Permanent crash of estrogen?

Things still going well with the fin?

-Hypothalamus is fixed and producing serotonin
- No anxiety, brain fog, or tremors. Before I could not even speak complete sentences without tripping over words, thinking of what to say, and being confused/avoiding eye contact. Now I fully feel confident in every aspect of life - having 30+ min easy conversations at the gym or when shopping. Going out of my way talking to people.
- Feel more motivated to actually go out and do activities.

-Sympathetic nervous system seems to be balanced- Can have full 1-2 hour workouts barely breaking a sweat, normal heart rate, and breathing is great. Blood pressure no longer skyrockets. No anxiety to trigger sweat either. Can tolerate heat and humidity very well - can be out in the 90 degree Miami heat for 30+ mins (before would start sweating within 2 minutes)

-No more dry skin/hair/scalp. All dry acne disappeared. Face looks different and is producing oil again.

-libido still low. Common side effect of finasteride anyways, but my sex drive was almost non existent prior to taking it anyways, so this is the least of my concerns.

-Hypothalamus is fixed and producing serotonin
- No anxiety, brain fog, or tremors. Before I could not even speak complete sentences without tripping over words, thinking of what to say, and being confused/avoiding eye contact. Now I fully feel confident in every aspect of life - having 30+ min easy conversations at the gym or when shopping. Going out of my way talking to people.
- Feel more motivated to actually go out and do activities.

-Sympathetic nervous system seems to be balanced- Can have full 1-2 hour workouts barely breaking a sweat, normal heart rate, and breathing is great. Blood pressure no longer skyrockets. No anxiety to trigger sweat either. Can tolerate heat and humidity very well - can be out in the 90 degree Miami heat for 30+ mins (before would start sweating within 2 minutes)

-No more dry skin/hair/scalp. All dry acne disappeared. Face looks different and is producing oil again.

-libido still low. Common side effect of finasteride anyways, but my sex drive was almost non existent prior to taking it anyways, so this is the least of my concerns.
Super glad to hear all this! So in ur opinion, what do u think is the mechanisms of action going on here that are fixing ur issues? Obv the finasteride is blocking ur 5-alpha reductase enzyme, and reducing the conversion of ur testosterone into dht, amongst other conversions that the 5-alpha reductive enzyme is involved in, but what about blocking this conversion is helping ur symptoms? Like how is lowering dht helping ur crashed estrogen symptoms, in ur opinion. Or what is ur best hypothesis of what’s goin on? I know the 5-alpha reductase enzyme is also involved in the conversion of progesterone into Dihydroprogesterone. That’s then converted into allopregnanolone. So I would assume a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor would not only lower dht levels, but allopregnanolone levels as well
Super glad to hear all this! So in ur opinion, what do u think is the mechanisms of action going on here that are fixing ur issues? Obv the finasteride is blocking ur 5-alpha reductase enzyme, and reducing the conversion of ur testosterone into dht, amongst other conversions that the 5-alpha reductive enzyme is involved in, but what about blocking this conversion is helping ur symptoms? Like how is lowering dht helping ur crashed estrogen symptoms, in ur opinion. Or what is ur best hypothesis of what’s goin on? I know the 5-alpha reductase enzyme is also involved in the conversion of progesterone into Dihydroprogesterone. That’s then converted into allopregnanolone. So I would assume a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor would not only lower dht levels, but allopregnanolone levels as well
@Gman86, you are something like the top investigative journalist of HRT. Always asking the right questions to dig deeper into the story and extract useful information. Stay curious brother!
Super glad to hear all this! So in ur opinion, what do u think is the mechanisms of action going on here that are fixing ur issues? Obv the finasteride is blocking ur 5-alpha reductase enzyme, and reducing the conversion of ur testosterone into dht, amongst other conversions that the 5-alpha reductive enzyme is involved in, but what about blocking this conversion is helping ur symptoms? Like how is lowering dht helping ur crashed estrogen symptoms, in ur opinion. Or what is ur best hypothesis of what’s goin on? I know the 5-alpha reductase enzyme is also involved in the conversion of progesterone into Dihydroprogesterone. That’s then converted into allopregnanolone. So I would assume a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor would not only lower dht levels, but allopregnanolone levels as well
I believe our wellbeing is not solely based on just our Estrogen, or Estrogen to Testosterone ratio, but a ratio of all 3 combined of Estrogen: DHT: Testosterone.

