NEW HERE wanting to come off TRT possibly


New Member
[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]New here. Been on TRT for 3 years Im 40 now. It was not needed as my test levels were 600. DR didnt care and said he wanted me to feel great. So ive been on 100mg a week of Cyp which keeps me around 900. Nuts have been shrunk for a while and recently starting have some odd pain. Pain isnt bad just a strange sensation like its in my penis Not sure if its form them being shrunk or not. Dr say everything is fine. Test have been ran and all blood work is fine. Anyway , Im thinking about coming off when this bottle runs out in six month and not renewing my prescription. Question is would you start running hcg now and get your nuts back to size and working again while your still on trt and then do clomid after the last two weeks of the trt. if so or anyone have any experience that would be helpful. I like being on TRT but I have 2 daughters 5 and 9 and with all the misleading info about if its helathy or not to be on TRT is just got me worried. I tried at it a year and half a go cold turkey and got Labs done 4 months later and levels were 390. I Got back on because i felt BLAH. But I wonder if there was better way to restart if that would give me a better chance. [/FONT]
Just google restart protocols there are a lot of threads about this here and in other forums. When i did my restart back in the day I used HCG + tamoxifen for 1 month if i am not mistaken then dropped the HCG and kept using tamoxifen for another month of so (slowly reducing the dosage until completely stopped using it). If successful your LH/FSH/testosterone levels should recover. Given you have been on TRT without HCG it might take longer and more than 1 attempt to restore HPTA (if no permanent damage was done to your testicles). My experience with HPTA restart protocols is that your testosterone levels hardly go back to pre TRT
Welcome to EM. Sadly, it seems you've been ill-served by your physician from the beginning. Restart protocols typically require patience and a doctor who knows how to manage such an animal. The thread attached should be read in full to give you some idea of what may be in your future.

Wow! Talk about an info packed thread. Thank you CoastWatcher my google-foo would never have found this 4 year old thread.

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