new protocol new labs

The anastrozole is pretty strong, you should feel better soon.
I was able to stay away from anastrozole with the new protocol of every 3.5 days but once i incorporated HCG a few weeks ago i definitely feel its up. I'm just going to stick with the above protocol as my levels were pretty dialed in. My goal was to get away from anastrozole so no more HCG for me.
At least you only made the one change so you have a real good idea what caused the issue for you.
At least you only made the one change so you have a real good idea what caused the issue for you.

Absolutely! Introducing one thing at a time and every 3.5 day protocol was the best advise I've ever gotten. Now I know for SURE that HCG is not for me. I really love the site and all the knowledge I've gained from it. Thank you all!
If I was changing to EOD I would do 30 mg. One week you'll get three injections and the next week 4 injections.
30mg seems like a lot for EOD factoring in the half life of testosterone. would that put you at the higher end of tetosterone levels? I'm currently in the low 600's and feel pretty good there. what do you think?
Right now your doing 100 mg a week split between two 50 mg injections. 30 mg EOD would get you 90 mg one week (the week you have 3 injections) and 120 a week on the week you have 4 injections. Over a two week period you would be injecting 210 mg. You are currently injecting 200 mg across two weeks. So, a little bit of a bump up.

You can always reduce it to 25 mg EOD. This would give you a total of 175 mg across two weeks verse the 200 mg you are doing now across two weeks. You have room to increase your levels but what is most important is how you feel. You seem to feel pretty good where you are at so maybe just stay there and enjoy how you feel.
Right now your doing 100 mg a week split between two 50 mg injections. 30 mg EOD would get you 90 mg one week (the week you have 3 injections) and 120 a week on the week you have 4 injections. Over a two week period you would be injecting 210 mg. You are currently injecting 200 mg across two weeks. So, a little bit of a bump up.

You can always reduce it to 25 mg EOD. This would give you a total of 175 mg across two weeks verse the 200 mg you are doing now across two weeks. You have room to increase your levels but what is most important is how you feel. You seem to feel pretty good where you are at so maybe just stay there and enjoy how you feel.
I definitely feel pretty good on every 3.5 days. Just curious on the EOD protocols since My SHBG is pretty low. I'm going to stick with every 3.5 days for a while but i think i will eventually try EOD in the future to see if i feel even better. I like to take things slow. going from 200mg per week to every 3.5 days was a big change for me but its working. Thanks for your input.
30 mg EOD would get you 90 mg one week (the week you have 3 injections) and 120 a week on the week you have 4 injections.

Slightly different take on weekly amounts based on EOD. Since your interval is every 2 days, the resulting blood level remains more consistent than E3.5D, so while technically you are right that weeks alternate 90 and 120 on 30mg EOD, the actual result is even more even.

I am on EOD, and I calculate based on daily amount times seven to derive weekly dose. So EOD amount is 2x daily. Currently bumped from 24mg to 26 mg EOD (or equivalent of 12/day, 84/week up to 14/day, 91/week). I like adjusting in 2mg increments since every 2mg=1unit on the syringe .Really hard to eyeball a single odd numbered mg.

I definitely feel pretty good on every 3.5 days. Just curious on the EOD protocols since My SHBG is pretty low. I'm going to stick with every 3.5 days for a while but i think i will eventually try EOD in the future to see if i feel even better. I like to take things slow. going from 200mg per week to every 3.5 days was a big change for me but its working. Thanks for your input.

I agree carcrazy that if you're doing well, just stick with it for a while. How long has it been since you last adjustment of anything? From that point give it 6-8 weeks, get another round of labs and reconsider changes if you're not feeling optimal.
Low SHBG individuals like you normally seem to have to go with ED or EOD protocols. But that obviously does not apply to everyone that is low SHBG, like you. Stick with the E3.5D as long as it works for you. Keep us posted.
Slightly different take on weekly amounts based on EOD. Since your interval is every 2 days, the resulting blood level remains more consistent than E3.5D, so while technically you are right that weeks alternate 90 and 120 on 30mg EOD, the actual result is even more even.

I am on EOD, and I calculate based on daily amount times seven to derive weekly dose. So EOD amount is 2x daily. Currently bumped from 24mg to 26 mg EOD (or equivalent of 12/day, 84/week up to 14/day, 91/week). I like adjusting in 2mg increments since every 2mg=1unit on the syringe .Really hard to eyeball a single odd numbered mg.

I agree carcrazy that if you're doing well, just stick with it for a while. How long has it been since you last adjustment of anything? From that point give it 6-8 weeks, get another round of labs and reconsider changes if you're not feeling optimal.
I stopped everything and started with 50mg of test every 3.5 days for about 7 weeks and then got my labs which are on the 1st post of this thread. I then introduced 250iu of HCG 2x a week at the same time as test injection about 2 weeks ago and that's when things went down hill with terrible anxiety, hot flashes and just feeling like crap. I know i can control e2 with anastrozole but i hate that stuff. the joint pain i get from it is terrible even at low doses and trying to dial it in is a challenge. The main reason i switched to every 3.5 day test injections was to avoid anastrozole and the peaks and valleys. I think I accomplished that but feel there is still room for improvement. for now every 3.5 days is working a hell of a lot better than weekly high doses of test with anastrozole. So I'm happy with that for now.
The half life of HCG is between 24 and 36 hours. Using 36 hours it would take about 7 days to get it completely out of your system.

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