Well yesterday morning was my kids first day of school so my mind was was all over the place and I forgot to take my NDT. By the time I noticed it was 10am. Leading up to that time I wasn't sweating as much and felt fine which had me wondering what was going on and that's what made me remember I missed my NDT dose. After taking it at 10am within a few hours the sweating started picking up again. This told me that I needed to call
Defy as soon as I could cause their is something going on here. By the time I called they said they would call me back today (yesturday) or today. I mentioned I would like to get my cortisol saliva tested and for suggestions on what to do with my ndt dose. They ended up calling me today which I missed the call, but they emailed me to stop taking the NDT and wait till my next trt follow up (which is months away) and to add my FT3 to the labs to see where my thyroid levels are at then (just FT3). They felt my sweating was a sign of Hyperthyroidism. I'm fine discontinuing it if thats what they felt. But they made no mention of trying to find out what caused it or how to fix it or my suggestion about checking my cortisol.
So I called
Defy to see what they would say about working with me on doing a cortisol saliva test and what they recommend in the mean time. I felt I was passed off and again told to stop the meds and will retest next follow-up. Well what was the point of starting to pay for a thyroid follow up and the meds to just throw it away. I mentioned members on here said my cortisol could be the problem especially since it was never tested. I told her I get it, stop the meds fine. But shouldn't we look into why they didn't work. The lady put me on hold and spoke to a dr.
Here's were things get interesting. The lady came back on and said we can test your cortisol levels if you want but the Dr said that really has to do with energy levels!! Am I supposed to believe here the Dr doesn't understand cortisol has a impact on if thyroid meds work or not??? She also mentioned the dr felt checking my estrogen would be a better idea. I explained to the lady I have had high estrogen with the previous clinic I used and my symptoms were bad night sweats (soaked bed) and I felt emotional which I have neither symptoms now. I mentioned the day time sweating didn't start till a couple weeks after starting thyroid meds. At first it was very little and it was summer. I mentioned it to the PA at the time of my thyroid follow up and neither of us were concerned. But since that last follow up I now realize it has been slowing increasing ever since. So I felt it was NDT related not estrogen related.
I also mentioned to the lady I've read of members here that said discovering they had bad cortisol levels was the missing link to getting their thyroid problems worked out. It was suggested by a few members here to have it tested to begin with. Which she said I understand and if you want to wait a week of no ndt and call us and tell us how you feel. If you want to run the cortisol test then we can.
I'm worried now I'm not going to get the proper thyroid treatment with
Defy and I should just stick with them for my TRT needs only. I don't feel like throwing more money at this with them if its going to be wasted.
What would you guys do?
BTW-> The lady on the phone was very nice and caring and seemed concerned about helping me. I don't fault her at all since shes not a medical person. I also feel
Defy has been great with my TRT needs. But I feel very let down so far with my thyroid problem.
I finally got my Selenium/Plasma numbers back (that I decided to have run on my own)
Range 23-190 and I came back HIGH at 332
This was taking 400mcg of Selenium every morning with my Thyroid pills. I was originally taking only 200mcg but was recommended here to bump it up more. When I ran it threw the PA at
Defy they were fine with 400mcg a day. Glad I decided to have it tested. I'm going to discontinue using it in the mean time and see what
Defy says about it next time I call.