Poor Penis Sensitivity - Extremely High SHBG - "Normal" E2 & Testosterone Levels

I had previously went to a doctor and neurologist for spasm issues, but they didn't seek out blood tests on iron or magnesium, vitamins.
Doctors aren’t big on testing for vitamins and minerals. Our medical system is rather poor at root cause/preventative medicine/optimizing health. Nutrition isn’t really taught in medical school and a few doctors know anything about proper nutrition or healthy diets.

The motto for our healthcare system is treat the symptoms, often with prescription drugs.

Also, some doctors are in it for the money, it’s a job, nothing more.

I had a vitamin C, vitamin D, iron and potassium deficiency all at the same time and ER doctors struggled in diagnosing in a timely manner. I was going into convulsions as a result.

My gums were rotten, teeth ready to fall out, heart racing up and down from the low potassium.

Twelve ER visits in the span of 2 weeks and not once did they check any of these.
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Sometimes magnesium supplementation can contribute to a decrease in sensitivity because it has an analgesic quality. HCG helps some people (including myself when I used it) improve sensitivity and sometimes libido. Also, just as a word to the wise, no matter how smart people sound with their replies, take it all with a grain of salt. They may be onto something, they may not be, but you'll do yourself a disservice if you take the advice as anything other than a starting place for something to consider.
Thanks for your reply.

I'm curious can one take HCG as a monotherapy to improve sensitivity?

I've read men say they've had their sensitivity increase when taking HCG with TRT, but haven't read any accounts of people taking it alone that have had sensitivity improve. Have you?

I've seen some men say TRT has diminished their ability to orgasm and feel sensation. I'd like to avoid anything that could potentially lead to further loss of sensation, also just cost-wise and maintenance headaches-wise would like to be able to skip the TRT if possible.

Reading men say HCG helped has been one of the only rays of light towards finding a solution to regain sensitivity. I've spent so much time Googling for solutions. Not much out there. A few months ago stumbled upon here and some on Reddit saying HCG with TRT worked for them. It took me down the path of getting my hormones checked. One guy on reddit who recovered from low sensitivity was imploring guys to get their SHBG checked and sure enough when I did, it was sky high.
I've seen some men say TRT has diminished their ability to orgasm and feel sensation. I'd like to avoid anything that could potentially lead to further loss of sensation, also just cost-wise and maintenance headaches-wise would like to be able to skip the TRT if possible.
In my case it was the opposite, prior to TRT it took me a long time to finish, TRT has improved that.

Reading men say HCG helped has been one of the only rays of light towards finding a solution to regain sensitivity. I've spent so much time Googling for solutions. Not much out there. A few months ago stumbled upon here and some on Reddit saying HCG with TRT worked for them. It took me down the path of getting my hormones checked. One guy on reddit who recovered from low sensitivity was imploring guys to get their SHBG checked and sure enough when I did, it was sky high.
Don't believe everything you read! Seriously, it may work for some people. I have been on HCG monotherapy and combined therapy with Enclomiphene Citrate for a year and a half, and neither solved the sensitivity issue.

When I started with HCG monotherapy at 2000 IU a week, I had a brief 3 weeks of ecstasy where everything worked like a charm and I was 20 year old again, but later I learned that they were my allocated 3 weeks of honeymoon. The thing is, by law, men with sexual issues are assigned 3 weeks in a lifetime of honeymoon when they first seek treatment, regardless the treatment (TRT, HCG, Clomid...) One you've used your 3 weeks, that's it, you go back to being a miserable old man yelling "get off my lawn!" (if you're lucky to have a lawn)
Thank you for the suggestion of what to do next. I'm left wondering just that. I ordered the previous blood tests myself - so went outside of the framework of getting a doctor to guide me.

That route is much quicker, costs more, and doesn't put me in the spot of trying to tell a doctor how to do their job. But I'm left then (as I am now) wondering what to do next with this info.

I had previously went to a doctor and neurologist for spasm issues, but they didn't seek out blood tests on iron or magnesium, vitamins.

