Natesto (nasal testosterone spray)

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I’ve been on compounded testosterone cypionate in grape seed oil for a few months now. It’s working a lot better than cream or gel. However, it’s hard to stay compliant because I truly do not look forward to those shots (0.25mL/50mg subq three times per week with 27g needle). It always hurts a little and sometimes it bleeds.

I met a new urologist today for an unrelated issue but we also talked about TRT. He said other options would be oral T (can’t have it due to liver issues), patches (he didn’t recommend because they can give skin issues), gel (tried and fail), and a nasal testosterone called Natesto. That one got my attention- one spray into each nostril twice a day. He said we could try it for a month and see how I do.

Has anyone used Natesto? Would you recommend it? Does it help raise DHT like scrotal creams do?
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Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
That one got my attention- one spray into each nostril twice a day.
It's three times per day. I got my Natesto but will wait until I attempt to increase testosterone naturally.

Has anyone used Natesto? Would you recommend it? Does it help raise DHT like scrotal creams do?
You return to endogenous testosterone in 4-6 hours. I'm going to wait until I attempt to increase my testosterone naturally, then it that fails Natesto is a go for me.

I’ve been on compounded testosterone cypionate in grape seed oil for a few months now. It’s working a lot better than cream or gel. However, it’s hard to stay compliant because I truly do not look forward to those shots (25mL/50mg subq three times per week with 27g needle). It always hurts a little amd sometimes bleeds.

I met a new urologist today for an unrelated issue but we also talked about TRT. He said other options would be oral T (can’t have it due to liver issues), patches (he didn’t recommend because they can give skin issues), gel (tried and fail), and an oral testosterone called Natesto. That one got my attention- one spray into each nostril twice a day. He said we could try it for a month and see how I do.

Has anyone used Natesto? Would you recommend it? Does it help raise DHT like scrotal creams do?

Has anyone used Natesto?

Yes there are a few members that will hopefully chime in.

Would you recommend it?

The only way for you to know it to give it a go.

Keep in mind it is not a popular option as most men are caught up on hitting those very high/absurdly high trough FT levels let alone steady-state.

Most are also chasing that anabolic edge and injectable esterified T is where its at!

Does it help raise DHT like scrotal creams do?

It's three times per day. I got my Natesto but will wait until I attempt to increase testosterone naturally.

You return to endogenous testosterone in 4-6 hours. I'm going to wait until I attempt to increase my testosterone naturally, then it that fails Natesto is a go for me.

No it's 2-3X/day!

The recommended dose is 3 times daily but it can be and is diosed 2x daily also.

How long have you been on here?

The My-T study: Patient satisfaction and preference comparing topical and nasal testosterone therapies (2019)​


Table 1 provides the demographic information for the 117 patients who were enrolled from 11 Canadian sites. Age, weight, height, age at diagnosis, and racial breakdown were similar between TThN and TThE patients. Of these, 93 (79.5%) were on topical testosterone treatment for at least the previous three months; 24 patients (20.5%) were TThN. All subjects received the starting dose of 22.0 mg daily (11 mg bid). The dose was adjusted, as necessary, at day 90 to manage symptoms. One hundred patients (100; 85%) were included in the ITT population, including 77 (77.0%) TThE patients. Seventy-seven (77.0%) patients were in the normal TT range at study completion, with a mean serum TT of 19.4 nmol/L. Seventy (70.0%) patients stayed on the 22.0 mg dose, while 30 (30.0%) were up-titrated to the 33.0 mg dose. Seventy-eight patients (66.7%) completed the study in its entirety. Eighteen patients withdrew consent, five patients withdrew consent due to an adverse event, 10 patients were lost to followup, five patients were discontinued due to an adverse reaction, and one patient withdrew for other reasons.
I just started Natesto and felt the feel good effects within minutes! I’m aborting Natesto, short-lived peaks only last about one hour, then eyes get heavy and I get hot flashes.

I'm back on Jatenzo and if my mid-point levels are above 600 I will lower my dosage.
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also can try 1/2 dose ie 1 nostral 2x a day.. both nostrils got me above reference range free test nearly 3 hrs after application which means i was likely CRAZY above reference range for an hour or so.

also some guys are reporting palpatations from natesto. also it is often crystalized so unevenly dosed (and feels that way). possibly because of constant super highs and low lows. certainly can feel when its time for ur dose and feel alot more tired than i would even off of TRT.

that being said, some guys obv find it fine... id recommend starting lower esp if just looking for symptom relief. never really noticed much of a difference from 1 nostril or 2 TBH. or can use in one nostril and then spread the residue in other nostril and identical imo.

I mean ur already shut down from injections though so would be an interesting experiment if get any FSH lh recovery.

also its an oil not a spray, like hemaroid shark oil lol..

dont find the multiple dosing a huge issue depending on ur lifestyle. use at breaky and at supper easy peezy.

just clean off the applicator lol if u dont ull start to smell wet dog from bacterial growth lol

worked good for sleep pattern i found, but may of been T in general.
I was on it and it worked extremely well when I first began. As time went on, it helped a lot less (though still helped when compared to nothing). I think this is because there is a minor decrease in LH after some time, so the initial test levels are lower after some time - this is only my opinion, but it is logical. At one point i tried natesto with clomid, and I had very high total and free T. It worked great, but had to cut clomid out due to eye floaters.

