My start on NDT

My appointment with Dr. Saya was great! Should have spent the extra money and dealt with the longer wait to have a appointment with him at the time. I will say this time the wait time for him was MUCH shorter. He was available the following week when I called to schedule this time.

Felt 100% confident in everything he said and suggested. Very friendly, easy to work with and I feel he's really in this to help people. He agreed I was pooling last time and it may have been do to low cortisol at the time since it wasn't tested. I do feel completely different from then to now. A lot less stress now in my life, joined CrossFit and going all the time, been taking the adrenal support cocktail from STTM for a few months too and other small changes.

He felt my iron was in a good place and saw no problems with my cortisol. I will be going to synthetic T3/T4 pills. Won't have to worry about the NDT shortages or brands that work or not. I mentioned LDN and he was cool with me trying it. I'll also be starting with a lower 15mg dose of DHEA at night that will knock my slightly high cortisol level down and raise my DHEA levels which are on the lower side of in range right now.

I will start with the Thyroid pills since I know I definitely need them. After I see everything going well on them with no negatives I'll start taking the LDN to see if it helps, does nothing or has negatives. After that I'll add in the DHEA which I've been on before with no problems.

Can't wait to start next week!

Been a while since I started thyroid treatment again. I'm glad to say this time around everything is going a lot better.

I started by taking one 9/38mcg capsule in the AM for one week. Second week I added one 4.5/19mcg capsule in the afternoon for one week. Following week raised the afternoon dose by another half for a total of 1grain AM and 1grain PM. I felt better with every raise but after a couple days I'd go backwards a little till the next raise.

Dr, Saya wanted me to stop at 2grains total a day till follow up labs but I felt with the positive effects I was having and reading at STTM that it's okay to go up to 3grains before labs if no negative symptoms come up, I could raise it. I called up Defy and asked if I could raise another grain by doing half one week followed by another half the following week. The RN nurse asked Saya and he gave me the okay. So I raised the AM dose by 1/2 and again the AM the following week by another 1/2 (total of 2grains AM 1grain PM).

After a week or two of that dose I felt I needed more. Figured it was worth trying to see if they would without labs but understood if they said no. They said no but said I could get labs to see where I was and to schedule my follow up appointment to discuss future dosing. The nurse I spoke to said 3grains is a lot and doubted I needed more. So I got labs done.

Here’s the results of 2grains AM 1grain PM.

TSH .946 (.270-4.200)
FT4 0.81 (.80-1.90)
FT3 2.95 (2.00-4.40)
RT3 8.6 (9.0-27.0) WOOHOO
AB 30 (0-115)

IRON 126 (59-158)
UIBC 183 (112-347)
FERRITIN 134 (30-400)
IRON SATURATION % 41 (13-45)

After seeing these results I called to get the okay to raise in the mean time since my follow up appointment was weeks away and again I started feeling I was going backwards again. The RN lady still stuck with her you’re on a lot right now. I explained my symptoms and labs clearly show I'm going in the right direction but I need more. Told her run this my Dr. Saya he will say it’s okay. Got a response the next day from her saying he said it was okay.

I raised the morning dose by 1/2 and again a week later the other half (total of 3grains am 1grain pm). I decided after a few days of that to split the dose equally since I take my two dosing almost 12hrs apart. So I've been taking 2grains am and 2grains pm now.

I also started taking the LDN early on with no problems. The pharmacy only makes 4.5mg pills and read some people need to start on a lower dose to avoid negative symptoms. So I ordered empty pill shells and split the powder of one pill in half by eye balling it with a razor blade. Made two weeks’ worth of half pills to transition on to LDN before taking the full 4.5mg pill. Had no problems. I never had sleep problems but I can tell you I get the deepest sleep of my life now. I dream threw out the whole night now too. I also started feeling a lot calmer threw out the day.

Since being on the thyroid medication this time, I can tell you it was the missing link. Now I'm actually starting to feel and look like someone that’s on TRT. My strength has increased and I'm starting to put on muscle easier. Veins are popping up all over the place too. My heart alone has shown much improvement based on the heart monitor my CrossFit gym uses. My resting heart rate is lower, my heart rate doesn't climb as high during hard work outs and my recovery heart rate is much better. My brain fog is mostly gone and my memory is getting a lot better now. I also feel calmer and more at peace.

I understand now why some members suggested using Dr. Saya to start with. If you have thyroid problems or a difficult case just save yourself time and book it with him.

My follow-up with Dr. Saya is this Tuesday. I will be asking for another raise in thyroid dosing.

What’s considered a "normal" or "high" synthetic thyroid dose to people here?

I'm thinking I may end up in the 5 to 6grains area when I finally get to my final dose.
There are other compounding pharmacies that make LDN in any does you need and they ship to you as long as you have a script.
You can also "Home Brew" with standard 50mg pills, a 50mil mixing bottle, distilled water and oral baby syringe. One 50mg tab gives you 1 ml = 1mg mix.

