Needles blunted after penetrating vial


Have any of you guys noticed that the needles seem to be getting blunted (or dulled in some way) after pushing through a vial? I've been doing TRT for ~7 years now, with mostly pain-free injections into quads, but sometimes it felt like the needles were dull (with some pain), while other times the needle would glide in with zero pain.

I tried a couple of times using one needle to fill, and then tossing that one, replacing with identical 25ga needle for injection, and the few times I've been doing this..... it's perfect... slides right in like magic... no pain. Is it just my imagination, or is it possible to dull the needles a bit by sticking them into a vial????

I used to always use two needles, one to draw the oil and another to inject. It's also a little easier to use a bigger gauge needle to draw up the oil. That said, when I use insulin needles I usually use the same needle.

I am sure you do blunt the needle a little with the vial.
It's not my imagination anyway.... Positively they get dulled but I have skin like a rhino and notice a big difference. Funny, I just tried this again last week as I have gained more experience. I use EasyTouch .27's and it does take noticeably more pressure after puncturing the rubber. I'm going to keep spending the extra few cents and draw and backfill with 2 syringes for comforts sake. YMMV
Fascinating results so far.... 2 out of 3 seem to concur that dulling the needle is likely, or at least possible. I'm surprised.

There should be no question about whether using a needle to puncture anything causes some degree of blunting.

The real question should be, is it enough to actually make a difference in pain perception, which is actually a much more difficult to answer question.
You're on TRT for those manly attributes right?


Just kidding. I experience that also using 31g 5/16" needle. Sometimes, they feel downright blunt on the end.
10000% puncturing the vial dulls the needle , its not even a question .

try injecting with same needle and then try injecting with a new needle , no comparison

Yes, this ^^^^^^ is what I've been doing recently and I swear I notice a difference. I'm just asking here to try and see if I'm just imagining things or if this is a possibility. Appears to be more of a probability than a possibility...... all I know is: I'm definitely using virgin needles for the injection, haha!
It shows how different we all are. I have zero issues with using the same syringe needles. Others find it very troublesome.
It shows how different we all are. I have zero issues with using the same syringe needles. Others find it very troublesome.

What started this was: a couple of times, I had to push/jab the needle so hard to get it in that I grew suspicious about the tip of the needle. The vials I use are 1ml, and I'm a cheap bastard, so I try to get every last drop, which means I angle the needle in, which forces the needle to go through a lot more rubber than 'normal' users. If you're just doing a dead-center shot through the vial cap, then I can see where you'd minimize needle damage. But my way maximizes chances for damage, at least that's my theory.
Have any of you guys noticed that the needles seem to be getting blunted (or dulled in some way) after pushing through a vial? I've been doing TRT for ~7 years now, with mostly pain-free injections into quads, but sometimes it felt like the needles were dull (with some pain), while other times the needle would glide in with zero pain.

I tried a couple of times using one needle to fill, and then tossing that one, replacing with identical 25ga needle for injection, and the few times I've been doing this..... it's perfect... slides right in like magic... no pain. Is it just my imagination, or is it possible to dull the needles a bit by sticking them into a vial????

Use 2 needles, a drawing and an injecting. A needle is 50% duller after being inserted into the vial. I draw with a 20 gauge and inject with a 1 1/2” 25 gauge into legs. Tried 1/2” into delts and lost all benefits, went back to legs and deep and it all came back. Makes no sense, but that’s my experience.
What started this was: a couple of times, I had to push/jab the needle so hard to get it in that I grew suspicious about the tip of the needle. The vials I use are 1ml, and I'm a cheap bastard, so I try to get every last drop, which means I angle the needle in, which forces the needle to go through a lot more rubber than 'normal' users. If you're just doing a dead-center shot through the vial cap, then I can see where you'd minimize needle damage. But my way maximizes chances for damage, at least that's my theory.
I over fill the vial with air from the syringe. I pulled the needle out as far as it can go, without going past the rubber seal. Every time I can get every drop out of my vial. If I’m short the amount for my injection and have to use my new vial. I use a new syringe.
On the topic of needles ... I recently started using HCG with 31g needle. I've noticed that inserting the needle into the rubber seal of the cold vial is challenging and sometimes the needle may have a slight bend when withdrawn. Is this normal or am I doing something wrong? Do you let the vial warm up slightly before withdrawing the solution?
i have found that the 1 ml vials have thicker tougher rubber than 5 ml vials. like Vince said if you have to draw from 2 vials best to get another syringe.
When I draw from my hCG vail. I really have to center the needle. Otherwise, it’s really hard to get through the top or should I say pretty much impossible.
On the topic of needles ... I recently started using HCG with 31g needle. I've noticed that inserting the needle into the rubber seal of the cold vial is challenging and sometimes the needle may have a slight bend when withdrawn. Is this normal or am I doing something wrong? Do you let the vial warm up slightly before withdrawing the solution?

Yes, sometimes the needle can get slightly bent. If not too bad, just inject with it, keeping the needle at 90 degress to the skin. Or you can carefully insert the needle back into the sterile inside of the cap and straighten it. I wouldn't bother warming it up. And as Vince said, center the needle in the rubber cap.

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