Partial blockage event in both legs!

Update: Abdominal vena cava ultrasound and the structure is perfectly normal, next is a echocardiogram. I was prescribe hydrochlorothiazide, it's used to treat high blood pressure and fluid retention (edema) and have shown incredible results, more than I could have hoped.

I took my first dosage yesterday and had more energy later in the day, I felt generally more positive and upbeat, higher libido and had another positive result I was never expecting and was a welcome bonus, strong erections throughout the day on and off which is strange considering I haven't injected testosterone in 3 weeks.

The last two doses of hydrochlorothiazide has seen a strong suppression of the 20+ year long chronic cough I developed in my mid-twenties and is starting to subside after each dosage. I have read that fluid buildup in the lungs is the first warning signs of heart failure.

Perhaps this cough was a warning sign of things to come, yet I remain positive regardless.

I believe the dosage of hydrochlorothiazide is too high because today I notice symptoms of low potassium which I only started supplementing two weeks ago do to a deficiency.

I may need to cut the dosage in half and supplement extended release potassium if labs show a deficiency even after 2 weeks of supplementation.
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Hello everyone, I'm still here.

I'm currently in the ER and had a partial blockage in both legs to the point vision cut in and out and both legs were swollen, warm and minor uncontrollable tremors.

During this partial blockage I actually felt the vein in my neck partially collapse and let of a belch and thought I was a gonner for sure.

I have always felt strange on TRT and thought what I was feeling was high estrogen, now I'm not so sure and may know why I've always been sleepy on TRT, blood flow.

Talk about a headache, beyond any migraine Ive ever felt! My gums are swollen for about a week probably do to a lack of blood flow, probably why my ears have been ringing as well.

Is this the end of TRT for me or can a blood thinner keep blood flowing?

Thanks and glad to be here.

I just read though this thread, and I am confused. I apologize, but can you clarify something?
What was the diagnosis from the ER? A bilateral DVT, and problem with your aorta, or edema? A DVT is very easy to see on imaging.
I just read though this thread, and I am confused. I apologize, but can you clarify something?
What was the diagnosis from the ER? A bilateral DVT, and problem with your aorta, or edema? A DVT is very easy to see on imaging.

The ER doctor diagnosed me with edema, only it's everywhere within my body evenly distributed and legs only swell in the critical stages. The water pill mostly cleared out the fluid from my lungs 75% of the time, nighttime is when all symptoms dominate.

I can feel a hot strange sensation in my heart when symptoms peak even though no TRT for one month. My gums were swelling up red and teeth turning yellow and would have lost my teeth had it not been for the edema medicine.

Ears ring constantly and vision changes. Every edema pill I can feel my gums slidify and harden, then in between doses gums get soft again.

Waiting on results for echocardiogram.
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The ER doctor diagnosed me with edema, only it's everywhere within my body evenly distributed and legs only swell in the critical stages. The water pill mostly cleared out the fluid from my lungs 75% of the time, nighttime is when all symptoms dominate.

I can feel a hot strange sensation in my heart when symptoms peak even though no TRT for one month. My gums were swelling up red and teeth turning yellow and would have lost my teeth had it not been for the edema medicine.

Ears ring constantly and vision changes. Every edema pill I can feel my gums slidify and harden, then in between doses gums get soft again.

Waiting on results for echocardiogram.

I am sorry to hear about the edema. Hopefully they can get to the bottom of it soon.
It would seem 4 weeks after stopping TRT and supplementing iron do to a recently discovered long term severe iron deficiency I have many indications my natural testosterone production is going strong.

After 4 weeks of stopping TRT my joints were a mess, popping and clicking, brain fog and experiencing all the symptoms of low testosterone. Then last Wednesday (4.5 weeks) I noticed brain fog was lifting, than on Friday I noticed muscles were starting to get harder and joints are on the mend, now today my underarm body odor is horrendous and noticed my veins are starting to pop in my hands and arms.

