New BW. Very strange low test, insomnia


New Member
Hi guys.

Unable to reply to my other thread, I decided to make this new one. Hope its alright.

Heavy AAS using background, 27 years old, healthy male. Having very much trouble sleeping lately, maybe these new bloods explain it?

Tested low in august last year, doctor told me to try and wait it out. Tested low again june this year, and decided to do TRT on my own. (my country, denmark, is very undereducated on this field)

Protocol is
250iu hCG EOD
67,5mg test-e mon/thurs

Initially I found the sweet spot, and I felt better than I have, like ever! It was truly amazing, my way of thinking was totally different, and I truly felt happy and energized, morning woods etc! I made a mistake of introducing Arimidex, without proper bloodwork. Firstly, it was 0.5mg x2 weekly, it tanked me. Left it out for a couple of weeks, then tried 0.25mg tuesday/friday, tanked me. So, no more adex for me. Now I will focus on keeping this protocol, stable, and hopefully find an endo with some knowledge. I am working on this, atm.

Bloods from 30 june. 2 days later, I started TRT.

SHBG: 34.4 nmol/L (ref. 17,3 - 65,8)
Testosteron (KPLL);P 10.60 nmol/L (ref. 8.02 - 25,50)
P-Testosteron/SHBG ratio: 0.308 (ref. 0.233 - 1.03)
Estradiol;P: 0.08 nmol/L (ref. XXX - 0.19)

Bloods drawn on 26 august.

SHBG: 32,8 nmol/L
Testosteron (KPPL);P 9,36
LH:P : 0,7 IU/L , range 1.0 - 13,7
FSH:P : 0.4 IU/L, range 1,5 - 18,0
P-Testosteron/SHBG ratio: 0.285


So, around 6-7 weeks ago I started pinning the test-E sub-q in my shoulders, and Im thinking Im like a special case where test-e wont get accepted when shot in sub-q? That or bunk gear, is the only explanation to still having low test, or, maybe my background as AAS user (max doses of 900mg test-e EW) have made me very tolerant?

I can't find the explanation for low test-e, low FSH and low LH. Can anyone help?

Lately I have had the craziest insomnia, and I have never had trouble sleeping ever. Ive researched the subject and found that cortisol may be the reason?

Currently I have time off from university, but Im starting next monday, and I am really desperate to be on top again. Ready to study and all that, its very hard with brain fog, semi-depression, no energy etc.

So, with these bloods in mind, I have returned to shooting IM to see where it brings me.

But any advice on my other questions and the low-t issue, is HIGHLY HIGHLY appreciated. Thank you all so much. I will keep updating this post for anyone else benefitting from it. Cheers

EDIT: I also read about a guy starting TRT after being shut down for a long period of time due to AAS use. Something about starting the TRT with high doses of hCG like 1000iu EOD for 10 days to get it running and then going to normal TRT protocol, but I cant find it. Anyone got info on this subject?
Your LH and FSH levels are highly suppressed due to your current exogenous testosterone (if it is legit) and hCG usage. That is to be expected. In my opinion, the testosterone you are using is probably no good. Your testosterone is lower now probably because you have suppressed natural production due to the hCG and the hCG amount you are using is not enough to get you over your baseline. Either the testosterone is bad or it is lab error in my opinion.
But bad testosterone is very unlikely, and how would that explain me experiencing the sweet spot initially? Because of the hCG raising test lvls?

Ive run testosterone from two different brands, and bad lab's are also very unlikely, but I understand your logic.
How long after taking your last injection did you have the blood drawn?

It is likely the hCG would have boosted your T level initially on top of what your body was already producing. Once your endogenous production was suppressed your number dropped. Try taking a larger dose of the T, e.g. 200mg, and go get tested 24-48 hours later and see what your level is. Your T could be good but it might not be the strength that it says it is. I just can't see any other reasons, with your SHBG being what it is, for your T to be so low after a month of usage at the dosage you are at.
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Are you taking a supplement, caffeine, stimulant, napping during the day, worrying a lot, etc?

Your LH and FSH are still present. Your T dose is not high enough since the right dose would lower LH and FSH to zero due to HPTA shut down.
MG123: Last shot before BW was monday, had BW on wednesday. I will try to make it possible to get another round of labs as soon as possible.

Nelson Vergel: I take no supplements at all, except vitamins and minerals. I do worry some, but I always have, and I never had sleeping problems before. Thanks alot for the link to that insomnia article, there is alot of very useful info in it, and solutions too.

The testosterone I shoot is Human Grade (Pharmaceutical) test-E from Aburaihan in Iran, the package says "For deep intramuscular use only" - All testosterone packages I have seen says that, but as i mentioned before I started pinning it sub-q anyways.

The crazy thing is, that after switching back to IM last monday, 2 days ago, I feel way better than sub-q. And its only been two days. Sure, something is placebo - but Ive got a theory, that in my case, I just dont accept sub-q very well.

Ive been sleeping a little bit better, more energy, and libido is also rising. Chasing these hormones is one rollercoaster of emotions, I am looking forward to finding that stable sweet spot again, and staying there.

But for now, I cant complain - I am feeling way better than just 3 days ago.

Any input on my theory?
MG123: Last shot before BW was monday, had BW on wednesday. I will try to make it possible to get another round of labs as soon as possible.

Nelson Vergel: I take no supplements at all, except vitamins and minerals. I do worry some, but I always have, and I never had sleeping problems before. Thanks alot for the link to that insomnia article, there is alot of very useful info in it, and solutions too.

The testosterone I shoot is Human Grade (Pharmaceutical) test-E from Aburaihan in Iran, the package says "For deep intramuscular use only" - All testosterone packages I have seen says that, but as i mentioned before I started pinning it sub-q anyways.

The crazy thing is, that after switching back to IM last monday, 2 days ago, I feel way better than sub-q. And its only been two days. Sure, something is placebo - but Ive got a theory, that in my case, I just dont accept sub-q very well.

Ive been sleeping a little bit better, more energy, and libido is also rising. Chasing these hormones is one rollercoaster of emotions, I am looking forward to finding that stable sweet spot again, and staying there.

But for now, I cant complain - I am feeling way better than just 3 days ago.

Any input on my theory?

It is good to hear you feel better. Everyone of us is different - if IM works for you, stay with it.
Hello again. Update required. Insomnia is completely gone now. I have no idea what caused it, low estrogen/high estrogen or due to pinning test-e sub-q. Anyhow, its gone which is fantastic.

Still having some issues finding the sweet spot. Now I tried dosing Arimidex as low as 0.125mg (1 pill split in 8 pieces) twice a week, but still tanks me. Any advice on this? I heard something about dissolving Arimidex in vodka, and dosing it by drops of vodka from syringe?

Also, my testicles differ very much in size. One day their normal size, 2 days after they have shrunked. And they still pop up when I get erection (libido is also unstable) - Any advice on this too? Do I need to up my hCG dose? currently is 250iu EOD.

I recently upped my test-e dose from 62,5mg twice a week, to 100mg twice a week, due to BW coming back low. I will get new bloods 3-4 weeks from now.

Thank you all so much. TRT is the best thing that ever happened to me, I just need to find that sweet, stable spot.


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