My Most Recent Labs.


Super Moderator
My protocol, 16 mg of testosterone cypionate daily, 500 iu of hcg twice weekly and no AI.

Pregnenolone 10 mg and 25 mg of DHEA.

My last injection before labs, about 28 hr.s.

Labs are from LabCorp.

Testosterone, Serum 1319 ng/dL range 264-916
Free Testosterone 47.9 ng/dL range 5.00-21.00
% Free Testosterone 3.57 range 1.50-4.20
DHEA-Sulfate 449.0 H ug/dL range 30.9-295.6 (age adjusted)
Estradiol, Sensitive 24.0 pg/mL range 8.0-35.0
Sex Horm Binding Glob, Serum 48.2 nmol/L range 19.3-76.4
Hematocrit 46.8 % range 37.5-51.0
Hemoglobin 16.0 g/dL range 13.0-17.7
Albumin 4.2 g/dL range 3.8-4.8

It's been years since I needed to donate blood and this is my lowest HCT.

I've been injecting shallow IM and SubQ. I've never really had results before, when using SubQ for testosterone and HCG injecting.
My protocol, 16 mg of testosterone cypionate daily, 500 iu of hcg twice weekly and no AI.

Pregnenolone 10 mg and 25 mg of DHEA.

My last injection before labs, about 28 hr.s.

Labs are from LabCorp.

Testosterone, Serum 1319 ng/dL range 264-916
Free Testosterone 47.9 ng/dL range 5.00-21.00
% Free Testosterone 3.57 range 1.50-4.20

DHEA-Sulfate 449.0 H ug/dL range 30.9-295.6 (age adjusted)
Estradiol, Sensitive 24.0 pg/mL range 8.0-35.0
Sex Horm Binding Glob, Serum 48.2 nmol/L range 19.3-76.4
Hematocrit 46.8 % range 37.5-51.0
Hemoglobin 16.0 g/dL range 13.0-17.7
Albumin 4.2 g/dL range 3.8-4.8

It's been years since I needed to donate blood and this is my lower HCT.

I've been injecting shallow IM and SubQ. I've never really had results before, when using SubQ for testosterone and HCG injecting.

This just goes to show you that even with a higher-end SHBG 48.2 nmol/L that even with a TT 1319 ng/dL your FT (using one of the most accurate assays Equilibrium Ultrafiltration) is very high 28 hrs post-injection (daily protocol).

If you feel great overall and blood markers remain healthy then this is gold!

If you were struggling with sides let alone blood markers on such protocol then you would easily have room to lower your dose slightly.

You definitely respond well (high TT/FT) for such a dose of 112mg T/week split 16 mg daily!

So glad to see that you finally had blood work done using the most accurate assays for TT and more importantly my favorite unbound fraction FREE TESTOSTERONE!
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I have stressed this numerous times on the forum that even when having highish/high SHBG levels one can still easily achieve a healthy FT let alone absurdly high FT with a TT 1000-1200 ng/dL

Unfortunately, most are caught up on that herd mentality that men with highish/high SHBG need to be running that absurdly high TT 1500-2000ng/dL to achieve a healthy FT level and top it off the many if not most of these same individuals are still using/relying upon inaccurate assays when testing FT.....LMFAO!
My protocol, 16 mg of testosterone cypionate daily, 500 iu of hcg twice weekly and no AI.

Pregnenolone 10 mg and 25 mg of DHEA.

My last injection before labs, about 28 hr.s.

Labs are from LabCorp.

Testosterone, Serum 1319 ng/dL range 264-916
Free Testosterone 47.9 ng/dL range 5.00-21.00
% Free Testosterone 3.57 range 1.50-4.20

DHEA-Sulfate 449.0 H ug/dL range 30.9-295.6 (age adjusted)
Estradiol, Sensitive 24.0 pg/mL range 8.0-35.0
Sex Horm Binding Glob, Serum 48.2 nmol/L range 19.3-76.4
Hematocrit 46.8 % range 37.5-51.0
Hemoglobin 16.0 g/dL range 13.0-17.7
Albumin 4.2 g/dL range 3.8-4.8

It's been years since I needed to donate blood and this is my lower HCT.

I've been injecting shallow IM and SubQ. I've never really had results before, when using SubQ for testosterone and HCG injecting.

You made me wait 4 years for this.....LOL!

