Question about my body


New Member
Hello everyone. I did my blood test a few months ago for my testosterone. I'm struggling with my body condition. During puberty i felt like i didn't reach it full. My arms and legs grew really fast but my penis and body hair didn't grow as it should. Now i'm 26 years old and i feel like a young boy in the body of a 26 year old guy.

My results are: Tesosterone, free: 22.03 pg/ml at the Reference range: 7.0-22.7

I got a note also: Testosteron without pathological findings. If further clinical indications of hypogonadism exsist (e.g. compensated Leydig cell insufficiency) we recommend FSH and SHBG testing, as well as a spermiogramm.

I will post a photo of my upper body here so you can see what i'm talking about. It doesn't look like a body of a 26 year old guy. I also suffer from brain fog, low confidence and depression all day every day.

I did some workout in the past but struggling to get better results. You can also see that my Adam's apple didn't develop as it should and also can't grow any facial hair.


If anyone could give me a useful advice what should be my next move i would really appreciate it.
Have a nice evening everyone.
Aside from the lack of adams apple protruding from your next, you look like a man to me as well. My brother's adams apple protrudes more than most and he has little body hair. He doesn't have loads of muscle either, tall and skinny.

Free T looks great, you do not have a testosterone deficiency. A typical low T man is going to have excess body fat in the mid-section and man boobs.

Depression can cause you to have low confidence, there are men out there that have great testosterone levels and are suffering from depression, so hormones aren't always a reason for depression.

Are you taking any medications?
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Based on the range you posted your Free T is at the top of the range. And I would say that your body looks totally normal for a 26 year old guy - shit dude, there are a lot of guys your age that would be ecstatic if they looked like you.

Facial hair has a huge genetic component to it. My T levels were way lower than yours and I could grow a thick, full lumberjack beard. And your beard may thicken as the years go by.

Sounds weird but since you brought it up, do yourself a favor and read about dick sizes, etc. Bust out a measuring tape. Odds are good you're in a normal range. Don't look at the donkey dongs on p0rn and look down and think "well mine don't look like that".

If you wanna get bigger and more muscular, lift heavy and eat like it's your job. But based on what you've told us, T likely isn't an issue.
You look normal. Be thankful that you aren't the average 26yr old which is soft and chubby. If you want to build muscle it takes time but if you get to work on that you should be able to slowly put on some muscle. Being able to grow a thick beard is not all it's made out to be. Unless you're really concerned with being a lumberjack or hipster it only really means you have to shave more often. As for penis size, like was mentioned before if you look it up you would probably fall within the normal range.

You are more than likely being overly critical of yourself.
I don't think the guys are being overly nice, you really do have a masculine looking body. Very fit looking and you have muscle. Great base to work with if you would want to build (more) on it. I would think attractive looking asthetically, including proportional, nice muscle shape, etc. Not everyone looks like a bear. It can be very difficult to assess our own body.
You're unreasonably critical of yourself. Penis and body hair are widely variable - and reflect a lot more than testosterone values. Do you live in the Unoted States? I ask because you can pursue additional testing on your own at should you wish to dig deeper (and you don't have the support of your doctors).

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