We all had a state of crashed estrogen for a prolonged time, likely enough to heavily desensitize our Estrogen receptors. Even though we stop using aromatase inhibitors and our blood levels show normal E2 and DHT levels, our receptors are desensitized to a point where we are getting more pronounced effects from DHT and less from E2, throwing this balance off and causing all of these issues.

By blocking the conversion to DHT, we are now balancing the ratio of effect on our E2 and DHT RECEPTORS (not blood levels, as I think this is inaccurate in our case).... and also very slightly causing an increase in conversion to E2 since less Testosterone is being converted to DHT.

I don't think progesterone or pregnenolone are issues at play here.

That's the best theory I can think of
@Gman86, you are something like the top investigative journalist of HRT. Always asking the right questions to dig deeper into the story and extract useful information. Stay curious brother!

Hahah, thanks for the kind words brotha, much appreciated. I definitely enjoy spreading all the knowledge that I have, in order to help others, but I enjoy learning way more. And if u ask anyone that knows me in real life, they’ll probably tell u I’m the most curious person that they’ve ever met. So I have no choice but to stay curious. For better or for worse lol. I definitely cross like line with how personal my questions can get at times, but I legit just can’t help it. Life’s way too short to just keep my questions to myself, and not at least try to find out more about what I’m looking to know more about lol. I’m a completely open book. There’s no question someone can ask me that I wouldn’t be comfortable answering. So I sometimes just assume everyone else is the same way lol. But I will say, me being so curious, and being willing to ask questions that others probably wouldn’t, has made for some amazing convos throughout my life. So overall, I wouldn’t change a thing lol. Thanks again for the compliments :)
Hahah, thanks for the kind words brotha, much appreciated. I definitely enjoy spreading all the knowledge that I have, in order to help others, but I enjoy learning way more. And if u ask anyone that knows me in real life, they’ll probably tell u I’m the most curious person that they’ve ever met. So I have no choice but to stay curious. For better or for worse lol. I definitely cross like line with how personal my questions can get at times, but I legit just can’t help it. Life’s way too short to just keep my questions to myself, and not at least try to find out more about what I’m looking to know more about lol. I’m a completely open book. There’s no question someone can ask me that I wouldn’t be comfortable answering. So I sometimes just assume everyone else is the same way lol. But I will say, me being so curious, and being willing to ask questions that others probably wouldn’t, has made for some amazing convos throughout my life. So overall, I wouldn’t change a thing lol. Thanks again for the compliments :)
"There’s no question someone can ask me that I wouldn’t be comfortable answering".
This is not a sign of intelligence, but in fact, quite the opposite. Beware of the man that doesn't know what he doesn't know. After reading many of your posts, there is no doubt that you are Completely uninformed but totally confident you know what you are talking about and absolutely convinced you are doing what you think is correct.
You, Cortex labs, and others on this and other social media platforms are examples of the Dunning-Kruger effect which is our tendency to overestimate our own knowledge/skills/competence and underestimate our own ignorance.
The English philosopher Bertrand Russell once said, “The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts.
It turns out that Russell’s axiom has been studied and the data back it up. People who are bad at something do believe they are good at it, and people who are good at it do believe they are bad at it. Amateurs are overconfident and experts are underconfident. Newbies believe they’ve got it all figured out and the weathered veterans understand that they still have much more to learn.
So there are many questions that an expert would be uncomfortable answering, because they realize they don't have the answer. They know what they don't know.
And when it comes to hormones and the decades some of us have spent studying hormones like testosterone the more we learn the more we realize we don't know. Now in that process we certainly have a strong foundation of knowledge but nonetheless we're not confident that we know everything.