My iron levels are just barely in range and had to increase my iron dosage from 325mg->650mg daily. I know this level of recovery after only 4 weeks on iron supplements is nothing short of amazing, I'm starting to wonder if "all of theses symptoms" are related to iron deficiency and just need more time with normal iron levels.

MCH and MCV also show a steady decline while on TRT eventually ending up abnormally low which indicates microcytic anemia.

I became fatigued after 6 months on TRT and even more so after pushing past 500 ng/dL, at 829 ng/dL I wanted to sleep all day.

Labs show more testosterone, less iron. I stopped TRT and iron increased. Still waiting on echocardiogram results.

Current iron labs:

Iron 81 mcg/dL 59 - 158 mcg/dL

Total Iron Binding Capacity 422 mcg/dL 250 - 425 mcg/dL

Iron Saturation 19% 20 - 50 %

Previous iron testing:

Iron 40 mcg/dL 59 - 158 mcg/dL

Total Iron Binding Capacity 498 mcg/dL 250 - 425 mcg/dL

Iron Sat 12% 20 - 50 %

Pre-TRT Iron labs 2017:

Iron 61 mcg/dL 59 - 158 mcg/dL

Total Iron Binding Capacity 425 mcg/dL 250 - 425 mcg/dL

Iron Sat 14% 20 - 50 %
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Good news. I know after several years of various hormonal supplementation that I was able to get off all of them except testosterone. I have/had a multi-systemic condition, however. I needed a lot of rest and Rx support before that was possible.
My GP said the echocardiogram was inconclusive, it showed 60% ejection fraction (50-60% being normal). He also noticed can't remember the terminology, but little backflow in the heart. Based off my symptoms he easily recommended an appointment with a vascular surgeon/cardiologists.
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My cardiologist doesn't believe I have a heart or cardiovascular problem and basically referred me back to my GP which is quite frustrating. He told me there are only people worse off than me and I just couldn't believe it, no concern at all.

I do not know what else could cause edema is all bodily tissues, I experience swelling in my abdomen everyday followed by burning sensation in the affected area and would be experienced it in my legs if not for the edema medicine which doesn't do the trick all day, it works for only as few hours and then symptoms return unless I take another pill which my doctor told me not to do.

When I take more than what was prescribe of the edema medicine, only then is my cough 100% gone. I don't know what to do but I don't see how Kaiser can figure it out, the doctors are terrible and am unimpressed.

There can't be many things that could cause edema bodywide.
These studies may help explain everything that is happening to me, the bodywide edema, the inflamed gums and loose teeth. If this is true that would mean that the iron deficiency has gone on for a long time since I've had the cough for about 2 decades. I was showing iron deficiency 3 years ago before the start of TRT.

Pathogenesis of edema in chronic severe anaemia: studies of body water and sodium, renal function, haemodynamic variables, and plasma hormones.

Patients with chronic severe anaemia often retain salt and water. Fluid retention in these patients is not caused by heart failure and the exact mechanisms remain unclear. This study was designed to examine some of the possible mechanisms.

Severe periodontal destruction in a patient with advanced anemia:

A 23-year-old woman was referred to our clinic with complaints about tooth mobility. Generalized severe alveolar bone loss was verified by a radiographic examination. After a comprehensive clinical examination and taking her medical history, we decided to schedule a medical consultation with a physician. Medical consultation revealed that the patient suffered from severe anemia. Her periodontal treatment was modified because of her systemic situation. After treatment, the patient was monitored for one year. Her periodontal and systemic statuses were stable during this period.

In this case report, severe periodontal destruction was observed in a patient with severe iron and B12 deficiency anemia.
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These studies may help explain everything that is happening to me, the bodywide edema, the inflamed gums and loose teeth. If this is true that would mean that the iron deficiency has gone on for a long time since I've had the cough for about 2 decades. I was showing iron deficiency 3 years ago before the start of TRT.

Pathogenesis of edema in chronic severe anaemia: studies of body water and sodium, renal function, haemodynamic variables, and plasma hormones.

