[Question] Frequent Urination + Hypogonadism (crashed E2)


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Hello, to give a little info about myself, I am currently 6'1 at 200lb, 28y/o. I had blood work done back in the beginning of March and my levels were 2120.8 Test, and >50 Free test. ALT was 47 and creatine was a bit high but nothing uncommon. I ran 2 cycles back to back, with no breaks, which I am now regretting. Here was the layout:


Week 1-6: 1ml (250mg) Gonadon Sust. 1 pin a week, Stacked with 50mg of Iranian anadrol ED (first 6 weeks)
Week 7-12: 2ml (500mg) Gonadon Sust. 1 pin a week

Week 12-15: 1ml (250mg) Test E & .5ml Tri-tren , pin twice a week
Week 15-25: 1ml (250mg) Test E & 1ml Tri-Tren, pin twice a week

Ran Pharmagrade hcg the whole 6 months stacked above, 500iu once weekly.


clomid/nolvadex/adex - 50/20/1mg ED Week 1
Clomid/Nolvadex/Adex - 25/20/.5mg ED Week 2
nolva - 10mg ED Week 3,4

OAB (Overactive Bladder)

I have no blood in the urine, no pain, no discomfort, no back pain, prostate is normal PSA 0.3 and other ranges normal, Pituitary normal (ACTH, no head aches, no vision impairment). I do sweat very easily under any temperature with little to no activity. I Also have hemorrhoids, which I am addressing soon.

Prescription Medication:
Lexapro 10mg ED
clomiphene Citrate Tablet 25mg ED
VesiCare 5mg ED

Lab results:
Low Total testosterone
Low Bioavailability Testosterone
Low Dihydrotestosterone (DHT)
Low Estradiol (E2)
Low LH
Low Vitamin D

Colonoscopy - Found 1 Polyp, benign. Pathology report was clean
Abdominal ultrasound - Everything looked normal, smooth liver no inflammation.

Vitamin D3 10,000iu - once everyday with meal in the morning

Ruled out:
Diabetes Insipidus
STD (All)
No infections

(Cannot really rule out Kidneys and Liver 100% since no CT, MRI, X-ray was conducted, labs show organs as normal, and Abdominal ultrasound showed no enlargement)

Currently my doctor is allowing me to run a course of Clomid as a form of mono-therapy for TRT. I will be cycling only Clomid for 3 months, and lab work done every 3 weeks. My main concern is my frequent urination. To get an idea, I was 235lb back in April, I now weigh 196-200lb, yeah it sucks... Sometimes I am dehydrated by the amount I urinate. I have no difficulties urinating, and only get up once to go at night. I am attaching my labs below (all personal information has been redact in PDF), I greatly appreciate any feedback and I also had some questions.

Can Low T/low E2 cause frequent urination, if yes, do you have a article/research about it?

How long does the body take to stabilize naturally coming off Testosterone?

Also I have heard crashed estrogen can cause my symptoms, is this true? And can estrogen be permantly crashed?

Is there anything I can do besides Kegels to improve OAB?


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Try to avoid these foods and see if that makes a difference. I just learned that some of these were making me go to urinate more frequently due to bladder irritation. Has the VesiCare helped?

bladder irritants.webp

Your PCT did not seem to work if the last blood test #4 is after PCT. What clomiphene dose are you taking now? Did you use hCG before PCT?
Try to avoid these foods and see if that makes a difference. I just learned that some of these were making me go to urinate more frequently due to bladder irritation. Has the VesiCare helped?

View attachment 4126

Your PCT did not seem to work if the last blood test #4 is after PCT. What clomiphene dose are you taking now? Did you use hCG before PCT?

I wasn't able to cut milk from my diet, but everything else checks out. My diet pretty much consists of cereal in the morning with milk, yogurt for lunch with granola, and dinner is pasta with chicken or other types of protiens. Thank you for the photo.

Yes I am pretty sure my PCT failed. And from what I heard, Tren really shuts down your system.

I am currently taking 25mg of Clomid everyday until told otherwise. And yes I did take hcg before my PCT but I am starting to think it wasn't real. I bought a pregnancy test and pour a whole vial on the node and came up negative so my assumption was the HCG is fake (guess I'm not pregnant).

I also learned that Arimadex shouldn't be taken during PCT which I mistakenly did. This caused my estrogen to crash hard. I am pretty much at rock bottom with my hormones.
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If I read your post correctly, your PCT was too short and not long enough, with your follow-up labs in too close proximity to your cycle. I would not expect a rebound quite that soon. So it seems it just needs more time. Also low T can cause symptoms of BPH. The prostate likes adequate saturation of T or it starts to develop symptoms. Daily cialis helps and getting T levels back in a healthy range.
I can share my experience. Short background - per doctor, too much iron in my body caused low T. I would usually get up in the night to pee and in the morning/when I had to go, I had to go right away - no incontenance, but just low ability to hold it in or a strong feeling to gotta pee now. Sucked.

The high iron was a health scare for me so I cut out dairy, most acidic juices, cut way back on the booze (I was a beer with dinner guy), cut way back on sugar, reduced iron, and am on test cyp. All those symptoms are gone. I don't get up in the night, even after having liquids before bed, and when I get up, it is not a rush to go pee, - I am able to get dressed and go down stairs, then take a leak. Still have to go, but just have some time after getting up.

I hope this is helpful. I feel for ya cause it is a pain having to go asap. Maybe you can get back on track. Good luck.
Thank you for the feedback guys. It is reassuring I will eventually get better. It has just been 5-6 months with this bs and the urination created anxiety and concern for my health. Also was afraid of dehydration and other things. On top of it my PCP gave me Augmentin for a blood work that had high white blood count which killed my gut, felt like spicy Mexican food coming out. So now I shit like 3 times in the morning from 5:30 to 8am. Lost all my gains and to be honest never really want to touch this stuff again sadly. I love lifting and learned a lot from it.

I just want to get off this Lexapro and Vesicare. The Clomid is working nicely for me, I just hope I didn't burn out my balls.
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If my standard E2 is <5 I would think either test would be sufficient right?

What is the code that LabCorp needs for E2 sensitive? My doctor wrote estrogen on the script but nothing stating sensitive. I can attempt to specificy when I go in for my monthly blood work maybe.

Does really low estrogen cause frequent urination?? Why is that?
"Antihistamines such as hydroxyzine (Atarax, Vistaril) interfere with the mast cells' release of histamine, helping to relieve bladder inflammation and pain, urinary frequency, and nighttime voiding. Because antihistamines can cause drowsiness, they are usually best taken at bedtime."



FDA approves first treatment for frequent urination at night due to overproduction of urine

I feel a lot better taking Clomiphene Citrate 25mg everyday. Seems my crashed estrogen caused me to urinate a lot. I guess my estrogen was so low.

Thanks for the info, I just had blood work done on the 4th and I should get the results in next week.

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