I suggest trying natesto alone; then add enclo or clomid and reduce natesto to 1x or 2x a day max and check your levels. Natesto is my best choice due to no HPTA shutdown. I cannot risk testicular atrophy.

I’ve been on compounded testosterone cypionate in grape seed oil for a few months now. It’s working a lot better than cream or gel. However, it’s hard to stay compliant because I truly do not look forward to those shots (25mL/50mg subq three times per week with 27g needle). It always hurts a little amd sometimes bleeds.

I met a new urologist today for an unrelated issue but we also talked about TRT. He said other options would be oral T (can’t have it due to liver issues), patches (he didn’t recommend because they can give skin issues), gel (tried and fail), and an oral testosterone called Natesto. That one got my attention- one spray into each nostril twice a day. He said we could try it for a month and see how I do.

Has anyone used Natesto? Would you recommend it? Does it help raise DHT like scrotal creams do?
Change your syringe! I use a 30 gauge insulin syringe for loading and injecting and it does not bother me at all and I still look forward to doing it. I inject twice a week into pinched up skin/fat on my thigh. It takes about a minute to load the testosterone since it is a little slow since it is thick. My TRT clinic could no longer send compounded testosterone to me in California so they started sending the pharmaceutical grade for $130 per 10ml and I realized it was the same for me so I got the prescription from my urologist and now a 10 ML 200mg/ml vial costs $38 with a good RX code at Walgreens.
Thanks everyone!

Yes I tried 30g but couldn’t get the grapeseed oul to get into the syringe!! 29g kind of worked but… 27g was easier. Still, not looking forward to those shots.

I decided to give Natesto a try. After a week-long struggle to find it, I was able to get only two bottles- a 20 day supply. The copay card brought price down from $75 to $0. Big win!

I started it 3 days ago. It does leave a weird oil smell but it goes away. The first couple of doses, I might have gone too far up the nose because it ended up flowing to the back of my throat… and it’s a nasty taste!

But good news: it works well so far. About 10 minutes after applying it, I definitely feel the effects right away. Confidence, deeper voice, more energy, plus hard and horny as heck!! It wears off in an hour and a half but I still feel good in between doses.

I think if I am able to keep getting it, I’ll continue using Natesto. I am going to try a specialty pharmacy next, which I hope will have better luck obtaining it. But if getting it continues to be a struggle, I’ll go back to compounding thru Defy and Empower.

Thank you again for all the great info here!
Forgot to mention:
* Will get blood work in mid August to see how it’s working
* This might have helped my ED tremendously… but it might just be the honeymoon period. Only time will tell…
Huh, that’s interesting. I haven’t felt that crash in between natesto doses yet, but I probably still have cypionate in my system at this point. Good to know to watch out for it!
Yeah not too sure about Natesto already. First it’s hard to get - there’s not a ton of supply. I do feel good in between doses, BUT I think I started getting hot flashes again, just like before TRT. That can’t be a good sign.

Labs in 3 weeks before dr. Follow up. But I’m already thinking I’ll go back to compounded T-cyp thru Defy and Empower.
Two sets of labs came back low, with total T at 165 and 220. Estradiol is normal but still getting hot flashes.

That’s unfortunate… I was really hoping Natesto would work.

I saw another urologist who recommended Testopel pellets or Xyosted. Xyosted is a weekly sub-q auto-injector with 50, 75, or 100mg T enanthate in castor oil. Sounds way easier than pinning T cyp 3 times a week but unfortunately insurance doesn’t cover it and it runs like $350-$400 per month. Testopel might be covered under medical insurance instead if prescription insurance (since the pellets are placed under the skin by the doctor in his office every 3 months). Will try to get approval.

Otherwise it’s back to compounded T cypionate in GSO from Defy + Empower. It’s good but it’s just hard to stay compliant with the shots and long term it will be expensive out of pocket.
Beyond Testosterone Book by Nelson Vergel
Quick update. I had another TT lab and this time I was up to 520. Still not as good as t cyp (750-ish) but at least I am up to therapeutic levels with Natesto. Hot flashes have decreased (but not gone away). Maybe there’s hope yet? Only thing I didn’t have LH/FSH retested. I hoping to see if they would go up even a little bit because in the previous labs both were close to zero.

It looks like even if I wanted to try Testopel, it’s a no go with my insurance company.

Xyosted likewise won’t be covered BUT there is a manufacturer coupon that brings the cost down to $150/mo. That is actually more expensive than Defy/Empower but it’s a one-a-week shot, and still subq.

Test undecanote is sounding appealing too from the experiences and interviews I’m finding here.

I see the urologist tomorrow to discuss TRT options. My goal really is just to find a good long term option that will be covered by insurance.
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