Severe periodontal destruction in a patient with advanced anemia:

So what will be your next move?
The potassium supplements seem to rid me of the camping in the stomach and legs, if I taper down to 200-300mg daily, the cramping returns and the severity worsens the lower I go. Strange how your body can lose the ability to hold onto potassium out of the blue.

My next move is get my iron and potassium elevated, restart TRT on a daily protocol and keep it under 400 ng/dL because I always have strange symptoms >400 that can only be explained as Polycythemia vera like symptoms. I always have problems when RBC is nearing 6.0.

I've been examining years worth of labs and I always have trouble when >400 and the symptoms fit perfectly with Polycythemia vera, red itchy hands, legs and feet worsened by showers, fatigue, coughing, burning or weakness in your hands, feet, arms or legs, fullness or bloating in your left upper abdomen, elevated body temps (99.2), headaches and blurred vision all associated with Polycythemia vera like symptoms.

I've learned when your body is iron deficient it pulls iron away from the skin and reserves it for your organs which would explain the red, dry damaged skin when I was on a daily protocol in 11-23-18. I'm willing to bet when the body has too much iron it pushes the excess to the skin away from the organs and believe I have now experienced both iron overload recently and iron deficiency in 11-23-18 when on a daily protocol.

It's going to be a fine balance and I don't think it's going to be easy to find it.
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I just got my Total T checked, before I tell all let me say I've been actively riding bikes at the beach, doing normal everyday things as if my life has meaning. I am tired at times but do not let it get me down. When I lay in bed my bones do hurt if I lay down in one position too long, I sleep on a tempur pedic so it's not like the bed is uncomfortable.

My Total T is 97 ng/dL and SHBG 14. If more than likely the insulin resistance is lowering my SHBG which means pre-TRT my SHBG was lower, not higher. The daily 7mg protocol brought my SHBG to 22. I can only imagine where my estrogen sits!

Lately I have been feeling like I'm in excess iron, the last 3 days I have felt terrible and decreased iron today and started feeling a little better, iron as of today is 118 (59-158), Ferritin 101 (25-336) and felt way better when iron was 81 and ferritin 80.

My skin is taking on a reddish bronze tone, tingling burning sensation in the skin at times. CBC is low, HCT 44%, hemoglobin 14.

I cut the iron and ferritin supplements in half, I'm unsure if I should have only cut the iron in half and keep the ferritin the same. When I started the ferritin, I felt much better than just on the iron.

Is there a normal iron to ferritin ratio?
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Well better late than never, I got my LH and FSH measure for the first time ever. Total is exactly where it was pre-TRT, Pre-TRT Total T levels were 120 ng/dL, now is 119 ng/dL. My Total T should be higher given the LH score, testicles are not looking to be great performers.

During the day I notice testicles are hanging all the way down and other times are shrunken, this never happen when I had optimal testosterone. I'm guessing LH is lower later in the day and is why they are shrunken up, not enough stimulation.

I always experience a crash midday, it's almost time for my nap, lol!

LH is 3.6
FSH 4.6
Total T 119
Well better late than never, I got my LH and FSH measure for the first time ever. Total is exactly where it was pre-TRT, Pre-TRT Total T levels were 120 ng/dL, now is 119 ng/dL. My Total T should be higher given the LH score, testicles are not looking to be great performers.

During the day I notice testicles are hanging all the way down and other times are shrunken, this never happen when I had optimal testosterone. I'm guessing LH is lower later in the day and is why they are shrunken up, not enough stimulation.

I always experience a crash midday, it's almost time for my nap, lol!

LH is 3.6
FSH 4.6
Total T 119

Man this low T can’t be healthy
Man this low T can’t be healthy

I've actually had some erections this entire 3 months off TRT, but even now I'm starting to return back to the way I was pre-TRT. I just by complete accident found out I'm was originally vitamin C deficient as well, it accompanied the iron, potassium and vitamin D deficiency.

Twice now I've had to stop iron supplementation and everytime I stopped, a week later my teeth/gums started hurting, iron was still elevated and at the time I had no clue there was vitamin C mixed in with the glycinate.