Testosterone, Free, Equilibrium Ultrafiltration With Total Testosterone, LC/MS-MS


Free: equilibrium ultrafiltration; total: liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS-MS)

Adults: 5.00-21.00 ng/dL (reference range)
Screenshot (3976).png

Testosterone, Serum 1319 ng/dL range 264-916
Free Testosterone 47.9 ng/dL range 5.00-21.00
% Free Testosterone 3.57 range 1.50-4.20
DHEA-Sulfate 449.0 H ug/dL range 30.9-295.6 (age adjusted)
Estradiol, Sensitive 24.0 pg/mL range 8.0-35.0
Sex Horm Binding Glob, Serum 48.2 nmol/L range 19.3-76.4
Hematocrit 46.8 % range 37.5-51.0
Hemoglobin 16.0 g/dL range 13.0-17.7
Albumin 4.2 g/dL range 3.8-4.8

Screenshot (3974).png

Screenshot (3975).png
If you were struggling with sides let alone blood markers on such protocol then you would easily have room to lower your dose slightly.
Now there's an understatement. He could cut his dose in half and still have testosterone levels close to those of the average healthy young man. On the other hand, if the estradiol result is accurate—never a given with the sensitive test—then it is remarkably low, relatively, especially considering the hCG use. At 0.18% of testosterone, estradiol is less than half the typical fraction, and T/E2 is a whopping 55. But I'll concede that if nothing seems to be broken then don't try to fix it.
Now there's an understatement. He could cut his dose in half and still have testosterone levels close to those of the average healthy young man. On the other hand, if the estradiol result is accurate—never a given with the sensitive test—then it is remarkably low, relatively, especially considering the hCG use. At 0.18% of testosterone, estradiol is less than half the typical fraction, and T/E2 is a whopping 55. But I'll concede that if nothing seems to be broken then don't try to fix it.

Most definitely as you and I both very well know that one could easily lower the dose much more and still have a healthy FT level let alone may very well feel just as good.

I know he prefers to run his levels on the higher end.

Unfortunately, most would never settle for running average T levels.

The herd mentality that absurdly high T levels are needed to experience the beneficial effects is commonplace.

Misinformation littered on the internet (forums/gootube)!

Run of the mill T-clinics jacking patients up on T from the get-go.

Even many of the doctors in the know aim for higher-end T levels but in most cases within reason.

The misinformed tend to push for the absurdly high TT/FT levels thinking that higher T equates to stellar mood, bounds of energy, raging libido, rock-hard erections 24/7 let alone will have them packing on muscle in the gym with wolverine like recovery.

The worst part of it is that many have no clue how things work when using exogenous testosterone.

*This should be hammered into every patient's head before starting trt or tweaking a protocol (dose T/injection frequency).

Keep in mind many fail to realize that when starting trt or tweaking a protocol (dose T/injection frequency) that hormones will be in flux during the weeks leading up until blood levels stabilize (4-6 weeks when using TC/TE) and it is common for many during this transition to experience what we call the honeymoon period where there may be a strong increase in libido/erections and overall euphoric feeling due to increasing T levels/dopamine.

Unfortunately, this is temporary and short-lived for most as the body will eventually adjust.

It is also very common for many men to experience ups/downs in energy/mood/libido/erections/recovery during the transition as the body is trying to adjust which can be very misleading.

Even then do understand that once blood levels have stabilized (4-6 weeks) it will take another 2-3 months for the body to fully adapt to those new levels and this is the critical time period when one should gauge how they truly feel overall regarding relief/improvement of low-t symptoms.

When looking at the big picture the first 4-6 weeks is very misleading for most!

Throw the icing on the cake when many are still relying upon/using inaccurate assays when testing especially when it comes to free T.

What I stated above numerous times on the forum is one of the main reasons why so many struggle on trt.
Keep in mind too many of the ones running the absurdly high levels claiming to need such are your typical blast/cruisers.

You know the ones that claim they are on trt yet abuse the hormone for the sole purpose of muscle enhancement.

Forums are littered with them and many fly through here now and then trying to push the more T is better mentality.

*Maybe we need to cut them some slack seeing as everyone and their brother that was struggling on a trt protocol claimed that they need to be running absurdly high trough TT/FT levels to feel good due to ANDROGEN RESISTANCE.....LMFAO!
I've always felt better with higher testosterone levels. It could be because of my lower estradiol levels. Of course when I increase my testosterone levels, my estrogen levels increase

I have thought about increasing my dose. Because of the way I feel with higher testosterone levels.
I've always felt better with higher testosterone levels. It could be because of my lower estradiol levels. Of course when I increase my testosterone levels, my estrogen levels increase

I have thought about increasing my dose. Because of the way I feel with higher testosterone levels.

Before you started trt were you diagnosed as primary?

You have stated in the past that your estradiol was always lower even with the use of hCG.

