Slightly different take on weekly amounts based on EOD. Since your interval is every 2 days, the resulting blood level remains more consistent than E3.5D, so while technically you are right that weeks alternate 90 and 120 on 30mg EOD, the actual result is even more even.
I am on EOD, and I calculate based on daily amount times seven to derive weekly dose. So EOD amount is 2x daily. Currently bumped from 24mg to 26 mg EOD (or equivalent of 12/day, 84/week up to 14/day, 91/week). I like adjusting in 2mg increments since every 2mg=1unit on the syringe .Really hard to eyeball a single odd numbered mg.
I agree carcrazy that if you're doing well, just stick with it for a while. How long has it been since you last adjustment of anything? From that point give it 6-8 weeks, get another round of labs and reconsider changes if you're not feeling optimal.