How to optimize libido and erections on TRT?

Thanks guys I will try it. Do you think this could help with the lack of a sex "drive" and desire

It is worth a try and may help, but there is a LOT more to desire than hormone levels. Your anecdote about being in a strip club and not being turned on is a perfect example - some guys just find that shit to be kinda dumb. I wouldn't even be half mast in one of those places and don't usually find the average stripper type to be attractive. Not saying that YOU should find it to be dumb too - if you like it, great - but if you don't and it doesn't turn you on, that doesn't mean there is anything wrong with you. At all.

At a certain point in life it's probably a good thing if you don't "feel the need to do something with" every attractive girl you encounter.

Find someone that YOU like, and that YOU are attracted to, regardless of whether the average guy would say she is "hot", and things will probably come together for you.

It may seem like I'm putting words in your mouth and I apologize for that - I'm just sensing while reading between the lines of your posts that maybe expectations, etc could be the issue for you.

@Mountain Man, who often has valuable things to say on this topic, recently made a post in another thread in which he recommended a book to someone. I haven't read it, but you might consider using the search feature and reading through some of his recent posts to find it and see if it might be a book you're interested in.
It is worth a try and may help, but there is a LOT more to desire than hormone levels. Your anecdote about being in a strip club and not being turned on is a perfect example - some guys just find that shit to be kinda dumb. I wouldn't even be half mast in one of those places and don't usually find the average stripper type to be attractive. Not saying that YOU should find it to be dumb too - if you like it, great - but if you don't and it doesn't turn you on, that doesn't mean there is anything wrong with you. At all.

At a certain point in life it's probably a good thing if you don't "feel the need to do something with" every attractive girl you encounter.

Find someone that YOU like, and that YOU are attracted to, regardless of whether the average guy would say she is "hot", and things will probably come together for you.

It may seem like I'm putting words in your mouth and I apologize for that - I'm just sensing while reading between the lines of your posts that maybe expectations, etc could be the issue for you.
No you're not putting words in my mouth. I don't need to want to fuck eveyr girl I see, its just a way I was explaining that I don't even feel a desire to fuck a girl I have an interest in. Or my brain KNOWS she's hot and that I should WANT to fuck her but I feel nothing physically.
This is what helped me when I went through the same thing. It eventually went away as I was worried I would never be the same. It only lasted a few months or maybe a little longer.

But, here are some things that helped me get through it.

1. Stop jerking off so much. Seriously stop all together if you are having trouble. This alone may fix you.
2. Kettlebell swings. This always makes my erections rock hard the next day.
3. Take a high quality magnesium like glycinate. Read about this, does wonders.
4. Meditate. You have to relax the mind. Stress will kill your sex drive completely if gone unchecked.

Try these things.
Didn’t see how long you stay on a protocol before changing? Hopefully more than 6 weeks...

Mira some guesswork but based on your numbers id want to bump e2 a little. I’d add hcg and see.
It’s not always about the numbers though so you just have to experiment.
Usually at least 3 months. HCG gives me this weird side effect where I become insanely tired mid day even with the smallest doses. I can crash for 3+ hours an afternoon with a single HCG shot. I know it's weird but idk why it happens. I'm going to try increasing test a little bit.
This is what helped me when I went through the same thing. It eventually went away as I was worried I would never be the same. It only lasted a few months or maybe a little longer.

But, here are some things that helped me get through it.

1. Stop jerking off so much. Seriously stop all together if you are having trouble. This alone may fix you.
2. Kettlebell swings. This always makes my erections rock hard the next day.
3. Take a high quality magnesium like glycinate. Read about this, does wonders.
4. Meditate. You have to relax the mind. Stress will kill your sex drive completely if gone unchecked.

Try these things.
Thanks for the tips. I'll try some.of these.
It is worth a try and may help, but there is a LOT more to desire than hormone levels. Your anecdote about being in a strip club and not being turned on is a perfect example - some guys just find that shit to be kinda dumb. I wouldn't even be half mast in one of those places and don't usually find the average stripper type to be attractive. Not saying that YOU should find it to be dumb too - if you like it, great - but if you don't and it doesn't turn you on, that doesn't mean there is anything wrong with you. At all.