Definitely do not need to increase your dose let alone push your TT/FT levels any higher as your FT level is already very high let alone you feel great overall!
Now there's an understatement. He could cut his dose in half and still have testosterone levels close to those of the average healthy young man. On the other hand, if the estradiol result is accurate—never a given with the sensitive test—then it is remarkably low, relatively, especially considering the hCG use. At 0.18% of testosterone, estradiol is less than half the typical fraction, and T/E2 is a whopping 55. But I'll concede that if nothing seems to be broken then don't try to fix it.
it is so crazy to me after being on T since 2014 that I have gone from 150mg per week split 3X now taking 12mg per day and my numbers have only dropped a bit. After my next Discounted Labs I will lower even more! Amazing how little it can take!!
Unfortunately, most would never settle for running average T levels.

The herd mentality that absurdly high T levels are needed to experience the beneficial effects is commonplace.
Well stated. If we think about hormones in general, when is it advisable to force levels up to double those of healthy young men? If you tried this with thyroid or adrenal hormones then you'd likely be quite sorry. It's just that testosterone gets associated with masculinity and big muscles, leading to the perception that more is better. Then countless guys suffer because they dose TRT for levels much higher than is natural for their bodies.
I definitely did not start trt, to build muscles. I was in great shape, before I started trt. For me it was brain fog, I couldn't get rid of it. I tried trt, and my brain fog completely lifted. Sometimes I forget how bad I actually felt and how thankful I am, for the way trt cured this issue I had.

For whatever reason and I know this is not for everyone. I felt my best on my nandrolone, testosterone and HCG protocol. I stopped because of HDL particle cholesterol issues.
I've noticed that my sex drive is suppressed with higher doses of testosterone. I do 2x per week. I'm wondering if I should start taking it daily as well now.
I definitely did not start trt, to build muscles. I was in great shape, before I started trt. For me it was brain fog, I couldn't get rid of it. I tried trt, and my brain fog completely lifted. Sometimes I forget how bad I actually felt and how thankful I am, for the way trt cured this issue I had.

For whatever reason and I know this is not for everyone. I felt my best on my nandrolone, testosterone and HCG protocol. I stopped because of HDL particle cholesterol issues.
My main reason for starting as well ‘Brain Fog’.
Personally, I would consider my shbg to be mid-range. I would think 47 would be pretty much right in the middle. Of course mine is 48.2 nmol/L
Personally, I would consider my shbg to be mid-range. I would think 47 would be pretty much right in the middle. Of course mine is 48.2 nmol/L

Labcorp reference range for your age.....sure.

The common range for 18-55-year-olds 10-50 nmol/L.

Average young healthy male 30-35 nmol/L.

Even if your SHBG was 70 nmol/L (right at the high-end Labcorp reference range) with a TT 1319 ng/dL your FT level would still be very high!
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In the recent years biomolecular interactions between T, SHBG, and magnesium have been studied by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) [92]. Excoffon and colleagues [92] provided evidence of a magnesium-mediated variation in the T-SHBG affinity. The change in magnesium levels inside the biological serum concentration range (0.75–0.95 mM) could lead to an enhancement of the Bio-T. In fact, the affinity of T to SHBG seems to change slightly with the magnesium concentration. Magnesium binds SHBG in a nonspecific mode, leading to an uncompetitive inhibition with T in binding SHBG and to a subsequent enhancement of Bio-T availability. The binding is accompanied by a magnesium release (or uptake) with a corresponding heat effect around in magnitude 17 kJ/mol [92].

In the recent years biomolecular interactions between T, SHBG, and magnesium have been studied by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) [92]. Excoffon and colleagues [92] provided evidence of a magnesium-mediated variation in the T-SHBG affinity. The change in magnesium levels inside the biological serum concentration range (0.75–0.95 mM) could lead to an enhancement of the Bio-T. In fact, the affinity of T to SHBG seems to change slightly with the magnesium concentration. Magnesium binds SHBG in a nonspecific mode, leading to an uncompetitive inhibition with T in binding SHBG and to a subsequent enhancement of Bio-T availability. The binding is accompanied by a magnesium release (or uptake) with a corresponding heat effect around in magnitude 17 kJ/mol [92].

Wow Vince, so cool to find another variable in the free hormone issue.

This likely is a part of the so called “sticky shbg” that never quite sounded right as bonds between known molecules are not likely to be variable in their level of “bind strength”.

Rather, magnesium binds to shbg rendering it less available to bind to sex hormones. So cool. Lower serum magnesium content can lead to lower free t levels relative to serum shbg.

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