"The only significant finding so far is the low ferritin so the origin of that must be investigated."

You don't think the high SHGB of 69 when 10-50 is the normal range is something to be further investigated or is related?

Wasn't until recently that I connected dots thinking that something might be wrong hormonally causing my issue. Prior to this I just blamed circumcision and masturbating.

Just had test results come back:

SHBG: 69 / Normal Range: 10-50
Free Testosterone: 79 / Normal Range: 46-224
Bioavailable Testosterone: 169 / Normal Range:110 -575
Total Testosterone: 1060 / Normal Range: 250-1100
Estradiol: 33 / Normal Range <39

Prolactin: 10 / Normal Range: 2-18

As you can see my SHBG is extremely high, but unusually I don't have any corresponding abnormal levels of E2 or testosterone.

Depends on where your TT sits.

Even than although TT is important to know FT is what truly matters as it is the active unbound fraction of testosterone responsible for the positive effects.

Just because one has high/highish SHBG it is not a given that they have low/low normal FT as again it depends on where your TT sits.

First off looking over your lab results your FT was not even tested using an accurate assay so you have no idea where it truly sits.

You would need to have it tested using what would be considered the most accurate assays such as the gold standard Equilibrium Dialysis or Ultrafiltration especially in cases of altered SHBG which you would fall under.

Unfortunately most are using/relying upon the known to be inaccurate direct immunoassay or cFT which has its flaws.

If you do not have access to such testing (highly doubtful) if you live in the US than you will need to use/rely upon the cFTV which is available online for free.

All you need to do is plug in your TT, SHBG and Albumin than you can estimate your FT.

From your most recent labs (posted above) you are hitting a very high TT 1060 ng/dL, high SHBG 69 nmol/L and we will use a default Albumin 4.3 g/dL since you never posted it and as you can see you are hitting a robust FT 15.7 ng/dL (higher-end) which is healthy and far from low/low normal.

Keep in mind as of now cFTV tends to overestimate FT when compared against the gold standard Equilibrium Dialysis so your FT level will most likely be lower but even than it will be nowhere near low let alone low normal.

Keep in mind most healthy young males have a FT 13-15 ng/dL and this is at peak.

Although you have high SHBG because your TT is very high your FT level is healthy.

Highly doubtful your issues are related to sub-par FT!

Look over these threads when you have time.


Measurement of free hormone (FH) concentrations in biological samples presents a challenge to the clinical laboratory. FH concentrations are generally very low, requiring use of sensitive and specific techniques. Furthermore, special attention must be placed on the equilibrium between free and protein-bound hormone when separating and analyzing in vitro. This review will enhance the readers’ understanding of the current state of mass spectrometry-based methods for the measurement of FHs. The advantages and disadvantages of different separation techniques and sample preparation methods are discussed, as well as clinical conditions in which measurement of FH is warranted.

@Jason Sypolt

Still having ongoing server error issues since last Sunday posting images/PDFs.
Thanks for your reply.

I'm curious can one take HCG as a monotherapy to improve sensitivity?

I've read men say they've had their sensitivity increase when taking HCG with TRT, but haven't read any accounts of people taking it alone that have had sensitivity improve. Have you?

I've seen some men say TRT has diminished their ability to orgasm and feel sensation. I'd like to avoid anything that could potentially lead to further loss of sensation, also just cost-wise and maintenance headaches-wise would like to be able to skip the TRT if possible.

Reading men say HCG helped has been one of the only rays of light towards finding a solution to regain sensitivity. I've spent so much time Googling for solutions. Not much out there. A few months ago stumbled upon here and some on Reddit saying HCG with TRT worked for them. It took me down the path of getting my hormones checked. One guy on reddit who recovered from low sensitivity was imploring guys to get their SHBG checked and sure enough when I did, it was sky high.

Doubtful you would even need to consider hCG mono let alone TRT.

As I stated in my previous post it is highly doubtful your issues are related to sub-par FT!

If anything retest your FT using an accurate assay and get at least two tests over a period of a few weeks on different days.

