New Member, thanks for this Forum!!


New Member
Hello everybody, I'm a new in this journey of TRT and this forum as well, first at all thanks for all the info available and for make the understanding of big changes and steps, like TRT, so easy to digest.
I'm a 48 y/o male, 5'-7" Hgt. 191 lbs, 24% B.F, and this is my week # 2 of TRT. After feeling like crap for almost 3 years (the usual I guess for a 45 y/o men) Symptoms: Low libido, No morning wood, Low response to exercise, Low energy levels, tired most of the time, Gain fat in belly area easily, etc.
So, I decided to go to a TRT clinic; I did my lab test and the results shows the following:


Then the Dr. ordered a protocol for me like this:
  • 1cc weekly 200mg Test. Enanthate (Monday)
  • 1/2 anastrozole (Tuesday)
  • HCG (250iu - Thursday)
  • HCG (250 - Friday)
  • 1/2 anastrozole (Saturday)
Now, after reading some of your posts about AI use in TRT, I decide to NOT take the 1/2 dose of anastrozole and also I'm considering to inject Test. twice per week. Instead 1cc on Monday I'm considering 1/2cc Mond. and 1/2cc on Thursd. I will be administrating, instead 200mg at once every 7 days, 100mg every 3.5 days approx.
The part that I can't figure out yet is when to inject the HCG if I switch for twice a week and here is where I need the help of some of you. Do you think that twice a week is worth it? When should I inject the HCG or it doesn't matter the day? am I doing right about the AI? if one of the reason to my decision for TRT was the low libido since almost 8 month ago and now seeing my estradiol results in 18, I don't know if I'm doing right or not?
What do you think guys?... Thanks in advance for reading and for your help!!


I think you will hear this from a lot guys on here: 200 mg/once a week in not a starting great protocol, especially without knowing SHBG. Also, I would think you should try T alone first without adding and AI or HCG. A lot of guys start more in the 100-150 range, and split does for a 2X week injection (as you suggest). The doctor should have pulled SHBG, E2, prolactin and some others.

However, a 59 TT is one of the lowest numbers I have seen. No wonder you are seeking treatment! You are going to need to likely tweak this protocol.

Glad you are giving it a try.
I think these TT and FT values suggest low SHBG, once weekly is more than likely not going to show good results with your body fat percentage. If your SHBG is low which I think it is, then daily or EOD injections will show the most benefit and the once and twice weekly will increase side effects.

I don't think HCG will show good results, I expect a worsening of symptoms together with your high body fat percentage and low SHBG. I wouldn't be surprised if your thyroid turns out the be a weak link after the first couple of weeks on TRT.

The lack of proper testing (SHBG) suggests your doctor has a thing or two to learn to be able to manage men on TRT. Be prepared to figure out everything on your own, just like as lot of us had to do.
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There's definitely a lot of talking points, but I'll address thyroid ..

The thyroid labs you ran are outdated and unfortunately useless for the most part. The "uptake" and "index" labs sound catchy, but they provide no useful details about where your thyroid sits. You can take that Thyroxine lab (Total T4) and calculate your own index by taking T4 x T3 uptake = 1.8 index (rounded up). But what does that mean?? It means it's for the doctors who want to call everything "within normal range", because they're not up to speed with diagnosing the thyroid correctly...

What is needed ... Free T4, Free T3, Reverse T3, antibodies (TPO & TgAb).. Iron serum & ferritin should also be in the mix. Your Vitamin D3 plays a role in this, and I see yours is real low. So IMO, at least 5,000iu/day on D3, some take 10,000iu. Most people will usually want their Free T4 & Free T3 sitting in the 50% to 80% area of the reference range, permitting RT3 is in check and no imbalances from pooling or autoimmune issues.
Thanks everyone for your responses...
Golfboy307: about dosage, I didn't know know until I received my prescription by mail that was 200mg, in the Dr. consult he told me after checked my labs result that I need a 1cc per week.
Systemlord: about splitting my dosage, I agreed with all of you, after reading a lot here; that more often shoots will keep the levels more steady. Was me who decided 100mg every 3.5 days instead 200mg every 7 days to start knowing myself on TRT. I'm not afraid of needles, but ED or EOD work with enanthate as well? Should be a good approach until I lower my BF?
Vettester Chris: I understand your comment, but like a new patient in this TRT world, every ramification or consequence that can appear is also new to me, so thank you all for your knowledge and to share 'em. About thyroids, this is the results that came back, what can I say, I didn't mentioned before but my Dr. also ordered to me the following daily:
  • DHEA 25mg (for 5 days - 2 days off)
  • Vitamin D
  • Omega
  • CO-Q-10
  • Niacin
  • Milk Thistle
  • and to repeat my labs every 4 months
Definitely I already take out AIs from my protocol, I read a lot on this site about that so I will hold them to see how I manage it without them this first weeks. About HCG I wasn't sure... so should I stop it as well?
I know that high BF can be an issue for test. - estrogen aromatization thing... so I already started an exercise and nutritional plans, it's going to be lower for the next labs appointment.

Once again, thank you for your time and response
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I'm not afraid of needles, but ED or EOD work with enanthate as well?

Whether cypionate or enanthate, the half life is plus or minus 2 days and will make no difference.

Should be a good approach until I lower my BF?

Lifting weights, cardio and eating healthy cutting out processed foods.

About HCG I wasn't sure... so should I stop it as well?

I would, it's expected to cause increase in symptoms, dial in your TRT protocol and get levels balanced, then add it later if you want to, but dialing in your TRT protocol will be challenging with the addition of HCG.
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Thanks Systemlord, I will also stop HCG and will be on testosterone alone for the next 4 months until my next labs (or until some side effect appears, let's hope this does not happen)...

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