New to the Forum. Have Low T, Not Sure About Treating It


New Member
Hi all,

I'm 36 and got basic blood work at my Primary Doc after feeling generally blah, but no other major physical symptoms. Came back with Total T at 214ng/dl and Free T at 5.1ng/dl. So, treatment would "make sense" and I do understand the benefits. I just have trouble wrapping my head around treating something that, as far as I can tell, isn't causing many issues.

I have no ED or lack of libido, and muscle gains are slow but not what I think are unusual for my efforts (I have decent-but-not-great consistency with diet and training). Other than a general lack of energy/motivation most days (not the same as feeling depressed, which I don't, to be clear), I just don't feel that bad overall which is probably strange considering how low my levels are.

Add in the factor that my wife is post-menopausal, so our sex life is only occasional, I'm not totally comfortable with any potential libido-increase from TRT, since that would literally cause more problems than it would solve. (I plan to start a separate thread to discuss that more in-depth, as it's one of my main concerns).

That's everything in a nutshell. Looking forward to learning plenty around here. Thanks.
Welcome, You are definitely in the right place to learn about TRT. I am pretty new myself and I am sure others will chime in. It seems to me you need to get more extensive labs done and post them to allow members a full picture to comment on. TRT is a big commitment. I would want to rule out other things before jumping in, especially with the few symptoms you are talking about.
It seems to me you need to get more extensive labs done and post them to allow members a full picture to comment on.

The results I got were:

Total T: 214.5 ng/dl
Free T: 5.1 ng/dl
FSH: 2.1 iu/l
LH: 2.0 iu/l
Prolactin: 12.5 ng/ml

That was everything he tested. Also got sent for an MRI and found nothing out of the ordinary with the pituitary.

I definitely agree TRT would be a major, permanent decision. Not something I'm taking lightly (no pun intended, ha). I was just surprised by those results and was/am on the fence about addressing it further.

Like, would it be "head in the sand" to simply act as if I never got tested and just carry on as I've been, or do I get more tests done and start down what could be a rabbit hole to find a solution to something that doesn't seem to be a big problem. Kinda weird situation to be in.
Hello DaveNY,
Welcome to the forum. I am new here myself and just learning as well. I have only been on a TRT for a few weeks.
All I can really offer is a sounding board from just another guy trying to feel better. Although our situations are not anything alike we do have simular questions to the side effects good and bad with TRT.
It is important to get estradiol sensitive test done to help diagnose. It would be best to get an extensive blood panel done. If that is all your doctor tested he is probably not well educated on Testosterone treatment. The easiest way to get proper diagnosis and better understand options is to seek help from professional in the industry. I personally am with Defy medical. Many on this forum use them as well.

The results I got were:

Total T: 214.5 ng/dl
Free T: 5.1 ng/dl
FSH: 2.1 iu/l
LH: 2.0 iu/l
Prolactin: 12.5 ng/ml

That was everything he tested. Also got sent for an MRI and found nothing out of the ordinary with the pituitary.

I definitely agree TRT would be a major, permanent decision. Not something I'm taking lightly (no pun intended, ha). I was just surprised by those results and was/am on the fence about addressing it further.

Like, would it be "head in the sand" to simply act as if I never got tested and just carry on as I've been, or do I get more tests done and start down what could be a rabbit hole to find a solution to something that doesn't seem to be a big problem. Kinda weird situation to be in.

Welcome to Excelmale. It would help if you posted the ranges associated with each of the test results noted above; every lab calculates and calibrates to an individual cohort - context is everything. That noted, you are missing some key tests - SHBG, estradio/sensitive, DHT and, most importantly, a full thyroid workup (TSH, t3, t4, rt3 and an antibodies screen). Thyroid irregularities can account for some of the issues at play.

It isn't anyone's role to talk you in or out of TRT. You rightly note that it's a big decision, typically a life-long commitment). Dig a bit more into your bloodwork and see what else may be at play. I will note that, no matter what the range, you are presenting with a low total testosterone value.

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