Always use the same lab and same assay (most accurate) when getting blood work done.

Make sure you are well rested and always test in the early AM in a fasted state.
Doubtful you would even need to consider hCG mono let alone TRT.

As I stated in my previous post it is highly doubtful your issues are related to sub-par FT!

If anything retest your FT using an accurate assay and get at least two tests over a period of a few weeks on different days.

Always use the same lab and same assay (most accurate) when getting blood work done.

Make sure you are well rested and always test in the early AM in a fasted state.

Hey Madman,
I really appreciated reading every word of your replies. I'm humbled by you and others here taking time to share meaningful insights.

You along with others here, and my testing results (though not of the quality sort you link), have pushed me towards closing the door on pursuing anything TRT and HCG related to help with my penis sensation issue.

It's odd given the vast oceans of money that penis drugs (PDE5 inhibitors) have made the medical industry over the last 25 yrs that there hasn't been more (any?) movement towards better developing pharmaceutical means to regaining penile sensation.

There's an extremely obscure drug that I've only read about online called 2,N,N-TMT (aka 2-Me-DMT) whose primary effect is greatly amplifying pleasurable touch and sexual sensations. Although it's a psychedelic, it uncharacteristically for a psychedelic seems to allow for more normal clear-headedness - seemingly causing it to fall to the wayside amongst psychedelic seekers whom are the only ones it seems to encounter it. There seems to be about 4 or 5 urls in total across the whole internet with any mention it.

How would something like that, if not understood better and culturally normalized, not be something many of the same types of men who try PDE5 inhibitors would also like to try?

More generally: given how some men report re-gaining penile sensation (at least temporarily) through TRT and or HCG, and also how amphetamines like Adderall and "entactogens" like MDMA increase penile sensation (though both are vasoconstrictors, so they're erectile dysfunction prone, and something like MDMA can only be consumed once every few months): these things point to the pharmaceutical potential of being able to regain sensation.
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You may need to change tack.
Please research on line improving penile vascularity. Basically radically upping your NO production via dietary nitrates ,pump formulas, low dose daily Cialis.
I know you mention erection not an issue but I found better blood flow via enhanced NO improved sensitivity a lot , before I had a kind of cold penis but after lots lots online research maximised my vascularity as if for gym pumps helpers cock head sensitive, also no fap did help but took couple years , In otherowrds do stuff as if it's libido erectile issue, that feeds into cock sensitivity imo
You may need to change tack.
Please research on line improving penile vascularity. Basically radically upping your NO production via dietary nitrates ,pump formulas, low dose daily Cialis.
I know you mention erection not an issue but I found better blood flow via enhanced NO improved sensitivity a lot , before I had a kind of cold penis but after lots lots online research maximised my vascularity as if for gym pumps helpers cock head sensitive, also no fap did help but took couple years , In otherowrds do stuff as if it's libido erectile issue, that feeds into cock sensitivity imo

Thank you for sharing your experience.

I took large doses of L-Arginine, Citrulline, Agmatine at different junctures for long stretches of time in the past and those NO inducing supplements definitely do help with erection, but I don't know if I notice any sensitivity difference with or without.

My experience with (at least a "research chemical" variation) of Cialis was again and again each time: bad lower back pain for days afterwards AND insomnia. Curious of trying a legit version. Viagra gives me sniffles and a headache.

But, definitely enjoy though being able to be harder via such things.

What did you mean by this?:
"maximised my vascularity as if for gym pumps helpers cock head sensitive"

I'm trying to better understand what to follow-up your reply with relevant Google searching.

Were you saying you actually went 2 yrs w/o any masturbation or sex? And that made a change for you?
Search anything related to gym pumps as in body builders , the pump forulae they use non stimulating type can be useful before sex ie pes science brand I use then add your own taurine powder etc as a top up, daily cialis useful and potassium nitrate capa , and DHEA. Yes I had excessive porn and hard masturbating practice killed cock sensitivity and took 2 years to recover it .

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