It's not just me that sees this issue with your comments. Madman just posted this in response to your post in "Testosterone Propionate"
"Still spreading nonsense on here!"....yes you are and the mere fact you believe and propagate anything that Ryan Bellows of CortexLabs says is absolute proof that you lack the experience to know what you don't know and are easily influenced by people like Ryan who epitomizes the Duning-Kruger effect. Anyone with just a basic working knowledge of the medical literature and physiology would destroy Ryan
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"There’s no question someone can ask me that I wouldn’t be comfortable answering".
This is not a sign of intelligence, but in fact, quite the opposite. Beware of the man that doesn't know what he doesn't know.but in fact, quite the opposite. Beware of the man that doesn't know what he doesn't know. After reading many of your post, there is no doubt that you are Completely uninformed but totally confident you know what you are talking about and absolutely convinced you are doing what you think is correct.
You, Cortex labs, and others on this and other social media platforms are examples of the Dunning-Kruger effect which is our tendency to overestimate our own knowledge/skills/competence and underestimate our own ignorance.
The English philosopher Bertrand Russell once said, “The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts.
It turns out that Russell’s axiom has been studied and the data back it up. People who are bad at something do believe they are good at it, and people who are good at it do believe they are bad at it. Amateurs are overconfident and experts are underconfident. Newbies believe they’ve got it all figured out and the weathered veterans understand that they still have much more to learn.
So there are many questions that an expert would uncomfortable answering, because they realize they don't have the answer. They know what they don't know.
And when it comes to whore moans and the decades some of us have spent studying hormones like testosterone the more we learn the more we realize we don't know. Now in that process we certainly have a strong foundation of knowledge but nonetheless we're not confident that we know everything.

It's not just me that sees this issue with your comments. Madman just posted this in response to your post in "Testosterone Propionate"
"Still spreading nonsense on here!"....yes you are and the mere fact you believe and propagate anything that Ryan Bellows of CortexLabs says is absolute proof that you lack the experience to know what you don't know and are easily influenced by people like Ryan who epitomizes the Duning-Kruger effect. Anyone with just a basic working knowledge of the medical literature and physiology would destroy Ryan

I definitely don’t know everything, obv nobody does. And I try to always be cognizant about how confident I should be when talking about certain subjects. I’m definitely much more confident about the knowledge I have/ spread on diet, than I am about how different test preparations affect fertility. So when I talk about say test prop, and fertility, I make sure to emphasize that this is just my current opinion, on the subject, based on the knowledge/ info I currently have on the topic, and it’s not fact or anything. Just what I feel is most likely the case, based on my own personal research. But I’m always willing to change my views on something, based on new info that I deem worth changing my views for. I try to never be married to any of my current opinions/ views.

Now when it comes to diet, am I 100% sure that an animal based diet is the most optimal diet a person can consume, absolutely. In 99% of people, are statins an absolutely horrible medication to take, and will do much more harm than good, as far as the person’s overall health/ longevity goes? Without a doubt! I’m 99.99% sure of this. Only situation where a statin might be helpful, is if a person is extremely metabolically unhealthy, and is at risk of having a cardiovascular event in the very very near future. And even that’s debatable, imo.

So there’s definitely things that I’m more confident about, knowledge wise, than others, and I always try my best to make sure I’m very cognizant about letting others know how confident I am about the knowledge I have, in regards to whatever subject I’m speaking about, at the time. But at the end of the day, none of us should be taking what someone else says as gospel, and should always use good common sense/ critical thinking skills when deciding how much weight we should be putting into what someone else is saying. On here, and in life in general
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.... Beware of the man that doesn't know what he doesn't know.but in fact, quite the opposite. Beware of the man that doesn't know what he doesn't know. ...
Sounds like the guy who was repeating misconceptions about SHBG and disappeared when challenged.