At a certain point in life it's probably a good thing if you don't "feel the need to do something with" every attractive girl you encounter.

Find someone that YOU like, and that YOU are attracted to, regardless of whether the average guy would say she is "hot", and things will probably come together for you.

It may seem like I'm putting words in your mouth and I apologize for that - I'm just sensing while reading between the lines of your posts that maybe expectations, etc could be the issue for you.

@Mountain Man, who often has valuable things to say on this topic, recently made a post in another thread in which he recommended a book to someone. I haven't read it, but you might consider using the search feature and reading through some of his recent posts to find it and see if it might be a book you're interested in.

The book is called “She Comes First,” by Ian Kerner.
Dr. Saya has had this to say about prolactin: " Prolactin > 15 is generally my low-end threshold for even considering a trial of cabergoline (in cases of severe sexual symptoms with other more common causes ruled out sometimes >10). Symptoms always help to guide and a short trial is all that is needed to determine if prolactin is the culprit."
Re: Evasive libido
This is what helped me when I went through the same thing. It eventually went away as I was worried I would never be the same. It only lasted a few months or maybe a little longer.

But, here are some things that helped me get through it.

1. Stop jerking off so much. Seriously stop all together if you are having trouble. This alone may fix you.
2. Kettlebell swings. This always makes my erections rock hard the next day.
This one's a little weird...
3. Take a high quality magnesium like glycinate. Read about this, does wonders.
4. Meditate. You have to relax the mind. Stress will kill your sex drive completely if gone unchecked.
Also yes.
I'm 32 and been on TRT since I was 25. My number were 300 or sub 300 and my doctor started me on injections 100mg twice per week with a small dose of an AI. I felt great for the first year and slowly my energy and libido and erection quality and physique faded. He never really did bloodwork unfortunately.

I've tried everything since. From 80mg a week in one injection to 160mg a week split into multiple, adding cream, etc. HCG, no hcg. Haven't used AI in a long time, e2 is never really high

It's not like I feel terrible, I feel ok. But my libido is just NOT what it used to be. I never have that feeling of being around a hot girl and FEELING a need to do something with her. If I went to a strip club right now I wouldn't get a semi or a desire to do anything from the hottest girl in the place giving a lap dance. It feels like trt has put a buffer on both my sexual drive and my drive in life. Even when I am with a girl, if I stop for a minute my erection is gone. Cialis doesn't help because the problem is just NO desire at all.

My e2 is never really above 40, dhea is normal, dht is always 55+ on the range of 30-85. Shbg is normal in 30s. Prolactin always between 12 and 15. I eat well and worko out 4 times a week and have sub 15% body fat and sleep decently

Idk what to do anymore. I've thought about coming off but when I tried it was an absolute disaster. Have any of you restored that ability to feel virile and aggressive and want to fuck everything you see? Honestly I feel numb to sex completely. Please help if you can.
Have you had your dht levels tested? Not sure how much increasing dht levels would help you, but my libido is borderline savage like on scrotal cream, which obviously jacks up dht levels quite high. Maybe consider adding about 50 mg of testosterone cream to the scrotum daily and see if that helps? I also took proviron in the past and had the same super high increase in libido, but ymmv. good luck
Have you had your dht levels tested? Not sure how much increasing dht levels would help you, but my libido is borderline savage like on scrotal cream, which obviously jacks up dht levels quite high. Maybe consider adding about 50 mg of testosterone cream to the scrotum daily and see if that helps? I also took proviron in the past and had the same super high increase in libido, but ymmv. good luck
My dht usually comes back in the 60s so definitely not low. I added scrotal cream for a while and had a short lived boost of libido for about 2 days. That happens with most protocol changes for me and then immediately subsides. Proviron isn't legal where I live unfortunately.
Have you tried HCG? I know it increases my libido. I’m not sure why yet.

I know Nelson says that without HCG he doesn’t have a strong libido. Many other men report similarly.
... I added scrotal cream for a while and had a short lived boost of libido for about 2 days. That happens with most protocol changes for me and then immediately subsides. ...
This is similar to my experience. Something interesting happens during these changes, but I have yet to understand what it is.
And now for something completely different...