Been a while since I started thyroid treatment again. I'm glad to say this time around everything is going a lot better.

I started by taking one 9/38mcg capsule in the AM for one week. Second week I added one 4.5/19mcg capsule in the afternoon for one week. Following week raised the afternoon dose by another half for a total of 1grain AM and 1grain PM. I felt better with every raise but after a couple days I'd go backwards a little till the next raise.

Dr, Saya wanted me to stop at 2grains total a day till follow up labs but I felt with the positive effects I was having and reading at STTM that it's okay to go up to 3grains before labs if no negative symptoms come up, I could raise it. I called up Defy and asked if I could raise another grain by doing half one week followed by another half the following week. The RN nurse asked Saya and he gave me the okay. So I raised the AM dose by 1/2 and again the AM the following week by another 1/2 (total of 2grains AM 1grain PM).

After a week or two of that dose I felt I needed more. Figured it was worth trying to see if they would without labs but understood if they said no. They said no but said I could get labs to see where I was and to schedule my follow up appointment to discuss future dosing. The nurse I spoke to said 3grains is a lot and doubted I needed more. So I got labs done.

Here’s the results of 2grains AM 1grain PM.

TSH .946 (.270-4.200)
FT4 0.81 (.80-1.90)
FT3 2.95 (2.00-4.40)
RT3 8.6 (9.0-27.0) WOOHOO
AB 30 (0-115)

IRON 126 (59-158)
UIBC 183 (112-347)
FERRITIN 134 (30-400)
IRON SATURATION % 41 (13-45)

After seeing these results I called to get the okay to raise in the mean time since my follow up appointment was weeks away and again I started feeling I was going backwards again. The RN lady still stuck with her you’re on a lot right now. I explained my symptoms and labs clearly show I'm going in the right direction but I need more. Told her run this my Dr. Saya he will say it’s okay. Got a response the next day from her saying he said it was okay.

I raised the morning dose by 1/2 and again a week later the other half (total of 3grains am 1grain pm). I decided after a few days of that to split the dose equally since I take my two dosing almost 12hrs apart. So I've been taking 2grains am and 2grains pm now.

I also started taking the LDN early on with no problems. The pharmacy only makes 4.5mg pills and read some people need to start on a lower dose to avoid negative symptoms. So I ordered empty pill shells and split the powder of one pill in half by eye balling it with a razor blade. Made two weeks’ worth of half pills to transition on to LDN before taking the full 4.5mg pill. Had no problems. I never had sleep problems but I can tell you I get the deepest sleep of my life now. I dream threw out the whole night now too. I also started feeling a lot calmer threw out the day.

Since being on the thyroid medication this time, I can tell you it was the missing link. Now I'm actually starting to feel and look like someone that’s on TRT. My strength has increased and I'm starting to put on muscle easier. Veins are popping up all over the place too. My heart alone has shown much improvement based on the heart monitor my CrossFit gym uses. My resting heart rate is lower, my heart rate doesn't climb as high during hard work outs and my recovery heart rate is much better. My brain fog is mostly gone and my memory is getting a lot better now. I also feel calmer and more at peace.

I understand now why some members suggested using Dr. Saya to start with. If you have thyroid problems or a difficult case just save yourself time and book it with him.

My follow-up with Dr. Saya is this Tuesday. I will be asking for another raise in thyroid dosing.

What’s considered a "normal" or "high" synthetic thyroid dose to people here?

I'm thinking I may end up in the 5 to 6grains area when I finally get to my final dose.

What brand of NDT are you on?

How long after your last dose of NDT did you wait until you had those labs done?
I'm not taking NDT this time. I'm taking synthetic Liothyronine / Levothyroxine. My last dose was my afternoon one at 4pm. Had blood drawn the next day at 10am.

Is it from Empower?

And someone else said that they have dr saya, and he recommends testing a few hours after a dose. Any specific reasons for waiting 18 hours after last dose? I’ve been following STTM fb page, and they recommend to test around 17 hours after last dose, so your lab timing lines up with their recommendations. Just curious if there was any specifics reason(s) that led u to get the labs done when you did. Thanks.
Is it from Empower?

And someone else said that they have dr saya, and he recommends testing a few hours after a dose. Any specific reasons for waiting 18 hours after last dose? I’ve been following STTM fb page, and they recommend to test around 17 hours after last dose, so your lab timing lines up with their recommendations. Just curious if there was any specifics reason(s) that led u to get the labs done when you did. Thanks.

Yes Empower. I would definitely not recommend taking your thyroid meds a couple hours before getting labs. It's going to show high elevation and you will most likely never be able to get to your right dose because defy will stop you short of the right dose thinking your now hyper. If Dr. Saya said that to someone it was probably a special case or maybe they already established the right dose and they wanted to see what labs looked like on meds. Everything I have read said you dont do this, and last time I spoke to Saya he didn't want me taking my morning dose before labs. T3 climbs fast and peaks from what I read around 2 hrs after taking.

