Exactly! Well said. This drives me bonkers! Lol. I know the docs are smart guys with a ton of experience, but to me, they just sound like a bunch of morons when they quote studies done on people with <5 E2. Dr. Rob said him and his staff spent 2 weeks going over hundreds of studies about the effects of lowering E2. This is the most idiotic thing I’ve ever heard. Why waste your time going over hundreds of studies about men and women with no E2, on super high doses of ai? You know you’re just going to find the same conclusions in every single study. Yes, we know that having no E2 is fckn horrible. After 25 years of experience, you really need to continue to go over studies to figure this out, or solidify your position on the subject? Most of us here are not doctors, and haven’t gone over hundreds of studies, and we figured this out a long time ago. Yet, we’re the dumb ones, according to jay and dr Nichols.
Until someone does a study on using very low ai dosages, to get men’s E2 in a healthy range, while on TRT, they just need to stop with this whole “extrapolating data from thousands of studies on the subject” stuff. Imo, they just continue to discredit themselves by not realizing how idiotic it is to extrapolate data off of these EXTREMELY flawed studies. Doesn’t matter if there’s 10 of them, or a million of them. The number of flawed studies is irrelevant.