Based on some brief conversations with people who study such things, the brain apparently tends to wire itself for certain patterns, or lack thereof, the longer the conditions for those patterns exist. For example, it is apparently much easier to treat someone for depression who has been depressed for a month than someone who has been depressed for ten years; the brain hasn't changed much in a month but it has changed a lot in ten years. The same could be true if you originally had low DHT, high prolactin or something else that caused low libido, such that correcting the original problem is not enough to overcome the brain's "habits". I am not up on the best thinking as to how to undo that type of "rewiring" but I suspect the solution to your problem lies at least partially with that line of thinking, and things such as neuroplasticity. The good news is that if you can at least feel healthy libido for a short time then you have the mechanisms, but you have to figure out how to activate them permanently.

I agree with Cataceous that prolactin is worth exploring, although low-dose chasteberry worked better for me than Caber. Pramipexole also seems to help some people. DHEA is worth a try as well.

Beyond what has been said, I would try a brute-force approach to overpower whatever homeostasis your body keeps returning to with increasing doses (in separate trials for each) of compounds well-known to produce high-libido (legal or not), specifically proviron and masteron, very high cream doses to induce elevated DHT, and trenbolone (which I believe acts more through the progesterone receptor than DHT.) The thinking here is that if you can brute-force your way into a prolonged high-libido state, your brain may rewire itself to that mode and persist in that state at a lower dose (or maybe even no dose) of whatever works. There are apparently people who perma-cruise on low-dose masteron and if that is what you need to live a quality life, so be it. I would also research hypnosis and whatever else is out there that addresses what I am calling in layman's terms "brain rewiring".

Stacking the above with PT-141/Melanotan II is also worth a try since those work through the melanocortin system, although the libido affect seems to be stronger in women than in men.
Have you tried HCG? I know it increases my libido. I’m not sure why yet.

I know Nelson says that without HCG he doesn’t have a strong libido. Many other men report similarly.

Yes it gives me a boost for a day or two and then I get anxiety and crippling fatigue at any dose.

And now for something completely different...

Based on some brief conversations with people who study such things, the brain apparently tends to wire itself for certain patterns, or lack thereof, the longer the conditions for those patterns exist. For example, it is apparently much easier to treat someone for depression who has been depressed for a month than someone who has been depressed for ten years; the brain hasn't changed much in a month but it has changed a lot in ten years. The same could be true if you originally had low DHT, high prolactin or something else that caused low libido, such that correcting the original problem is not enough to overcome the brain's "habits". I am not up on the best thinking as to how to undo that type of "rewiring" but I suspect the solution to your problem lies at least partially with that line of thinking, and things such as neuroplasticity. The good news is that if you can at least feel healthy libido for a short time then you have the mechanisms, but you have to figure out how to activate them permanently.

I agree with Cataceous that prolactin is worth exploring, although low-dose chasteberry worked better for me than Caber. Pramipexole also seems to help some people. DHEA is worth a try as well.

Beyond what has been said, I would try a brute-force approach to overpower whatever homeostasis your body keeps returning to with increasing doses (in separate trials for each) of compounds well-known to produce high-libido (legal or not), specifically proviron and masteron, very high cream doses to induce elevated DHT, and trenbolone (which I believe acts more through the progesterone receptor than DHT.) The thinking here is that if you can brute-force your way into a prolonged high-libido state, your brain may rewire itself to that mode and persist in that state at a lower dose (or maybe even no dose) of whatever works. There are apparently people who perma-cruise on low-dose masteron and if that is what you need to live a quality life, so be it. I would also research hypnosis and whatever else is out there that addresses what I am calling in layman's terms "brain rewiring".

Stacking the above with PT-141/Melanotan II is also worth a try since those work through the melanocortin system, although the libido affect seems to be stronger in women than in men.
Thanks for the response. I'm not really willing to take anything illegal where I live so that rules out proviron, masteron, and tren. I did a trial with caber and while it was very good for my mood (at least at first) it didn't give me my drive back. My dhea is always top of the range and supplementation for me resulted in severe acne.

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