My Story


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Hello Everyone,

I'm just an average guy, trying to get my body in balance. I'm 66, in good shape overall (5'11, 165, 33 waist) enjoying the retired life. I have a bad back and shoulder from 24 years in the military, so my exercise regime depends on how those two areas are working. No matter what though, I walk an average of 2+ miles a day thanks to my healthy golden retriever who loves to be outside. In the Fall of 2013, I started having symptoms of both low thyroid and low T. As you already know, the normal symptoms can be one or the other or both. Went to the doc, who said I was low in both. In Jan 2014, my numbers were:

TSH 4.92 (.45-4.5)
Test 245 (348-1197)

I was put on Nature-throid 1/2 grain and 50mg of Test cyp once a week, HCG 500 units once a week. Went back for 3 month checkup in Apr 2014 with the following:

TSH 2.24 (.45-4.5)
Test 1251 (348-1197)
Test free 18.6 (6.6-18.1)
E2 14.4 (7.6-42.6)

Doc realized she err'd on HCG and put me on 250 units 2xwk. Also lowered Test to 40mg. Developed tender breasts but doc said they looked normal. Luckily she was retiring, so I found another doc who wanted me to quit Test and HCG for 6 weeks and see if my breasts were still tender. In Jul 2014, my results were:

Test 260 (348-1197)
Free Test 3.6 (6.6-18.1)
TSH 4.0 (.45-4.5) I did not quit Nature-throid, but doc raised dose to 1 grain.
LH 5.2 (1.7-8.6)
FSH 3.9 (1.5-12.4)
Prolactin 14.4 (4.0-15.2)
E2 23.5 (7.6-42.6)
SHBG 30.8 (19.3-76.4)

Doc kept Test cyp at 40mg with no HCG. Next visit was Oct 2014:

Test 625 (348-1197)
Free Test 11.3 (6.6-18.1)
TSH 2.49 (.41-4.5)
No other tests

He was happy with results, breasts were barely tender, come back in Apr 2015.

As a fluke, in Dec 2014 my GP ordered some blood tests and she included hormones which was a surprise to me:

Test 502 (348-1197)
Free test 12.3 (6.6-18.1)
TSH 3.33 (.41-4.5)
DHEA 198.6 (30.9-295.6)
E2 33.6 (7.6-42.6)

Results for Apr 2015: Note: I stupidly got blood drawn the day after injection, so dont know if these are reliable, but doc was OK with them.)

Test 901 (348-1197)
TSH 2.02 (.45-4.5)
LH <.02 (1.5-12.4)
FSH .2 (1.5-12.4)
E2 32.8 (7.6-42.6)

Still on 40mg Test cyp until next visit.

After reading many of your blogs, I ordered the sensitive Estradiol lcms from discounted labs. That result was 47 (8.0-35), so that seems very high to me based on the last E2 of 32.8.

So that's where I am today. Feeling pretty good other than I cry at the drop of the hat (commercials, kids, etc.)

Do you guys feel I need HCG? My boys are losing size a bit and the left one is smaller anyway due to a varicocele on that side. Should I split my Test cyp to twice a week? Any advice?

Thank you all for sharing your stories and helping each other as you do. Many kudos.
Ok, not so bad and reasonable Doctors.

You respond very well to such a low dose of Testosterone as serum levels are fine.

You need HCG for a lot of reasons beyond just keeping your testes alive. You have LH receptors throughout your body and the are there for a reason. HCG, which is an analog of LH, is also responsible for activating the enzyme that converts cholesterol into pregnenolone as well.

If your estrogen is elevated using the Sensitive lab and you have symptoms you need to talk to your Doctor about using a very low dose of anastrozol.
When did you get those blood levels tested? I hope it was right before the next injection.

I have never seen anyone respond to 50 mg per week with levels over 500 ng/dL (lowest- T min level)

I do not think your estradiol is elevated. Sensitive nipples do not mean gynecomastia. It just happens in some men who are particularly not used to having them. It tends to get better with time. This is the main mistake in dosing anastrozole: a wrong gynecomastia diagnosis. Gyno shows up as a small cherry size lump under the nipple (mamary gland, NOT fat).
Thanks for replying, Nelson. All of my blood draws were on a Wed or Thurs, with my dose day always on Sunday. The very last labs is where I screwed up. I wasn't thinking and had them drawn on Monday after my Sunday dose, so results are elevated and not a true reading. The doc told me to draw .4 of a 1mL syringe of 200mg/mL and he said that was 40mg. I never questioned him on the mg amount, I just drew .4 as he told me. But your reply has made me realize that I have been drawing 80mg instead of 40mg at the .4 mark. Right?
The sensitive estradiol reading was 47 with the range stated as 8.0-35, so you are saying that is ok?
Thanks for replying, Nelson. All of my blood draws were on a Wed or Thurs, with my dose day always on Sunday. The very last labs is where I screwed up. I wasn't thinking and had them drawn on Monday after my Sunday dose, so results are elevated and not a true reading. The doc told me to draw .4 of a 1mL syringe of 200mg/mL and he said that was 40mg. I never questioned him on the mg amount, I just drew .4 as he told me. But your reply has made me realize that I have been drawing 80mg instead of 40mg at the .4 mark. Right?
The sensitive estradiol reading was 47 with the range stated as 8.0-35, so you are saying that is ok?

.4 on a 1 ml syringe with 200 mg per 1 ml of test is 80 mg a week and more like it.

If you got the E2 Sensitive lab and you are well over the reference range and you are, very emotional and are a candidate to get your level back into the reference range IMPO.
Thanks again Gene! Crying is so not me, but has been lately. Morning wood is good but erections when I need them don't last long enough. Would changing my dose to twice a week help any?

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