New to TRT, Libido & Erection Strength


New Member
Before TRT over several years I noticed a decline in Libido and erection quality (EQ) . Once I started TRT (test cyp only) the first 3-4 weeks were great for Libido and EQ, my wife and I both noticed the improvements. However, after those first weeks things leveled off and Libido/EQ went back to how they were pre TRT... Maybe slightly better but not much.

Now to my question, is there a reason why things would improve at first then level off after several weeks? Maybe at first my T/E ratio was favorable but over time the E raised with increased testosterone in my body?

I'm not looking for any specific answers at the moment, mainly looking for some general information or ideas regarding the situation. I have a appointment with my doctor next week and want to be as informed as possible.

Things change in this world constant labs, constant adjustment, rarely is any one going to fly straight and level, over time. Whos to say you didn't develop a Thyroid problem, or become Diabetic...who knows...youre question can't be answered.
Many go through a Honeymoon phase when starting TRT. After the body adjusts things tend to level out. Many also try to chase the honeymoon phase by constantly adjusting dose and trying to find the so called sweet spot. I say find what works for you and stick with it. Don't make any fast changes to the protocol unless there is an obvious medical reason.
High estrogen will kill erections and libido, after the first 6 months for one reason or another, estrogen became a real problem for me and has been ever since. When lowering the dosage isn't enough, sometimes a low dose anastrozole to block estrogen is needed.

As others have said, it could just be the honeymoon phase is over and now you must wait for your body to achieve balance which will likely take the better part of a year to iron out your dosage.
Thanks for the replies! After my appointment next week I'll make sure to take a close look at my levels to make sure things are where they should be.

And it's good to know that some guys go through a honeymoon phase and I'm not some anomaly.
Many go through a Honeymoon phase when starting TRT. After the body adjusts things tend to level out. Many also try to chase the honeymoon phase by constantly adjusting dose and trying to find the so called sweet spot. I say find what works for you and stick with it. Don't make any fast changes to the protocol unless there is an obvious medical reason.

This tends to be common regarding libido!
Don’t assume decline in erection quality means estrogen problems. Bloodwork and symptoms will dictate that. Why not add an occasional pde5 for sex, relax and enjoy yourself?
I had a "honey moon" phase with libido during the 3rd to 6th week of starting Clomid and then it leveled off. Glad to hear others experienced the same thing and that it wasn't just me.
First 3-4 weeks your HPTA Axis was not yet shutdown completely. You were getting all those juicy nuerotransmitters and hormones from your body, in addition you were getting exogenous testosterone. You were double dipping, in essence.

This is called the godmode period of TRT, hopefully one day science can find a way to recreate it. I remember it well, crazy libido, crazy erections, godlike confidence - and I was much smaller then I am today.

TRT/AAS shuts down something that effects libido and erectile quality. Im not sure what it is but the other day I had sex with a girl for 5 hours back to back in one night and I couldn't cum. She squirted 10 times and I couldn't orgasm once. I felt good getting her off but it sucked not being able to cum.

Please check out my thread I just made going into what I think the reason for eventual lowering libido is.

I look at Women Completely different on TRT then I do Natty
First 3-4 weeks your HPTA Axis was not yet shutdown completely. You were getting all those juicy nuerotransmitters and hormones from your body, in addition you were getting exogenous testosterone. You were double dipping, in essence.

This is called the godmode period of TRT, hopefully one day science can find a way to recreate it. I remember it well, crazy libido, crazy erections, godlike confidence - and I was much smaller then I am today.

TRT/AAS shuts down something that effects libido and erectile quality. Im not sure what it is but the other day I had sex with a girl for 5 hours back to back in one night and I couldn't cum. She squirted 10 times and I couldn't orgasm once. I felt good getting her off but it sucked not being able to cum.

Please check out my thread I just made going into what I think the reason for eventual lowering libido is.

I look at Women Completely different on TRT then I do Natty

First 3-4 weeks your HPTA Axis was not yet shutdown completely. You were getting all those juicy nuerotransmitters and hormones from your body, in addition you were getting exogenous testosterone.

Hpta shutdown can take anywhere from 2-6 weeks depending on testosterone dose as higher doses of testosterone (200+ mg/week) have been shown to suppress the hpta quicker (2 weeks).

When one first starts trt and experiences the honeymoon period even though they are still producing some endogenous testosterone until the hpta is shut down most mens endogenous testosterone is already low or sub-par and I would say the honeymoon period has more to do with the increase in levels from the exogenous testosterone along with an increase in dopamine and to top it off ones sensitivity of the AR may be still primed.

