When you consider the price of hGH and the price for MK-677 the side effects are pretty easy to control. I can promise you I have had lot of bloat, water retention, lethargy and numbness in fingers on 4iu of hGH. I have had it just as bad using modified GRF 1-29 and GHRP-2. But anyway you figure it, peptides are much less expensive.
This idea that GH bleed is bad came from DatBTrue and has been shuffled around the internet for years. hGH doesn't cause GH bleed, it elevated blood GH levels, MK-677 stimulates a greater total 24 hour GH production rate. CJC 1296 with DAC is the only one that causes the "GH bleed."
Over 12 months, the ghrelin mimetic MK-677 enhanced pulsatile growth hormone secretion, significantly increased fat-free mass, and was generally well tolerated. Long-term functional and, ultimately, pharmacoeconomic, studies in elderly persons are indicated.
The only reason why GH bleed can be a problem is Somatostatin rises with constantly high GH levels and eventually blunts the natural pulse response. However, if you use a GHRP with the CJC 1295 w/DAC you can avoid this. I know lots of guys who have been very successful doing 2mg of CJC 1295 w/DAC per week with a GHRP. High levels of serum GH are very productive in athletics because of the increase in IFG-1. As soon as GH levels returrn to normal the pulsation process continues anyway.