (0.45-4.5) - **high**
T3: 2.6 (2-4.4)
I quit 12.5 eod Clomid one week ago. Was on injections for 2 years, Clomid for 5 months or so.

My SHBG is way high (labs below on my last few days on Clomid) and my tsh is high, e2 low..

I’m thinking about supplementing with some boron but others have told me to just let my body re adjust. I have completely lost all morning wood since I quit. Only one week and that happens, crazy considering the long half life of Clomid

Total T: 726 (264-916)
Free T: 11 (9.3-26.5) - **low**
E2 sensitive: 14.7 (8-35) - **low**
SHGB: 89.3 (16.5-55.9) - **high**
DHEA sulfate: 350 (138.5-475.2)
TSH: 2.86 (0.45-4.5) - **high**
T3: 2.6 (2-4.4)


I think we are in the same boat here.
I would definitely recommend boron..

Had no libido for a bit over 2 weeks after discontinuing the serms and had to force myself to bother having sex with my girlfriend.
After a few days of 6-8mg of boron a day, libido is not raging, but maybe improved 60-70%.
Feeling in the "tip" had a huge improvement, and no ed after going at it for a while.

I don`t have labs for my shbg after the serms, but it was 50 after the hcg. 37 before the hcg.. so I`m pretty sure it would continue going up on the serms.
I am pretty damn sure this isnt placebo.
Wow.. I just come on here today to make a post that i am still struggling with my trt after 1.5 yrs.. I am almost the excate same story.. I did a very small test only cycle 7 yrs ago and never recovered..low libido ..depression..etc..
I struggled very bad for 5 yrs.. mid total T ..low free T..high e2..high shbg.. so finally after many consults.. I started Trt 1.5 yrs ago...its been a rollercoaster ride.. it seems I am very sensitive to everything.. I was on 60 mg of test C a week and 250 I of hcg twice a week and my total t was way over top of range..
I am now on 45 mg of test c a week and 100 Iu of hcg daily.. I am extremely lean and ripped..very strong..almost to strong..I ve pulled several muscles...my mood is much better especially the depression..but my libido and sexual function sux..way worse than before trt.. I ve tried to add in some adex..but I can never find a steady spot..I go to low even on a quarter pill a week...
I ve had it will all the ups and downs.. I am waiting on my latest labs and I think I am gonna try and come off.. I am very scared..especially about my depression..but I can that this up and down anymore..

I gonna get some boron and calcium D..
Wow.. I just come on here today to make a post that i am still struggling with my trt after 1.5 yrs.. I am almost the excate same story.. I did a very small test only cycle 7 yrs ago and never recovered..low libido ..depression..etc..
I struggled very bad for 5 yrs.. mid total T ..low free T..high e2..high shbg.. so finally after many consults.. I started Trt 1.5 yrs ago...its been a rollercoaster ride.. it seems I am very sensitive to everything.. I was on 60 mg of test C a week and 250 I of hcg twice a week and my total t was way over top of range..
I am now on 45 mg of test c a week and 100 Iu of hcg daily.. I am extremely lean and ripped..very strong..almost to strong..I ve pulled several muscles...my mood is much better especially the depression..but my libido and sexual function sux..way worse than before trt.. I ve tried to add in some adex..but I can never find a steady spot..I go to low even on a quarter pill a week...
I ve had it will all the ups and downs.. I am waiting on my latest labs and I think I am gonna try and come off.. I am very scared..especially about my depression..but I can that this up and down anymore..

I gonna get some boron and calcium D..

Hey, sorry to hear you wasted good years of your life aswell.
I have the same intolerance to AI`s.. a quarter pill would leave me low for well over a week.
If you go off, then make sure all the exogenous T is out of your body before you start serms.
If you are low body fat%, making a recovery should be easier..
During and after pct, estrogen control is paramount! I found that I could control it pretty good with just feeling my balls several times a day.. if they were getting soft, I would do the daily AI, if they were hard and full, I would skip it.
for the end of the serms and the especially the next 14 days after.. my dick was pretty much just hanging there.. almost no feeling. But I didnt feel too bad.
Reason for limp/senseless dick is a combination of low e2 and high shbg I`m pretty sure.
Gotten better after a few days of the boron.
Had sex daily the last 3 days, and actually enjoyed it.
I'm thinking about getting off as well, been on TRT for almost a yr and haven't noticed any improvement on what I started for (ED). In fact it's worse!!
I've never seen a documented case of someone not going back to at least their pre TRT levels. I've been on TRT nearly nine years now and most of it has been a struggle. At no point have I ever felt as good as feeling good naturally. With that said, the best balance I've found so far is 60-70mg once weekly testosterone only. My levels are only 600ng range but this seems to be the best as far as TRT so far for me. I'd like to be able to come off altogether honestly but the few times I've tried, I've given up too fast due to the withdrawals. At some point in the near future I might give it another try and practice patience.
I think many of us go on for the wrong reason. Many men including myself do not do well trying to manipulate hormones. Even the few that state they’re doing well are constantly tinkering with everything. At the time I went on TRT, I’m certain my lifestyle at the time was a contributing factor. I admit the first year on topical was pretty good but since then it’s been a constant struggle trying to find a sweet spot. I can’t even begin to tell you how many men I’ve talked to over the years that have stopped. Some stated they felt much better being off and some I never heard from. I’d prefer to feel mediocre most of the time as opposed to not knowing what the hell im going to feel like any given day of the week. It’s maddening at times trying to figure things out.
After extensive evaluation and thousands of dollars spent on my issue (ED), haven't noticed any difference on TRT. When off for 2 weeks while on vacation noticed some improvement. My girlfriend doesn't like foreplay which doesn't help the situation even when taking Cialis.
Basically just stop. Know that starting at 3 weeks it’s going to be the worst you feel. It takes about 3 weeks for you to hit bottom. If you have clomid then start at 2.5-3 weeks withnlow dose like 12.5mg per day. Higher doses usually cause problems but this is obviously something u need to discuss with your doctor.

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