And when it comes to whore moans ...
At least there's some comic relief.

Now when it comes to diet, am I 100% sure that an animal based diet is the most optimal diet a person can consume, absolutely. ...
You shouldn't be making the case for him.
@Cataceous it’s quite the opposite my friend. Truth always comes to light in the end. Facts will always be facts. Just give it time, and u’ll see for urself. This I can guarantee. Well it might take u a while since ur still in the dark ages, as far as diet/ nutrition goes, but u’ll eventually get there, I have faith lol
EatingSounds like the guy who was repeating misconceptions about SHBG and disappeared when challenged.

At least there's some comic relief.

You shouldn't be making the case for him.
You were unwilling to try to know what you didn't know. You are a shining example of the Dunning Kruger effect. Anything I've ever said or posted was purely based on the medical literature. I can always back that up. But you can't.
@Cataceous it’s quite the opposite my friend. Truth always comes to light in the end. Facts will always be facts. Just give it time, and u’ll see for urself. This I can guarantee. Well it might take u a while since ur still in the dark ages, as far as diet/ nutrition goes, but u’ll eventually get there, I have faith lol
Cataceous the best example of the Dunning Kruger effect on this forum. When Asked to provide medical evidence supporting some of his comments he can never do it
Half-knowledge is dangerous
Couldn’t agree more. The fact that people still blindly trust what their general practitioners tell them, in regards to diet/ nutrition/ resolving their health issues, is quite insane to me. In regards to these subjects, most general family doctors don’t understand even half the knowledge, that they would need, to speak intelligently on these subjects. General practitioners aren’t taught how to resolve health issues, they’re taught how to diagnose and prescribe medications to treat these conditions. But I digress lol. Again, I agree tho. Half knowledge can be a dangerous thing
... When Asked to provide medical evidence supporting some of his comments he can never do it
Let's see you cite some examples. In our last outing you stormed out without asking for evidence. But if you're asking now then I'm happy to share some other references that your friend readalot/tareload provided.

The basics are encapsulated in this quote:

However, as discussed in Chapter 5, unbound drug concentrations will not be affected by decreases in the protein binding of restrictively metabolized drugs. Therefore, no dosage alterations are required for these drugs when protein binding is the only parameter that is changed.[R]​

Here's another good one:

However, steady-state concentrations of unbound drug will be unchanged as long as there is no change in CLint.[R]​

