@Seth you sound a little discouraged. I know this sucks big time, I’m not sure what state you live in, but I’m in Maryland and we’re bout to lockdown again. I would anticipate that this will be a dark winter and many states will go into lockdown again. Now is the time to prepare a place for you to workout in your crib. You really don’t need much space. I could think of sweet setup that could be done in the space the size of a small bathroom and for cheap too.
Prioritize the key equipment you want to spend your money on. Getting heavy weights is not a requirement. You can do endless routines with HIIT workouts and varies lightweight exercises. Might not sound like the fun heavy workouts you’re used to in the gym, but it’ll kick your butt and you’ll feel and look better too.
While it’s nice to have someone to workout with, that often hinders your workout. Have a partner likely results in you resting way too long in between sets. Working out solo allows you to turn the music up and get in the zone to hit it hard. Since you’re alone you can take your shirt off or workout in your boxers.
Here’s some key tips to building a home workout space.
- Digital wall clock, like in the gym $80
- As large of a mirror you can get, whatever your space line it with mirrors, at different angles so you can see your form. $100-$200
- Adjustable Bench $150
- dumbbells. 5lb, 8lb, 10lb, 15lb, 20lb, 25lb set at least. $150
- Kettlebells. A few different weights $40
- pulley system for hang from ceiling or wall $100
- weighs for pulley system $60
- floor mat puzzle pieces $50
- TRX Training System $150
$1,000 there will get you a sweet Setup and 1/2 that is optional, so $500 and you got yourself a home gym. That can fit in the size of a bathroom or carve out the corner of your room.
The biggest mistakes for home gyms is not making it a dedicated space. It can’t just be weights in your living room. It needs to be a dedicated space to focus and out your mind in gym mode. You can carve out a corner of the living room, but make that space dedicated to working out. The mirrors are a must. Make the space “feel” like your commercial gym. That’s why mirrors, a digital time clock (like a large wall mounted one in the gym) and the floor mats are so important. This makes the space feel like a gym.
Now is a defining moment in many peoples lives and most don’t even know it. They think just make it through this pandemic. No. Excel through this pandemic. You can hunker down this winter and come out ripped next Spring and feel on top of the world or you can wallow in self-pity wishing you could go out to the bar or workout in a gym, sit at home and eat Chinese takeout and pizza all winter.
These times test us the most