Next steps, on clomid for 8 weeks now


New Member
Hi all, a bit of background, I found out I had low t a few months back, I had all the usual symptoms:

Tired all the time

Lack of motivation

No sex drive

E. D

Fat around mid

Brain fog

Lack of concentration

My levels tested out at 7.46nmol (done at 11:30am) and 11.3nmol (done at 7am)
Started my care at leger clinic and have now been on clomid for roughly 8 weeks now (25mg eod) .
The initial 3 weeks were absolutely without a doubt the most 100% 3 weeks of my life. I actually felt like superman. After the 3 weeks that feeling went away and to be honest all my symptoms have gone too. My sex life is back, I'm not tired all the time, everything is going OK now. I havent been to the gym in a while due to work stress so not sure how that's been affected.

I am yet to do a blood test, and Ill do this on medicheck, I'm not sure on whether to get just my hormone checked or get everything checked to see how clomid is affecting me and whether it's affecting me badly in some hidden way. I'm leaning towards getting everything checked so thoughts on this will be appreciated.

The other thing I need help with is that superman feeling I had for 3 weeks. Would I be stupid in trying to chase this? Im under the notion that the feeling I had for 3 weeks will be an everyday feeling on optimised trt? Before I went with Dr. Savage, I was debating over websites such as and themenshealthclinic, who work in optimising your hormones.

Any advice on my situation will be greatly appreciated :)

Edit: the test I am thinking of getting is this:

Hormone wise it tests:


Free testosterone





Is it missing anything important?
If all your low-T symptoms are gone after 8 weeks on Clomid, that's a pretty rare thing... I wouldn't go messing with it trying to get back that honeymoon period feeling. As far as labs, I suppose it's good to always monitor things and your doc probably requires periodic testing, but really no matter how the numbers come back for the tests you listed above, I wouldn't change the protocol I was on.
Congratulations on your success to date. Be wary of chasing a particular, subjective response. It can lead to frustration. How you might respond to a traditional testosterone protocol can't be predicted. Look at the Forum - we have members who are wildly satisfied and members who are bitterly unhappy. It's a game in which the results are unique to each person.
0Range hi, great to hear that you've had this success. You are still on the Clomid now, and are not experiencing any of those side effects anymore? The low energy/libido, brain fog and tired all the time?

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