The finasteride choice may seem tempting but there are experiences of individuals experiencing Post Finasteride Syndrome and hell stories of individuals who committed suicide by taking it and how horeible the side effects are, I’d say it is a little more worse than an estrogen crash, both are horrible but I wouldn’t wanna risk an PFS from finasteride. I an 18 year old male who is obsessed with DHT & Testosterone optimization naturally feel a little icky when it comes to finasteride. I have yet want to test out safer alternatives than finasteride, like estradiol pills or injections to raise my low/crashed estrogen levels. I have been experiencing this crash for 7 months, feeling a little better than the first time I crashed it and many many months back during the crash, but definitely not 100%, I can still get erections but they are just not hard as a rock like it used to, and they go down very quickly, arousal is little to non, testicle kinda just looks dull/less bloodflow and less fuller with glycogen, my veins barely even pop out of my skin like they used to, normally before the crash in a relaxed state they would pop up so easily and I would easily get unintentional pumps just by flexing for 10 seconds, now its just not there at all, this is the same with bodybuilding in the gym, the pump is barely tight its very little, my muscle fullness is barely even there too, I feel very flat. I also noticed my skjn is drier, hair is drier/duller looking and to the touch, and lips become dry, also my appetitie has gone down the drain compared to before where I would be a human food truck literally inhaling my food like it’s nothing and looking forward to eat it but now it’s such a hard demanding task and just little to no appetitie, I noticed that I sweat excessively than usual when workingout, usually I would barwly break a sweat but now it’s excessive and uncomfortable, my physique looks flat, and lossed most of my hard earned muscular gains and strength gains like I can’t even progress PRs anymore, it just wouldn’t even be consistent. My joints are crackling and feel like an old man when I move a certain way. I feel fatiqued, like dogsh*t and my cognitive short term memory, flexibility and many more is just hindered. Not so much morningwood, it’s very rare that it happens. And I know it’s low estrogen issue because I am a guy who is obssessed with Testosterone maxing and DHT maxing optimization naturally and have been very successful in those things by feeling my absolute best before the crash and even now I try focusing on getting good sleep, stressing less, eating super healthy, and getting sunlight, and not being deficient at all and I am a naturally low aromatizer meaning I naturally convert mostly to DHT pathway as a person so my physique is lean, hard and muscular looking defined, and atheltic but overral I just feel like shit ever since the crash. I also noticed that when I take just a micro split of 50mg of zinc it increases my DHT which further exacerbates my low E2 symptoms, when I found out that if I don’t take my zinc even a microsplit of it instead of half my joints SLIGHTLY becomes better but I also become more anxious/anxiety/nervousness and from my in depth research these years zinc is responsible for many modulations like helping lower excess glutamate and excess glutamate and stimulate anxiety, it’s most likely my glutamte is raises from not taking zinc tablets. That’s the only thing I don’t like, it’s basically making me contemplate whether or not to take micro ampunt of it to feel less anxious and to operate my life with less anxiety even if I experience low estrogen symptoms from it but when I don’t take zinc tablets, I still get low esteogen symptoms but just a slight improvement in it, NOT much to make a big difference though. I also take Super K which ihas Vitamin K1, K2MK4, and Mk7 all mixed together and has been shown to lower the estradiol to estrone ratio making you much less estrogenic, so I tries not taking super k or vitamin K2 kn general and I feel weak and even worse so I am sticking to vitamin K2 because not taking it will not benefit me at all. I noticed that when I take B-Vitamins and multivitamins in general I would get even lower estrogen symptoms. I researched that B vitamins and other minerals and vitamins that are inside the multi-vitamins are estrogen receptor antagonists meaning they play a complimentary role in inhibiting and deactivating both estrogen receptor (a/Alpha) and (b/Beta). So taking B-vitamins and multivitamins is nor a question at this point lol. Before the crash I would take those and feel absolutely primed amazing but now it’s doing more negative than positive. I also tested out beta-Ecdysterone and it did actually help alot but not significantly, it gave me good pumps, and stamina, and slight energy boost, and workout performance and strength gains but it did not last at all. I read it activates estrogen receptor b/Beta but no Alpha and Beta is found mostly in muscle, joints and bones. so I did see some improvements kn those areas but what’s the point if it’s not permanent. Disclaimer: I have not even tested my estradiol levels at all, and actually am planning on doing so via sensitive E2 testing to see what’s up. So I will chime in when that is done. I also in the pass tested HCG specifically from this website called “A**no A*y*um” and I have no idea if it was bunk or not but based on reddit reviews and other web reviews people experienced positive reviews and positive experiences from it but I am not so sure. I injected 200-500IU for like 5 days and I don’t think it did anything. I wonder if I have to do it for much more longer with a higher dosage to have a more effective effect on me, let me know on this specifically if you are experienced with it and knowledgeble with it because I am down to experiment with it again. I also used clomid 25mg for a month or so and maybe I felt slightly better, I don’t know if it was placebo or not, again Idk if I got it from a bunk website, maybe if I used sourced it from a legit vendor I would get way effective results. Anyways, a very long paragraph essay I damn created but it is just a way foe you to know what’s up with my experience that is happening right now with Low E2.

