You sure you want to do this? Wasn’t your Pre TRT state a “diseased” state?
I’m 100% positive I want to do this. I’m pretty sure that I shouldn’t have been prescribed trt in the first place. I’m not sure what my pre trt labs were honestly, but I remember they were on the low end of normal, but not under. My doctor says he doesn’t have them. I’m pretty sure he just wanted another customer though. My doctor knows less about trt than I do. The place I go to is called a men’s health center, but they only do trt, sarms, and other questionable treatments. I should have known better, but I didn’t know anything about trt at the time. I went in after being recommended by a friend, and I was looking for a short cut to the fountain of youth. I see now that I was just lazier than I should have been, ate horribly, and drank too much. I’ve never had a libido issue. While trt has made my libido go up, it was never an issue before hand. On trt it’s almost been a harassment to my wife. Trt hasn’t been all bad though. I have given up drinking. I haven’t had a drop in almost a year. I eat very good now, drink lots of water, and exercise regularly. While life wasn’t great before trt, I know now most of it was likely my fault. However now the negative side effects I am seeing are not tolerable.
I should be clear in my documentation of coming off trt. As of right now, I’m still experiencing the symptoms that are my reasoning for quitting. Three days in, I know test cypionate is still coursing through my veins. The half life is like 8 days. The last 6+ months of my life have been a roller coaster of good days, to days I literally couldn’t function. I have spent thousands on doctors and sleep studies. I’ve seen behavioral therapists, psychology doctors, cognitive behavioral therapists, endocrinologists, and more. I had the pleasure of blacking out at work and going to the ER in an ambulance. The anxiety and panic attacks are pretty damn horrible, but the lack of sleep is killing me. I dare anyone to go 6 days and 5 nights without a single second of sleep. And during that bout without sleep, I was riddled with extreme anxiety, and several panic attacks that left my crying at the feet of my wife. That wasn’t a one time deal either, it was just the longest. I’ve had multiple other stents that went 3-4 night in a row without sleep. Now thanks to ambien, I usually can sleep most nights, but every now and then even the ambien doesn’t work. I’m very sure that I’m ready to get off trt.