New to TRT little faith in my primary care DR.


New Member
Hello everyone,

I am new to TRT and have little faith in my primary care doctors ability to treat this condition and would like some input as to if I should switch to a endocrine dr or ride this out. I started to see this dr a few months back due to lack of motivation, poor additude, and brain fog. We did full blood work and found my free test and bio available to be low. He recommended at first 200mg of testosterone cypionate once every 4 weeks; which I found to be very low. So after four weeks i requested more blood work to find with no suprise, there was no change to these levels. During the follow up he stated he made a mistake writing the prescription and was wanting 800mg every 4 weeks. I asked him wouldn’t it make more since to brake that up weekly and he agreed. I also asked if we should check my estrogen levels, which he said there was no need unless there was a estrogen producing tumor. This was red flag 2. After doing a bit more research, using the forums on this website as well as others, I found that 200mg is on the high side of treatment. Is this normal practice and I am thinking to much into it or is my suspicion justified?

I attached my results of the blood work. Thanks for any input. Have a great day.

35yr male
5-6 days workout


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your chances of reaching an optimal state with your current doctor is very low. Trust your suspicion/gut and look into a new doc. I like defy medical. Several here do. Your Doctor sounds like his heart is in the right place, just uneducated in the modern protocols. My personal care physician was the same. Endo's in my experience, straight up refuse to get up-to-date on treatments. You need much more extensive blood work as well. good luck
Prescribing dosing every 4 weeks is ridiculous and this alone shows this guy is in no way qualified to manage your TRT.

Also, are those the only labs he ran prior to putting you on such a bad protocol?
Unfortunately we hear similar stories like this everyday, it's a sad state of healthcare as few doctors have any idea how to do TRT properly. Insurance is useless for TRT, the only doctors that seem to know what their doing don't take insurance. Estrogen management is critical to successful TRT, estrogen levels largely determine how a guy feels on TRT. Below is a study that proves infrequent injections doesn't work.

It doesn't even seem your doctor knows the difference between 400 and 800, how does someone confuse the two?

You need to start out injecting 50mg twice weekly, this should get you to midrange to high normal testosterone levels.
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Thanks everyone for the reply. i Will be looking for a more qualified dr in my area. It is really sad this dr just seemed to shot gun a prescription without be educated in this area. What makes it worse he claimed to have other patients he was treating with low testosterone levels as well.
Prescribing dosing every 4 weeks is ridiculous and this alone shows this guy is in no way qualified to manage your TRT.

Also, are those the only labs he ran prior to putting you on such a bad protocol?

To be fair he did run quite a few other test as well, which all came back as normal
Thanks everyone for the reply. i Will be looking for a more qualified dr in my area. It is really sad this dr just seemed to shot gun a prescription without be educated in this area. What makes it worse he claimed to have other patients he was treating with low testosterone levels as well.

They should be here learning as well! Kudos to you for taking the initiative.

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