My official plan coming up is to buy some Mk677 and/or inject IGF-1 LR3 which has been shown to increase aromatase enzyme and both estrogen receptors in the absense of estradiol, and combine that with estradiol pills or injections and maybe even combine it with a herb called forskolin which has been shown to be a very effective cAMP/cyclic adenosine monophosphate stimulator which also has been shown to activate estrogen receptor (a/Alpha). So that will be my plan in the future not so long from now. I will keep up with the post to see if any progress is being made! Been going through a tough horrible suffering time but we pushing through it. Encouragement and recommendations are welcomed! Lets keep in touch with each other and provide each other with as much help as possible to get out of this hell state. Thanks See yall soon.
Also the Aromatase inhibitor I used was a suicide inhibitor/ irreversible inhibitor and goes by the the name “Arimistane” Onviously made a terrible mistake but itis what it is and I am just emotionally numb aat this point so no point in harvesting negative emotions but I will try my best to get through and cure this damn hell. All support, recommendations, and keeping kn touch is highly appreciated! Thanks to all!
Hey @Mttumasov
Sorry to hear you're suffering bro.
I know one more dude that crashed with arimistane.
He is currently on TRT and exogenous E2 injections and feels good.

In your case, I would first try e2 pills. I know one dude that recovered 2 years after aromasin crash with few pills of e2. And I mean permanently recovered, as if the extra e2 was needed to kick-start his receptors again.

Imo, B vitamins don't crash you because they are AIs. And I suspect only certain vitamins/minerals in multivitamin supplements make you feel worse. But I guess that's not too important right now.
You can think of copper as the estrogen mineral; estrogen regulates ceruloplasmin synthesis/metabolism and ceruloplasmin is what regulates copper transport/metabolism. This doesn't mean to supplement with copper since if your body cannot utilize it then it will just get stored in the liver and that will be shitty. You can try supplementing copper to see how it compares to zinc tho.

The requirement for estrogen signalling is increased by T3 hormone. But the synthesis of T3 is regulated by your antioxidant systems. Thyroid controls the metabolic rate. And most metabolic processes create free radicals as byproducts. If body has working antioxidant systems (ceruloplasmin is one part of it, but there are other enzymes, most crucial are SODs, catalase, and of course glutathione enzymes; and also molecules like serotonin) then it can afford to increase the metabolic rate.
We can talk later about other things estrogen is involved in. But it's a lot of things. Knowing what I know now I would never take AI again. But oh well, shit happens. I'm a bit more than a year after the crash and quite well but some symptoms still linger.

Do your joints hurt or just crack?
Do you have any gut-related symptoms?
When you say no arousal, do you mean libido or (dick) sensitivity and pleasure?

I agree with you that finasteride is risky. ONLY people with high DHT can afford to take it imo.

I recommend you test your blood for: total test, e2, FSH/LH, prolactin, shbg, thyroid panel, iron panel, maybe also progesterone and DHT. I mean I would also test copper and ceruloplasmin but that costs.

But if you don't do tests then I recommend you first try E2 pills. Take one/half then wait for a week.

I understand the logic of your suggestion about mk677 and igf-lr3 but if I would go that route I would rather play around with ipamorelin, ghrp6 and mod grf 1-29 combos. But because of your age I would consider other stuff first.
Hey @Mttumasov
Sorry to hear you're suffering bro.
I know one more dude that crashed with arimistane.
He is currently on TRT and exogenous E2 injections and feels good.

In your case, I would first try e2 pills. I know one dude that recovered 2 years after aromasin crash with few pills of e2. And I mean permanently recovered, as if the extra e2 was needed to kick-start his receptors again.

Imo, B vitamins don't crash you because they are AIs. And I suspect only certain vitamins/minerals in multivitamin supplements make you feel worse. But I guess that's not too important right now.
You can think of copper as the estrogen mineral; estrogen regulates ceruloplasmin synthesis/metabolism and ceruloplasmin is what regulates copper transport/metabolism. This doesn't mean to supplement with copper since if your body cannot utilize it then it will just get stored in the liver and that will be shitty. You can try supplementing copper to see how it compares to zinc tho.