Eventually once steady state is reached the body will adapt to the new testosterone levels and strong increase in libido will usually taper off and level out and one should have a healthy functioning libido as long as FT is healthy and other hormones are in balance, e2, thyroid, adrenals.

The same is seen everytime one tends to increase dose when changing protocol as there is usually a strong increase in libido which eventually tapers off and levels out again once the body reaches steady state and has adapted to the new testosterone levels.

If anything there could be changes to ones sensitivity of the AR (androgen receptor) along with down regulation of neurotransmitters (dopamine) from having a constant steady state testosterone level 24/7 albeit still with slight variation (depending ones shbg level and injection frequency).

TRT/AAS shuts down something that effects libido and erectile quality.

Speak for yourself on this one as libido/ed is multifaceted!

I and many on trt still have a healthy functioning libido and no issues with erectile quality!

Too many factors involved regarding libido/ed that than to simply state "TRT/AAS shut down something that effects libido and erectile quality".
I'm on week 3 and haven't had any of these "I'm a teenager again" moments. If anything my libido has dropped and mild ed has surfaced, which I've never really experienced before. I'm sticking it out and sticking with the protocol for another month before pulling labs. Looking forward to getting myself dialed.
I'm on week 3 and haven't had any of these "I'm a teenager again" moments. If anything my libido has dropped and mild ed has surfaced, which I've never really experienced before. I'm sticking it out and sticking with the protocol for another month before pulling labs. Looking forward to getting myself dialed.

As you know testosterone levels will take 6 weeks to stabilize and only than once you have blood work done will you be able to see how said dose effects your TT. FT, e2 among other hormones and health markers!
When I first started trt slight improvement was noticed regarding
mood/libido/energy/erections/strength and recovery from weight training but I experienced ups/downs during the first 6-8 weeks and tended to doubt myself and treatment although I had a gut feeling my testosterone levels were still sub-par.

Turns out 6 weeks later when I had blood work done my TT/FT were still not high enough so my dose was increased and protocol changed (injecting every 3.5 days as oppose to once weekly) was like night and day as a switched had been turned on and there was a big improvement in mood/energy/libido and erections (NPT/spontaneous).

I would say it was not until 3-6 months in that things became consistent and I am approaching the 2 year mark on the exact same protocol.....Delatestryl (enanthate) injected sub-q strictly abdominal fat @ 75 mg every 3.5 days (150 mg/week) hcg or a.i. use!

Stay strong as things will get better!
I’m doing 150mg/week, MWF injections. Based off of some of the things I’ve read on here that may be too high, and I haven’t taken an AI yet and don’t plan to until my labs are done.

I’m 5’6” and 170lbs, fairly muscular but not lean by any means.

I’ll follow up in this thread down the road.
When I first started trt slight improvement was noticed regarding
mood/libido/energy/erections/strength and recovery from weight training but I experienced ups/downs during the first 6-8 weeks and tended to doubt myself and treatment although I had a gut feeling my testosterone levels were still sub-par.

Turns out 6 weeks later when I had blood work done my TT/FT were still not high enough so my dose was increased and protocol changed (injecting every 3.5 days as oppose to once weekly) was like night and day as a switched had been turned on and there was a big improvement in mood/energy/libido and erections (NPT/spontaneous).

I would say it was not until 3-6 months in that things became consistent and I am approaching the 2 year mark on the exact same protocol.....Delatestryl (enanthate) injected sub-q strictly abdominal fat @ 75 mg every 3.5 days (150 mg/week) hcg or a.i. use!

Stay strong as things will get better!

So libido, erections, morning erections were not consistent until month 3-6? I am on week 5 and some days I have them some days I don't, making me worried.
So libido, erections, morning erections were not consistent until month 3-6? I am on week 5 and some days I have them some days I don't, making me worried.

Give it time you are only 5 weeks in and we have no idea where your TT/FT and e2/dht levels sit.

When starting trt your hormones will be in flux until blood levels stabilize at 6 weeks and although most will experience the temporary honeymoon phase it can be a bumpy ride as not only are blood levels building but the hpta takes 4-6 weeks to shutdown.

Many can experience ups/downs when first starting out and even than once levels stabilize it can take time for the body to adapt to those new levels.

Testosterone has a direct effect on libido/erectile function but do understand that libido/erectile function is complex as many other factors come into play regardless of one having healthy testosterone levels.

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