Question about testosterone level and constant tiredness

Thanks Chris for ur all answers. I wonder about one more thing - it's possible that pituitary gland stopped producing hormones like LH/FSH but she still produces a good amount of ACTH ? - as you noticed my acth level is far from the lower limit of normal.
Cooper it's impossible to alleviate the symptoms that i have by replace injections to gel. I dont make injections once a week cause I use long testosterone esters and it's better to hit smaller amounts and more often.

Have you seen my diurnal cortisol ? Here is the cause of my problems.
Thanks Chris for ur all answers. I wonder about one more thing - it's possible that pituitary gland stopped producing hormones like LH/FSH but she still produces a good amount of ACTH ? - as you noticed my acth level is far from the lower limit of normal.

Yeah, absolutely! You can have suppressed LH/FSH, elevated TSH, normal ACTH, semi-elevated prolactin, and zilch on GH; all which are pituitary related. Any of these hormones can be all over the place, depending on an individual's situation. Many common examples right here will be members with low test (secondary), yet hypothyroidism with elevated TSH in response to underperforming thyroid hormone. Anything is possible, which is reason to run the gamut on labs if various symptoms are evident,
Do you think that the proper treatment of the andrenal glands may contribute to the improvement of thyroid hormones ?
Or it's separate issue that requires a seperate treatment ?
Do you think that the proper treatment of the andrenal glands may contribute to the improvement of thyroid hormones ?
Or it's separate issue that requires a seperate treatment ?

Yes, absolutely, permitting other variables are not a factor (i.e., iron, ferritin, etc.), which also contribute to the thyroid functioning properly. In essence, you can't get a thyroid issue working correctly, meaning the ability to effectively get T3 into the cells "without" adequate cortisol and its cellular effect on glucose. It just can't work, at least semi-effectively. Unlike testosterone, which is fairly self sufficient, regardless of other deficiencies, T3 is "dependent" on some of these factors like cortisol.

This process is actually one of the body's safeguards when illness, stress, imbalances, etc. occur, which turns the dial to convert more Reverse T3 (ADP), keeping the energy reserves low while the body can heal/repair (similar to a fever, which is also a safeguard design). However, sometimes homeostasis isn't achieved through a natural healing course, so some of these imbalances just stay constant.

This in itself is why you will predominantly find women with peri/post menopause also having severe hypothyroidism; primarily due to estrogen dominance and its havoc on the adrenals (progesterone deficiency), which effects other channels of the hormonal pathway stream. I have participated with women on other boards, where T3/RT3 ratios are tanked, and to the point it's exhausted their pituitary function putting TSH levels in the < 0.5mIU/L range.
Hey everyone,
I'm 21 and 6 month ago I diagnosed hypogonadism, my testosterone was 180-220 ng/dl (lab standard was 250-827) and i started therapy : First it was 120mg testosterone/week and 100 iu hcg every day.
After 1-2 months i checked again my hormones and testosterone was only 350 ng/dl... and I felt like a crap all the time...:(SOme time ago i increase the dose of T to 500mg/week ( i know that now it's not TRT, just cycle :P) and my total T level is about 800 ng/dl.
My question is : why i need such a large number of Testosterone to raise it to the upper limit of normal ??
I checked rest hormones like E2,prolactin,TSH,ft3,ft4, shbg, morphology,lipids and it's ok.

What's more, even at this level of testosterone I'm still sluggish and nothing I did't want to do.
I work out at the gym and I eat properly - i think its important too.

Thanks guys and im waiting for any ideas.

I am not sure how is a normal testosterone level but I think the degree of testo-sterone commences reducing that will besides ruins the personal along with sex life, and also reduces the actual muscle tissue and even increases more unwanted fat. Decrease amount of this specific men's hormone reduce the energy level along with self confidence with individuals. So I think it's better for you to spend time exercise, maybe at gym or may cyrcle, running...

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I have appointment with a good doctor for 8 days so i'm left to wait patiently.
In most cases treatment of cortisol/dhea make patient feel better ?

In Poland there are no drugs with T3 like cytomel on sale, all patients are treated with T4....You think i can try treatment of Cytomel if indicators( FT3,TSH...) hasn't improved enough to after treatment of the adrenal ?? or will it be big rish for my thyroid .
Yeah, if needed, many have success with Cytomel. I'm more into the NDT treatments, but definitely would take Cytomel if that's all that's available. Like noted, your adrenals will need to be the primary focus, then thyroid "based" on labs, and you will want to run follow up labs to monitor serum levels and determine if medication needs increased/decreased. It would be good right now to see what your thyroid numbers are, BUT as stated, I wouldn't try to treat the thyroid until you get the adrenals sorted out.
Hey, I'm after visit with a doctor, he said that I had to stop taking any measures like hcg, testosterone and after a month make new labs (lh,testo,cotrisol,DHEA-SO4,fsh). He need it as a basis to put me in the clinic for a whole week and make some stimulation tests (CRH,ACTH etc.) What are you think about it ? If i stop my therapy for a month it will be tragedy of well-being....
Mat, I'm not a big fan of this coming off labs for a month to see where you're at. Your LH is be bottomed out, and without test your serum is going to be very, very low. I understand the cortisol thing and maybe the DHEA with an ACTH Stim test, but I don't quite the others. You won't be feeling all that great by the time this is all done.
Doctors here dont understand our therapy, they always set aside hcg and test... you think they can make all stymulation tests without interrupting therapy ? I can try to cheat him doing labs without withdrawal hcg/test, but he can realize :\
I had visit with the best specialist of endocrinology. I have to make one more lab ( 17-OH-progesterone ), if it's good I can make LH-RH stim test to see if the pituitary works. He told me that DHEA level say nothing and it's spoof on the money... He claim that my cortisol is fine and the problem may be in my mind(psyche). He has a vast knowledge and scientific achievements so I will try to do all what he says (for now).
I had visit with the best specialist of endocrinology. I have to make one more lab ( 17-OH-progesterone ), if it's good I can make LH-RH stim test to see if the pituitary works. He told me that DHEA level say nothing and it's spoof on the money... He claim that my cortisol is fine and the problem may be in my mind(psyche). He has a vast knowledge and scientific achievements so I will try to do all what he says (for now).

On my experience what he's telling you is all false. One of the real problems in the area is trying to convince yourself Dr's don't know everything, or all they claim to know, on many subjects.
Nelson, if I am a fast metabolizer of testosterone I must take large amounts T in my therapy ? It's safe for my body ?

Typically when someone says fast metabolizer is they're low SHBG. Skipping discussion of why that could be low, we typically deal with that through smaller and more frequent Testosterone injections. I for instance use injections on M/W/F. Once and twice a week were not working well for me.
I'm a low SHBG guy.....and also a hyper-motabolizer of most meds (good liver)......because of that I dose higher than avg and inject EOD

With that protocol I see great levels and results

FYI many doctors have no clue of how to treat with TRT......many with the title of Endo too!
I also have low shbg in all labs what i done. Now I'm on 500mg/week, 250 in Monday and 250 in Thursday. I will try to inject EOD but i think dose of Testosterone must be large as in the thinner injections.

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