Makes sense, one thing at a time. Just keep in mind that prog is basically the ultimate stabilizer. It modulates the conversion of test into E2 and DHT, and indirectly modulates prolactin levels. Most likely due to it modulating E2 conversion, and E2 being the main stimulator of prolactin. So if u would possible benefit from higher doses of T, but run into issues when doing so, prog might be the answer to help u tolerate increased androgen levels. My theory is that when we’re young and natural we can tolerate high levels of androgens and feel great because we concurrently have plenty of prog to balance everything. On TRT we shut down our testicles, and the testicles are where most of our prog is produced, which leaves most guys on TRT with low prog levels. Supplementing with HCG and/ or preg can increase prog levels when on TRT, but doesn’t always. But my theory is that one reason guys on TRT have an increased incidence of side effects is because we lack enough prog to balance everything out properly, and then need to rely on compounds like ai’s and 5ar inhibitors to do the job that prog can help with
The other thing to consider, especially when ur dealing with sleep issues, is that Allopregnenolone is synthesized from progesterone, and one of Allopregnenolone’s many functions is that it’s basically the body’s natural Valium or Xanax. It helps keep u calm and relaxed, which can help guys dealing with anxiety issues, and it also helps with sleep. Hence why guys take it before bed. So definitely a hormone to keep in ur toolbox if u just can’t figure out how to feel optimized without it. Just remember that the body likes all hormones to be balanced. It can’t function properly when any hormone is out of balance. So trying to get optimized with low prog levels is fighting an uphill battle, when u don’t have to, imo