As far as you other question, I know sttm and other places I read from say a minimum of 12hrs off meds before labs. In my case I take my afternoon dose at 4pm and the labs dont open till 930am on Saturdays. By the time they stick me its 10am. It happens to work out to what I feel is a nice time gap.
Yes Empower. I would definitely not recommend taking your thyroid meds a couple hours before getting labs. It's going to show high elevation and you will most likely never be able to get to your right dose because defy will stop you short of the right dose thinking your now hyper. If Dr. Saya said that to someone it was probably a special case or maybe they already established the right dose and they wanted to see what labs looked like on meds. Everything I have read said you dont do this, and last time I spoke to Saya he didn't want me taking my morning dose before labs. T3 climbs fast and peaks from what I read around 2 hrs after taking.

As far as you other question, I know sttm and other places I read from say a minimum of 12hrs off meds before labs. In my case I take my afternoon dose at 4pm and the labs dont open till 930am on Saturdays. By the time they stick me its 10am. It happens to work out to what I feel is a nice time gap.

Awesome. Thanks for the reply. And I agree completely. We test everything else at trough, to make sure at our lowest point we’re not going too low. So not sure why thyroid would be much different. But I’m with you, I think 12-18 hours is the perfect middle ground.

Been a while since I started thyroid treatment again. I'm glad to say this time around everything is going a lot better.

I started by taking one 9/38mcg capsule in the AM for one week. Second week I added one 4.5/19mcg capsule in the afternoon for one week. Following week raised the afternoon dose by another half for a total of 1grain AM and 1grain PM. I felt better with every raise but after a couple days I'd go backwards a little till the next raise.

Dr, Saya wanted me to stop at 2grains total a day till follow up labs but I felt with the positive effects I was having and reading at STTM that it's okay to go up to 3grains before labs if no negative symptoms come up, I could raise it. I called up Defy and asked if I could raise another grain by doing half one week followed by another half the following week. The RN nurse asked Saya and he gave me the okay. So I raised the AM dose by 1/2 and again the AM the following week by another 1/2 (total of 2grains AM 1grain PM).

After a week or two of that dose I felt I needed more. Figured it was worth trying to see if they would without labs but understood if they said no. They said no but said I could get labs to see where I was and to schedule my follow up appointment to discuss future dosing. The nurse I spoke to said 3grains is a lot and doubted I needed more. So I got labs done.

Here’s the results of 2grains AM 1grain PM.

TSH .946 (.270-4.200)
FT4 0.81 (.80-1.90)
FT3 2.95 (2.00-4.40)
RT3 8.6 (9.0-27.0) WOOHOO
AB 30 (0-115)

IRON 126 (59-158)
UIBC 183 (112-347)
FERRITIN 134 (30-400)
IRON SATURATION % 41 (13-45)

After seeing these results I called to get the okay to raise in the mean time since my follow up appointment was weeks away and again I started feeling I was going backwards again. The RN lady still stuck with her you’re on a lot right now. I explained my symptoms and labs clearly show I'm going in the right direction but I need more. Told her run this my Dr. Saya he will say it’s okay. Got a response the next day from her saying he said it was okay.

I raised the morning dose by 1/2 and again a week later the other half (total of 3grains am 1grain pm). I decided after a few days of that to split the dose equally since I take my two dosing almost 12hrs apart. So I've been taking 2grains am and 2grains pm now.

I also started taking the LDN early on with no problems. The pharmacy only makes 4.5mg pills and read some people need to start on a lower dose to avoid negative symptoms. So I ordered empty pill shells and split the powder of one pill in half by eye balling it with a razor blade. Made two weeks’ worth of half pills to transition on to LDN before taking the full 4.5mg pill. Had no problems. I never had sleep problems but I can tell you I get the deepest sleep of my life now. I dream threw out the whole night now too. I also started feeling a lot calmer threw out the day.

Since being on the thyroid medication this time, I can tell you it was the missing link. Now I'm actually starting to feel and look like someone that’s on TRT. My strength has increased and I'm starting to put on muscle easier. Veins are popping up all over the place too. My heart alone has shown much improvement based on the heart monitor my CrossFit gym uses. My resting heart rate is lower, my heart rate doesn't climb as high during hard work outs and my recovery heart rate is much better. My brain fog is mostly gone and my memory is getting a lot better now. I also feel calmer and more at peace.

I understand now why some members suggested using Dr. Saya to start with. If you have thyroid problems or a difficult case just save yourself time and book it with him.

My follow-up with Dr. Saya is this Tuesday. I will be asking for another raise in thyroid dosing.

What’s considered a "normal" or "high" synthetic thyroid dose to people here?

I'm thinking I may end up in the 5 to 6grains area when I finally get to my final dose.
that is excellent, i can't believe I missed this thread back then. I'm so glad for you. How is everything going with your thyroid now days?

I have seen many inconsistent reports lately with NDT, and I may consider a synthetic T4/T3 as well. Was Dr Saya that one recommending it over NDT?

do you also take any form of Iodine? if so which form of it.

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