New please


Hello all..
A short painful story.. About 4 yrs ago.. I did a short low does run of test.. 8 weeks of 200mg a week injections.. I am an athlete and did it to get thru an injury.. I was not experienced and didnt use hcg or pct.. I was 36 at the time..
I paid a dear price.. Testicular atrophy set in fast.. I waited a few months but they never recovered 100% ..maybe half.. I started doing alot of research and consulted with Dr scally.. At the time my labs were so so.. Total t was t was low..lh was low normal.. He had me do a restart protocol with hcg..but it never really help the atrophy..
That was about 3 yrs ago..
I have had alot of stress and depression since that time..alot! The atrophy really bothers me and i ve had alot of personal stress which has brought on bad depression..
So i just had new labs done in hopes of trying to get some answers in order to feel better.. I am working with a new Dr..who is open to trt if thats were i am at.. Just thought i would share my labs in hopes of getting some feed back.. I am kind of nervous to go down the trt road but i also cant go on living like this..feel very crappy all the time.

41 yrs old
5'4 tall
Estradiol. 44 Pg/mL 12-56
Testosterone. 283 Ng/dL 400-1200
Ratio:T/shbg. 0.3 0.7-1.0
Shbg. 31 Nmol\L. 15-50
Cortisol. 19.4 Ug/dL. 8.5-19.8
Psa. 0.5 Ng/mL. 0.5-4
Lh. 2.7 U/L. 1.0-8.4
Just curious if you have tried a restart with Clomid? A restart protocol typically starts with HCG for a couple weeks and then switches to clomid for several more weeks.
After the hcg..i did do clomid for about a month ..not sure the dose....
I guess my main question is.. Is there anything i should try before i go down the trt road.. My cortisol is very i am wondering if i can get tjat down will my test go up? Will it go up enough? Will i see any testicle size from that? Is it safe to run some clomid for a while just to see what happens? Is there anything else i can try? My main concers are the atrophy and depression.. I dont have any erection problems..although..i dont get much morning wood or spontaneous erections...
Also is my T low enough to call for trt? If in do go on trt with hcg will i regain any testicle size over time?
Thanks for all the help
I think at this point it would be beneficial for you to get a complete pre-TRT hormone wellness panel run to get a better picture of what all is going on.
If you end up needing to go the TRT route, you should regain testicle size with the use of hCG.
I entrust my care to a specialist, PrimeBody, and I would urge you to seek guidance from a specialist as well.
They'll be able to answer all your questions and guide you down the right path.
Thx for the insight.. I just started to work with a dr at a wellness clinic..i dont think that trt for men is there specialty but they do work with hormones and are open to helping me.. I live in Canada.. I had these labs done at ZRT in the US and am still waiting on my T3 and T4 results coming from a different lab..
I ve never heard of a pre-trt test? Is it alot different than what i just had run? I am willing to consult with anyone i can to get better..and i know i can do the consults thru email and phone if in the US and my Dr here with help with protocol.. She already said if i need trt she will help me ..and hcg will be available to me..
So it is possible to recover some of the atrophy even aftet 3-4 yrs? This gives me hope
Does primebody have a website? Any other clinics anyone would recommend?
Thx so much

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