Dragon, thank you so much, your response is very complete! I certainly will not be trying HCG!! And if you could update this thread with your new PSA test I would be in your debt. Us 60's guys are all in this. I do take some DHEA, like 12.5mg micronized, I see you had it down on your list.
My PSA history.
2.1 = Back in 1996, no TRT
2.28 = 2011 Nebido
2.78 =2012 Nebido
2.8 = 2/2018 No TRT
2.4 -= 4/2018 No TRT
3.9 = 9/2018 Nebido + HCG +DHEA + pregnenolone
4.2 = 10/2018 Nebido only
3.9 = 12/2018 Nebido + Ultra Prostate
3.9 = 12/2018 Nebido + Ultra Prostate
3.4 = 2/2019 Nebido + Stopped Ultra Prostate
3.4 = 3/2019 Nebido _+ DHEA + pregnenolone
3.2 = 4/2019 Nebido + DHEA + pregnenolone + Progesterone Cream
3.7 = 6/2019 Nebido stopped DHEA Stopped pregnenolone Still using Progesterone
There were other things going on, like in May 2019 I stated to use a progesterone cream to aid mainly in sleep. DHEA and Pregnenolone never seemed to aid in anything other than raising blood serum levels of DHEA, I was in range at 95 ug/dl before DHEA and after taking 25 mg a day DHEA serum levels rose to 450 reducing it to 12.5 mg a day DHEA was 234 ug/dl. since it doesn't seem to affect me in any way and my PSA started to rise again I stopped to see what would happen.
The OTC progesterone cream has some obvious effects, I sleep better, my blood pressure is lower (it was never high), I am more calm (which is a bit subjective). I started with 1/2 teaspoon, then 1/4 teaspoon, now I don't use a lot, only 1/8 a teaspoon, too much and I started to feel groggy during the day.
I measured my serum level of progesterone after a few months of the cream, it was 0.5 ng/ml, which is at the top of the normal range. I never tested progesterone serum before using it. But keep in mind, using a progesterone cream has a lot different characteristics on serum levels Vs injections / pills, you would have to google it if you are curious, it's complicated.
I will likely lower the amount of the cream even more, the jar says 22 mg progesterone per 1/4 teaspoon, but who knows about absorption rate.
Of course the progesterone could be affecting my PSA score, or it could be something else, or it could just be a random variation.