When I looked at the label and realized there was vitamin C mixed in, it was an aha moment and I realized I had a vitamin C deficiency. Then I started to remember my very first symptoms when starting my first EOD protocol back in 2017, aching teeth/gums and bad taste in mouth.

I have really bad gut/bloating problems from all these mineral deficiencies, so I need to get my vitamins in a healthy range before restarting TRT or I'll just crash and burn before I get very far. I still need to figure out iron dosing, I seem really sensitive to it.
I've actually had some erections this entire 3 months off TRT, but even now I'm starting to return back to the way I was pre-TRT. I just by complete accident found out I'm was originally vitamin C deficient as well, it accompanied the iron, potassium and vitamin D deficiency.

Twice now I've had to stop iron supplementation and everytime I stopped, a week later my teeth/gums started hurting, iron was still elevated and at the time I had no clue there was vitamin C mixed in with the glycinate.

When I looked at the label and realized there was vitamin C mixed in, it was an aha moment and I realized I had a vitamin C deficiency. Then I started to remember my very first symptoms when starting my first EOD protocol back in 2017, aching teeth/gums and bad taste in mouth.

I have really bad gut/bloating problems from all these mineral deficiencies, so I need to get my vitamins in a healthy range before restarting TRT or I'll just crash and burn before I get very far. I still need to figure out iron dosing, I seem really sensitive to it.

Being off TRT and being that low do you feel a Instant depression and just never happy or is it just constant fatigue?
Being off TRT and being that low do you feel a Instant depression and just never happy or is it just constant fatigue?

I'm doing normal things everyday, spending time with family and friends, joking and laughing as usual.

Depression and anxiety was never a symptom pre-TRT. I was just weak as hell and a little grumpy. I am noticing as more time passes body is getting weaker and mind is slipping into a little more brain fog every couple of weeks.

I have erections especially in the morning, every morning. As the day stretches on erections become a little weaker, but are restored in the morning. There is a very slow decline in erectile strength couple of weeks.

My veins are still showing in hands and arms. My weight is the same, 235 lbs. Eventually I will return to a state I was in pre-TRT, but now I know I probably don't need very high levels to function normally.

TRT 2.0 will be different, I won't be iron, potassium, vitamin C or vitamin D deficient. There were lots of other minerals which were low normal (B12) , so getting those up as well.
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I'm doing normal things everyday, spending time with family and friends, joking and laughing as usual.

Depression and anxiety was never a symptom pre-TRT. I was just weak as hell and a little grumpy. I am noticing as more time passes body is getting weaker and mind is slipping into a little more brain fog every couple of weeks.

I have erections especially in the morning, every morning. As the day stretches on erections become a little weaker, but are restored in the morning. There is a very slow decline in erectile strength couple of weeks.

My veins are still showing in hands and arms. My weight is the same, 235 lbs. Eventually I will return to a state I was in pre-TRT, but now I know I probably don't need very high levels to function normally.

TRT 2.0 will be different, I won't be iron, potassium, vitamin C or vitamin D deficient. There were lots of other minerals which were low normal (B12) , so getting those up as well.

I still can’t believe you weathered that and can’t off. :(
I'm doing normal things everyday, spending time with family and friends, joking and laughing as usual.

Depression and anxiety was never a symptom pre-TRT. I was just weak as hell and a little grumpy. I am noticing as more time passes body is getting weaker and mind is slipping into a little more brain fog every couple of weeks.

I have erections especially in the morning, every morning. As the day stretches on erections become a little weaker, but are restored in the morning. There is a very slow decline in erectile strength couple of weeks.

My veins are still showing in hands and arms. My weight is the same, 235 lbs. Eventually I will return to a state I was in pre-TRT, but now I know I probably don't need very high levels to function normally.

TRT 2.0 will be different, I won't be iron, potassium, vitamin C or vitamin D deficient. There were lots of other minerals which were low normal (B12) , so getting those up as well.
What was your weekly dose?

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