The requirement for estrogen signalling is increased by T3 hormone. But the synthesis of T3 is regulated by your antioxidant systems. Thyroid controls the metabolic rate. And most metabolic processes create free radicals as byproducts. If body has working antioxidant systems (ceruloplasmin is one part of it, but there are other enzymes, most crucial are SODs, catalase, and of course glutathione enzymes; and also molecules like serotonin) then it can afford to increase the metabolic rate.
We can talk later about other things estrogen is involved in. But it's a lot of things. Knowing what I know now I would never take AI again. But oh well, shit happens. I'm a bit more than a year after the crash and quite well but some symptoms still linger.

Do your joints hurt or just crack?
Do you have any gut-related symptoms?
When you say no arousal, do you mean libido or (dick) sensitivity and pleasure?

I agree with you that finasteride is risky. ONLY people with high DHT can afford to take it imo.

I recommend you test your blood for: total test, e2, FSH/LH, prolactin, shbg, thyroid panel, iron panel, maybe also progesterone and DHT. I mean I would also test copper and ceruloplasmin but that costs.

But if you don't do tests then I recommend you first try E2 pills. Take one/half then wait for a week.

I understand the logic of your suggestion about mk677 and igf-lr3 but if I would go that route I would rather play around with ipamorelin, ghrp6 and mod grf 1-29 combos. But because of your age I would consider other stuff first.
What did ur friends exogenous E2 protocol look like? Like how many mgs per day, how many times per day did he take it, and how long did he take it, before not needing to take it at all anymore? He was just taking straight synthetic estradiol tablets?
What did ur friends exogenous E2 protocol look like? Like how many mgs per day, how many times per day did he take it, and how long did he take it, before not needing to take it at all anymore? He was just taking straight synthetic estradiol tablets?
He tried 0.25mg first then 1mg a month later then 2mg a month after that. He wasnt on TRT during this. Somehow that worked. Those classic E2 pills for women.

However, I'm in/I was in contact with many more E2 crashers. Some don't respond to E2 at all. Some respond only to certain forms (so there's some differences in pharmokinetics between oral, transdermal and injections). Many claimed that E2 cured them though (in the sense that they did it for a while and then could stop without symptoms returning)...
I am experiencing cracky joints, when I go and raise my shoulder up in a way without flexing basically relaxed, it would crack but compared to when I did all those or even rougher movements before the crash I would never get those cracks ever, now it’s like the slightest movement of shoulders, wrist, ankles, and back I get some cracks, maybe occasional here and there joint starts aching a little but that is rare, by arousal, I can still get aroused and turned on but the effects of it isn’t too strong compared to long time ago before the crash I would feel like an in heat bull flooded with horniness, now it’s like “Cool Im horny whatever” compared to before I would be like “Hell yeah I feel like a monster horny bull who wants to f*ck as much beautiful women as much as possible now its more passive instead of active/aggressive. I hope you understood that illustration LOL. Also I don’t think I have any gut problems because I eat very healthy and I sometimes here and there take a Digestive Enzyme prebiotic and Probiotic blend supplement. Oh yeah also about the dick sensitivity, I just feel like my dick looks less veinier, and little less longer and thicker in general maybe because estrogen is associated with Nitric Oxide synthesis leading to overral better bloodflow to body, I see this is also correlated to the fact that my pumps are barely there as well and cardio is just hindered because estrogen is responsible for cardiovascular health needed for endurance. There is a reason why I slightly feel better when taking Beta Ecdysterone because it activates estrogen receptor beta. It made my joints feel more better, bones feel better and muscle feel better, but defined not 100% or permanent. But anyways, regardless I will be getting some estradiol pills or injections to try to fix this problem.

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