New Old Guy!


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Thankful to have found this site...actually hopeful for a change!

71 year old, 5'9", 155#, 30" waist, medium frame. Was a daily runner(3-5 permitting) from 1980 until 2005(right knee worn out). Switched to bicycle riding(12+ miles 5 days permitting). Hydrocele operation 2006, Laser TURP 2007, 2 heart stents 2009, Total Knee Replacement Jan 2014.

Cardiologist placed me on Plavix, Coreg and Lipitor. My cholesterol has never been over 180, blood pressure was normally under 120/70!? Started having ED symptoms within 6 mos of stent operation. Lost over 25#(mostly muscle) over 12 week period. Bone Density Scan showed osteopenia. Literally stopped having erections. Dr tested for Total Test only...225. Said I was low normal but nothing to be concerned about.

Many hours of internet research later I finally got Dr to retest...TT175. He decided to start TRT Gel...6% compounded. Worked somewhat ok for about 6 months...TT775. Then I crashed...TT325 and body fat increasing. 6 months later...TT228, ED reared its ugly head again. Dr then decided to increase application rate...two pumps instead of one. 6 months of doing better then crashed again. Started daily Cialis, worked tolerable for 8 months...then intermittent, gradually getting worse. Played this game for another year...with diminishing returns. By Dec 2014 ED was major issue and lack of sensitivity limited orgasms to once every 4-6 weeks.

Sept 2015 discovered TRT induced Polycythemia...RBC 6.4, HGB 20.2, HCT 58.2. Stopped TRT, Coreg and Lipitor! Started taking 40-50 mg zinc orotate daily, iodine, boron 6-9mg daily, vit d3 8-10,000mg daily, fish oil 6,000mg daily, vit c 3,000mg daily, multi vit for copper, stinging nettle root, astragalus, cats claw, resveratrol, Acetyl Carnitine 1500 mg...and also started WHOLE30 Diet...lost 15# of mostly fat in 5 weeks. 3 units of blood removal later..RBC 5.0, HGB 15.3, HCT 46.7...neg test for Polycythemia Vera! Had ended Plavix in 2014.

Discovered this site Nov 2015. Had baseline blood test Dec 17th... Glucose,serum 92mg/dl(65-99), eGFR 74, LH 7.9 (1.7-8.6), FSH 13.8 (1.5-12.4), TT 363 (348-1197), Estradiol ECLIA methodology 11.0 (7.6-42.6), PSA 1.0, T Free 4.2 (6.6-18.1), T3 81 (71-180), T4 7.3 (4.5-12), SHBG 78.2 (19.3-76.4). Erections were non existent without Cialis...minimal with Cialis but no sensitivity(unable to reach orgasm). Prior to heart stents and onset of ED I suffered from premature ejaculation mostly.

Started TRT on Dec 23, 2015...approximately 1/4-1/3 pump of 20% compounded gel, so assuming I am applying a 5-6% solution daily. Morning wood began on day 5...moderate sensitivity on day 7. Better than nothing!

Do not have access to Endocrinologist locally so am working with family DR that has positive attitude for now. Will do next blood work in 2-3 weeks and modify protocol according to results. I am a otherwise healthy, fit, active guy that is still in-love with his beautiful wife and am not willing to give up without a fight! Not a body builder but work out vigorously on a daily basis...alternating between resistance and aerobics. Appreciate any and all input...HAPPY NEW YEAR!
You came to the right place to get good solid information.
If you have not gotten Nelson's book that should be first on your list. A LOT of great info to get you started understanding all this. If you find it useful I would also consider getting a copy for your DR if he is open to you providing info to him. May be some things in there that even he did not know.
Welcome to the site!

You may want to give some thought to switching to a TRT specialist for your treatment. Topical T has a low success rate and working with the right doc is the difference between TRT success and TRT failure. Endos are typically not the way to go either (with some exceptions, of course).

Your SHBG is extremely high so your Free T is gonna be very low without some work. Hopefully your doc explained that to you. Most of us here do T injections every 3.5 days and find great success with that.
olddawg, Welcome to EXCELMALE. If I were you, I would call Defy Medical. Very good TRT doctors, I would definitely get a consultation with them. I bet they could treat you and I'm sure you would feel a lot better.
Thanks ERO. Sadly there are no specialist remotely close, and the one I applied to has a 4-6 month waiting list. The other "TRT Clinic" within driving distance has a low satisfaction rating.

Yes, SHBG is not my friend here. Assuming I have Primary Hypogonadism due to testicular trauma at age 12. Will consider TRT Injections but am hesitant at this time due to problems with Polycythemia. My understanding is that I may have to slowly increase Test level to higher than normal, while keeping other factors in check, to provide adequate Free T. My goal is to find the lowest Total Test level that allows me to function somewhat normally! Labs in a few weeks should get me pointed in the right direction...hopefully.

Until I can get a consult with a reliable specialist I am trying to progress slowly and not do anything harmful.
Hi Vince,

Thanks for the info. Defy Med was already on my radar. Figured I would start with my local Dr, get proper baseline labs, start TRT, retest, add HCG/AI/DHEA accordingly...if indicated. Being on Medicare has its limitations least local Dr is willing to do whatever is necessary to get labs covered.

Feeling a lot better would be great! Living as a eunuch is definitely not a plus for me!

Hope life is a plus for you Vince... Thanks again, Roy
Defy and their tele-medicine model works great. Its like having a local doctor, and one that is a TRT expert all rolled into one. Great prices, too. You are unlikely to have TRT success with the doc you have now so think of it as an easy win.
olddawg, I get your concern with costs and medicare but Defy is very affordable and starting of with the wrong doc and trying to work through the wrong protocol later will be even more expensive, not to mention at your age why lose the time involved. It won't cost you anything to at least consult with Defy first, also check into discount labs for low cost testing.
Thanks ERO. Sadly there are no specialist remotely close, and the one I applied to has a 4-6 month waiting list. The other "TRT Clinic" within driving distance has a low satisfaction rating.

Yes, SHBG is not my friend here. Assuming I have Primary Hypogonadism due to testicular trauma at age 12. Will consider TRT Injections but am hesitant at this time due to problems with Polycythemia. My understanding is that I may have to slowly increase Test level to higher than normal, while keeping other factors in check, to provide adequate Free T. My goal is to find the lowest Total Test level that allows me to function somewhat normally! Labs in a few weeks should get me pointed in the right direction...hopefully.

Until I can get a consult with a reliable specialist I am trying to progress slowly and not do anything harmful.

This is why all of us here are recommending Defy Medical - they are top specialists and you don't need to wait 4 months or travel - its all done over phone and email. You could call them Monday and get started.
As someone who has spent the first 3 years of TRT with the wrong docs, I would strongly encourage you to try Defy as well. I've talked/met with 3 docs in Houston and none knew 10% of what defy seems to know. I'm not a patient, but I've followed Crisler, seen the podcasts with defy, and read Dr Sayas info. The wrong TRT is probably just as bad as no TRT. There is no free initial consult, though. The only thing free is the initial email with med questionnaire and general info telling you about the process and initial cost

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