New Start w/HCG(250ui EOD) Now Recurring Herpes Outbreaks


Active Member
Wanting to know if others have had a similar result of having more frequent recurring HSV-2 outbreaks when using HCG. It is the only change in my protocol within the last 3 weeks and I have had now 3 separate outbreaks back-to-back-to-back.

I'm clipped so not needing HCG for fertility, but was hoping to improve libido some over what I have already. But, if these recent episodes are what comes with it, I'll pass.

Anyone else experience this?
Are you taking arginine ? Are you stressed out ? Has your doctor talked to you about Acyclovir ? There is no connection between herpes and hCG.
Thanks for weighing in Nelson, but I'm not taking any arginine, and I'm not unduly stressed at the moment either. I've had herpes for over 30 years and have never had such a rough time with outbreaks as I'm having now and I'm well aware of all the 'triggers'.

I have added taking some curcumin in the last month but highly doubt that as a reason as I can't find anything online to support any connection. HCG is the only other thing that has changed in my protocol.
My brother suffers from herpes for many years, we tried many treatments. He also used Acyclovir, but unfortunately, it helps not for everyone. One of the specialists even advised him to make a blood transfusion, but he refused. For real, it is a severe step. So finally, he found on a forum some helpful reviews about herpesyl, and he tried it. For real, this drug helped a lot. For the first time in many years, he got rid of herpes in a matter of days and began to feel better. In fact, you need to choose the proper treatment, and then the problem will leave you.
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The only way to find out is to drop either the curcumin or the HCG. I would go with dropping the curcumin first, unless you actually need it for example for arthritis.

Curcumin is touted as "cure all" but is actually in the immuno-suppressor class: it suppresses inflammation by interfering with your immune system. It is completely unknown how it shifts the balance between HSV and your immune system.
I used to have 2-3 herpes (lips) outbreaks a year. I did not have any for at least 1 year now. I can not pin-point it exactly, but I will give you stuff to research; here is what I did
a) during the last outbreak, I did apply a mixture of DMSO + chlorine dioxide solution (at 3000ppm) to the sore, couple times a day. the outbreak disappeared within 1 week, which was a huge improvement, as they would normally last 4-8 weeks. I also took those substances internally - yes this is controversial, and no I don't give a shit (and I'm ok)
Andreas Kalcker + Jim Humble are 2 names which you need to look into for protocols etc. (and don't use google)
b) started supplementin monolaurin at 3g a day., but this is more recent. after I've done a) I had not ANY outbreaks so far. (the future will tell)
I am also taking l-arginine supplements, which are known to make it worse, but I never had any issues with those.
My brother suffers from herpes for many years, we tried many treatments. He also used Acyclovir, but unfortunately, it helps not for everyone. One of the specialists even advised him to make a blood transfusion, but he refused. For real, it is a severe step. So finally, he found on a forum some helpful reviews about herpesyl, and he tried it. For real, this drug helped a lot. For the first time in many years, he got rid of herpes in a matter of days and began to feel better. In fact, you need to choose the proper treatment, and then the problem will leave you.

Herpesyl sounds like a typical scam - insane price, hilarious pseudo-scientific explanations (ex. "the brain sends a signal to the immune system to fight the virus" LOL), and of course the expected scam "presentation" on their site.
I used to have 2-3 herpes (lips) outbreaks a year. I did not have any for at least 1 year now. I can not pin-point it exactly, but I will give you stuff to research; here is what I did
a) during the last outbreak, I did apply a mixture of DMSO + chlorine dioxide solution (at 3000ppm) to the sore, couple times a day. the outbreak disappeared within 1 week, which was a huge improvement, as they would normally last 4-8 weeks. I also took those substances internally - yes this is controversial, and no I don't give a shit (and I'm ok)
Andreas Kalcker + Jim Humble are 2 names which you need to look into for protocols etc. (and don't use google)
b) started supplementin monolaurin at 3g a day., but this is more recent. after I've done a) I had not ANY outbreaks so far. (the future will tell)
I am also taking l-arginine supplements, which are known to make it worse, but I never had any issues with those.
I'm going to try monolaurin to see if it can replace my daily use of acyclovir, or maybe significantly reduce it.
Low dose/use of acyclovir is not recommended. Although the Herpes virus is not fast mutating type, it may develop resistance to acyclovir and similar drugs in the class, if you expose it to low levels of acyclovir. You should either use Acyclovir at prescribed dose or not use it at all so the virus is not exposed to it. There is no middle ground in this situation.
I wanted to comment on this post... I have had HSV-1 (cold sores) my entire adult life (now 53). Historically, I would have one outbreak per year, maybe 2 based on the common triggers: stress, illness, sunburn, arginine etc.

Since getting both Moderna Covid shots in April, I have had 3+ outbreaks. Minor ones, but nonetheless. Nothing else in my lifestyle has changed that would have triggered these outbreaks. I really didn't make the possible connection until the other day and did some googling (always a bad idea). However, it seems that there maybe something there after all:

Can the COVID-19 Vaccine Cause Herpes? | Shape

In looking back at this original post, it is from September, so it isn't likely OP was having a vaccine reaction. Trust me, I am still glad I received the vaccine and I assume if this is a side effect that it will settle down over time. Bottom line is that the herpes virus is very crafty and anything that messes with your immune system or neurons can trigger it.

For the record, I have had good treatment results with oral acyclovir combined with the new cream, Abbreva. I only use these meds during an outbreak.

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