Propionate Vs. Cypionate

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I've been on Cypionate for over a year (since I've started trt) and noticed that I was retaining water.
I decided to switch over to Test Propionate since I inject everyday, Subq, 20 units, (140mg total a week).
I feel a little sluggish and was wondering what people's experience has been on Propionate.
I’ve been on Prop for about a month. Any reason you wouldn’t use Prop?
Propionate tends to cause less water retention and estrogenic side effects compared to its longer esterfied counterparts. Similar to what you describe, I feel a little more sluggish, yet calmer, on propionate. However, I prefer propionate to Cypionate or enanthate.

Your dosage may be the biggest contributor to your overall sluggishness. Lowering the dose to 12 to 15 mg daily may prove to improve your symptoms.
I tried propionate and ended up not feeling as good as I do on cyp or enanthate. Had labs done a few times and found out that my E2 was much higher than usual compared to my total and free T levels, compared to using cyp or enanthate. From my understanding what was happening is that my test levels were going up and down pretty quickly, due to the short half life of prop, but E2 takes longer to decrease after test peaks, so as my test levels would decrease at trough levels, my E2 would stay elevated and increase my E2 to T ratio, and I just wasn’t feeling good with that high of E2 levels compared to my test levels during parts of the week. Just something to consider. Might not be the case for everyone using prop. Was doing EOD injections btw.
I tried propionate and ended up not feeling as good as I do on cyp or enanthate. Had labs done a few times and found out that my E2 was much higher than usual compared to my total and free T levels, compared to using cyp or enanthate. From my understanding what was happening is that my test levels were going up and down pretty quickly, due to the short half life of prop, but E2 takes longer to decrease after test peaks, so as my test levels would decrease at trough levels, my E2 would stay elevated and increase my E2 to T ratio, and I just wasn’t feeling good with that high of E2 levels compared to my test levels during parts of the week. Just something to consider. Might not be the case for everyone using prop. Was doing EOD injections btw.
Agreed. EOD injections of prop left me feeling low T high E2 on day two. I would always recommend taking prop ED.
I tried test prop as well with ED injections 20 mg. I did not feel sluggish at all, in fact it was quite the opposite. I had quite a bit more energy than I did with cypionate. I would inject at night, and waking up in the morning felt more like it did when I was in my 20s. However, I had to throw in the towel after being on prop for 3 weeks because the PIP was absolutely brutal. Not sure if it was just the formula that I had from this particular compounding pharmacy, but I was hobbling around all the time in pain and decided it was just no longer worth it. I even tried blending 10 mg prop with 10 mg cyp to see if it would work out, but still had significant PIP with that blend. Very unfortunate.
I tried test prop as well with ED injections 20 mg. I did not feel sluggish at all, in fact it was quite the opposite. I had quite a bit more energy than I did with cypionate. I would inject at night, and waking up in the morning felt more like it did when I was in my 20s. However, I had to throw in the towel after being on prop for 3 weeks because the PIP was absolutely brutal. Not sure if it was just the formula that I had from this particular compounding pharmacy, but I was hobbling around all the time in pain and decided it was just no longer worth it. I even tried blending 10 mg prop with 10 mg cyp to see if it would work out, but still had significant PIP with that blend. Very unfortunate.
What compounding pharmacy? I had very minimal amount of PIP using empower’s test prop
Propionate tends to cause less water retention and estrogenic side effects compared to its longer esterfied counterparts. Similar to what you describe, I feel a little more sluggish, yet calmer, on propionate. However, I prefer propionate to Cypionate or enanthate.

Your dosage may be the biggest contributor to your overall sluggishness. Lowering the dose to 12 to 15 mg daily may prove to improve your symptoms.
Yes! That's totally why I switched over to Propionate. Since I inject everyday, there is no difference in my protocol. I'm totally going to drop to 14-15 mg a day. Curiously, why would a higher dose cause sluggishness? Not doubting you, but would love learn why, (lTRT and our bodies is really interesting).

Thanks for the advice!
I can only vouch for empowers test prop. Very little PIP from what I remember. I would try to get it prescribed from there if that’s an option for u
Awesome, thank you so much, I'll reach out to my Dr. with that formula, since they called in Powdered Testosterone to my pharmacist...That's what my pharmacist said today. I'll email my Dr. the formula now. Thanks!
Anytime I inject anything into my legs I get PIP. I now only inject into shoulders or stomach fat and have no issues. I've used Prop and Cyp and prefer cyp, but it is another example of the need to experiment and see what works for you. I would not blame Prop for the the PIP unless it happens in the shoulders or fat.
Thank you for explaining...Curiously, why do you prefer Cypionate over Prop?
And I think I'll be staying away from injecting in my leg's, they get sore! Glad to know I'm not the only one.
Prop will make you sore at injection spots? Bizarre

I would not blame Prop for the the PIP unless it happens in the shoulders or fat

My apologies gentlemen, I guess the consensus of 100 000 reports from bodybuilders across 10 forums is wrong and you two guys are right!

- Every second guy had this problem with prop (and DHB, which is even worse)
- 4/5 brands tested by those susceptable to prop pip have this problem. Other esters from the same brand/ugl/compounder do give PIP to those same people.
My apologies gentlemen, I guess the consensus of 100 000 reports from bodybuilders across 10 forums is wrong and you two guys are right!

- Every second guy had this problem with prop (and DHB, which is even worse)
- 4/5 brands tested by those susceptable to prop pip have this problem. Other esters from the same brand/ugl/compounder do give PIP to those same people.
Not sure you're being sarcastic or not. I'm on here to ask honest questions to my concerns. I'm just trying to figure out the best protocol and form of Test. that works best for me.

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