Hello everyone. After dealing with the same issue of “permanently” crashed estrogen for the past 2 years, I have extensively studied this topic, and believe I HAVE FOUND THE ANSWER.
A little background about myself, I am 28 years old and used to compete in bodybuilding show. I hired a “pro” coach back in 2022 for my last prep. With a pretty much standard prep cycle, the coach had me take 1mg Arimidex twice a day + 2.5mg letrozole every day for 30 days straight (INSANE dose) for the purpose of competing and drying out, with little knowledge of the consequences that would come with it.
2 years ago, June 2022 I competed, and right after that I started with a TRT clinic and have been on 150mg TRT + 0.25mg Arimidex 2x a week since then. Over time, symptoms slowly started to develop, and for the life of me, I could not figure out why or associate it with aromatase inhibitors and crashed estrogen. The clinic would get my bloodwork done every 3-4 months, yet bloodwork showed mostly everything in range, even all hormones. My symptoms developed to being severe:
Dry skin, Dry Scalp, Dry mouth, Difficulty regulating body temperature (excessive sweating/cold sweats), out of breath, high blood pressure, extreme anxiety (avoiding eye contact, tremors, brain fog, could not form complete sentences), anhedonia, lack of serotonin, very low libido, delay urination, unregulated blood sugar (would go hypo after workouts+ high carb meals), acid reflux, short temper, lethargy.
September 2023, over a year later, I looked back at all my previous bloodworks and realized that even though it was all within range, my E2 came back at 9-12 range (6-40 normal reference), so it would show up as “within range” and not get questioned by doctors. Doctors would not know what's wrong. Told me my bloodwork looked great. Some theorized thyroid issues, yet thyroid bloodwork was perfect. At this point I realized that my estrogen was "borderline" low and completely stopped using any Aromatase inhibitors. Over the next month, my symptoms improved a lot, but some remained and would not get better after October 2023:
Dry scalp, excessive sweating, out of breath, high blood pressure, slight brain fog, anhedonia, low libido, delay urination, and short temper.
My bloodworks from November 2023 and March 2024 showed great bloodwork. Estrogen was now 30-35ng/dl, yet the symptoms stopped improving after October and the rest remained.
Research made me realize what was going on and developed some theories. Estrogen is responsible for many effects on the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is responsible for regulating temperature (excessive sweating, overheating), stress, creates serotonin (responsible for the anhedonia, “reward” system- being motivated to go out of your way to do things, libido), and activates the sympathetic nervous system (most IMPORTANT). sympathetic nervous system was broken and extremely sensitive- any slight trigger of the fight of flight response- (working out, anxiety, or heat) would exacerbate the effects on the fight or flight response (excessive sweating, overheating, anxiety, high blood pressure). Estrogen pretty much fucked up my hypothalamus and sympathetic nervous system.
Fast forward to May 5 2024, I tried something different which resolved almost all my issues over the past 20 days, to which I am sure it’s not a placebo and is getting better daily in every aspect. My theory was that even though my bloodwork is showing E2 within normal range, my receptors may be severely desensitized to where the effects of E2 are not taking place. I tried increasing my estrogen, taking estrogen valerate, with little effect. Finally, instead of focusing on estrogen, I decided to start focusing on my DHT. What if Estrogen is having a low effect on me, while DHT is now affecting me at a much higher ratio? There are many reports of people taking DHT blockers- Finasteride- and report “post finasteride syndrome” which matches up with a lot of our symptoms on permanently crashed estrogen. For a normal person with an out of range E2/DHT, this makes sense as they mess up their hormone ratio, but what if it is the other way around for us, and may end up balancing out our hormones? Not only that, but by preventing the conversion to DHT, you are allowing more Testosterone to convert to Estrogen.
On may 5th, I began taking 1mg finasteride/day. Within 3 days my symptoms have significantly improved and continue to change daily after 20 days and the difference is night and day. I can have full workouts with only slightly breaking out in sweat. I have motivation to go outside and do things. Sex drive is slowly coming back. I hope it continues to stay this way and will be able to report back in a few months to confirm this