On the thyroid side ... Yeah, the results look pretty hypothyroid like. Probably 'Secondary' based on the low TSH in relation to FT4 and FT3. Your FT3 is at 29% of the reference range, which is where I would probably expect it to with taking only a 1/2 grain of NDT. Aiming towards the 50% to 80% area of reference range is usually ideal for most; 60%sh works good for me.
The one variable you need in the mix before trying to optimize is your Reverse T3. If RT3 is elevated, or it's ratio is out of line with FT3, that's usually a key marker that something else needs addressed, i.e., iron, ferritin, cortisol ... In that case, increasing FT3 is going to be somewhat problematic, more than likely leading to FT3 pooling. Without getting too deep into everything related with this, just run your RT3 and FT3 together, post it up, I'll give you my .02 as will others. Also, I see your TPO antibodies, but equally of importance is the TgAb assay, which covers autoimmune at the protein level of the thyroid.