Open testosterone ampoule. Is it safe?


I have testo that comes in blisters of 250mg x 1ml enanthate , wen the ampule is broken , the remains to the air, i have sterile vials , but the test does not contain benzil alcohol.
Can i use it withóut fear of sterility?
Gracias, @vergel, pero mi pregunta es si puedo almacenar en un frasco a pesar de no tener alcohol benzil. Será un mes estéril.? I can get it but its purity is 99% and i do not know to dose it with testoviron.
Tengo vial esteril de 10ml podre llenarlo con varias ampollas de testoviron y quizas ahi si podre agregar alcohol benzilico , el tema es que no se como agregarselo al 0.09% las ampollas de testoviron son de 1ml
Sorry inglish is bad
Google Translate—good enough to get by
Thanks, @vergel, but my question is if I can store in a bottle despite not having alcohol benzil. It will be a sterile month?
I have a sterile 10ml vial I can fill it with several blisters of testoviron and maybe there if I can add benzyl alcohol, the issue is that I do not know how to add it to 0.09% testoviron blisters are 1ml
I would not inject testosterone without preservatives when it's been exposed to non-sterile conditions, e.g. room air, for more than a few minutes.

It should be possible to add a preservative when transferring Testoviron to a separate sterile vial, perhaps measured with an insulin syringe.

"No me inyectaría testosterona sin conservantes cuando se haya expuesto a condiciones no estériles, por ejemplo, aire de la habitación, durante más de unos pocos minutos.

"Debería ser posible agregar un conservante al transferir Testoviron a un vial estéril separado, tal vez con una jeringa de insulina."
Cetaceous gracias , testoviron contiene benzoato de bencilo pero no se si conserva igual al alcohol bencilico no entiendo porque ni testoviron ni nebido contienen alcohol bencilico, en mi pais no se consigue.
[QUOTE = "Rain27, post: 157171, member: 38859"] Cetaceous thanks, testoviron contains benzyl benzoate but I don't know if it keeps the same as benzyl alcohol I don't understand why neither testoviron nor nebido contain benzyl alcohol, in my country it is not possible. [/ QUOTE]

Benzyl benzoate (chemical formula C14H12O2) is a colourless oily liquid which is rapidly metabolised by the body to benzoic acid and benzyl alcohol [10]. The agent is widely used as an additive in many different pharmaceutical and nonpharmaceutical products for human consumption. For instance, it is used as a preservative, a solvent in perfumes, a flavouring agent in foods and medications, and in insecticides and insect repellents [10, 11]. In oil-based vehicles for depot steroids, it lowers viscosity to improve ease of administration [12] and prevents crystallisation of steroids during storage [10, 13]. In testosterone preparations, it is also found in testosterone cypionate (Depo-Testosterone, Pharmacia) but not testosterone esters (Sustanon) or testosterone gel.

Anaphylaxis Triggered by Benzyl Benzoate in a Preparation of Depot Testosterone Undecanoate
testoviron contains benzyl benzoate but I don't know if it keeps the same as benzyl alcohol I don't understand why neither testoviron nor nebido contain benzyl alcohol, in my country it is not possible

@Rain27 , Testoviron 250mg and Nebido are intended to be administered with a single shot, therefore the manufacturer doesn't add Benzyl Alcohol which is needed to prevent bacteria growth in a situation where you make multiple shots from the same batch over a period of time. BA is added to multi-dose Testoviron vials sold in the US.

I use Testoviron 250mg for five bi-weekly shots. I measure 0.01ml Benzyl alcohol (close enough to 0.9%) via an insulin syringe (using the 1IU mark) and add it to the Testoviron. I buy the BA for 6$ here:

Benzyl Alcohol USP, NF, Non-GMO, GRAS Certified, 50mL / 1.7 fl oz | Med Lab Supply
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Simon 7 gracias por su aporte en mi pais no hay alcohol bencilico lo que quizas me consiga un amigo que viaja es alcohol bencilico de erba que es frances , tienes idea si servira ?
Dice que lo usan para analisis como reactivo, no se si podre usarlo para mi testoviron.
Thanks for your input in my country, there is no benzyl alcohol. What a friend who travels for me is Erba benzyl alcohol that is French, do you have any idea if it will work?
He says they use it for analysis as a reagent, I don't know if I can use it for my testoviron.

I'm not familiar with that product. Since the BA is mixed with Testosterone which you inject into your body, I would only use sterile USP grade BA. The site I referred you to ships internationally so check their shipping rates to your country.

You can also search for a freight forwarding company, which is a company that gives you a personalised US address in their logistics center which you can use with any company that ships in the US. They charge you a fee for forwarding your package to your country. For example, here is a company that specialises in Latin America (I have no experience with this freight forwarder - I just googled it):

Shipping Cargo to Latin America | Latin American Cargo

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