New pupil here


New Member
Hi Excelmale members, my name is Paul. I like the feel of this board !

I spent most of my adult life bodybuilding until a few years back. I'm trying to make a comeback and I'm finding that my body does not react to training like it did in the past. I hope to learn and even contribute as I try to turn back the hands of time.

Indeed- welcome Paul. I've been learning as much as I can over the past 15 months and spend many hours poring through some of the threads here. Great information and great group of contributors.

All the best to you in your study.
BBaller, thank you for the warm welcome. I have been trying to read threads in between dishes, kids and gold I plan on taking some D-serine in the morning and reading all day long tomorrow. Hopefully I can retain most of the info I compile in my middle aged grey matter.

Hey Throwback! bodybuilder and powerlifter as well. Few years ago did my 'last' show, used AAS over those years and never really recovered my hormones after... TRT is got me feeling much better and with Dr monitoring I can sleep at night not worrying all the time. LOL
Hi Jay, I'm glad you are on the right track and feeling well my friend. I'm happy that we can finally get TRT today without being persecuted.I remember the first time I asked a doc to prescribe me testosterone for HRT/TRT. His jaw dropped like I had just insulted

Hi Tom, thank you so much for the welcome.

I could not agree more. I have been looking over tons of good reads and I'll be spending lots of time here no doubt.


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