Vince Carter
Actually once I got my iron up my FT3 also rose. When my ferritin was tanked my FT3 was lower than normal even though my T3 dosing had not changed. Ferritin does affect FT3... at least it did for me. Supposedly iodine increases TSH so perhaps that's all there is to it. Are you still supping iron and trying to raise your ferritin further? What do you think your HCT is now? I never felt any negative symptoms of high HCT even when it was at 60. But my MD stated I did not have polycythemia and told me to stop worrying over it.
Well my CBC said HCT 55 something and that was 2 weeks post donation and from a previous donation in Oct so I kind of chalked it up to being a little dehydrated or just not correct. Initially I was starting the iron because of the FT3 and pooling issue that I thought existed knowing that relationship but even then my FT3 was mid to upper range and I was not pooling according to the ratio. (see posts above)
Im on the tightrope of needing my iron corrected but then it seems to frag my HGB/HCT, too. I grew up in higher elevations out west like Nevada and Arizona so I do think that there's some natural adaptation there in those areas for me as I don't really seem to be physically bothered by high HCT/RBC/HGB